
System Performance Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"And here we go, off. Propulsion continues to be normal."
"Experience snappy system performance like never before."
"So while the results for the very first run might see a shockingly low 0.1% or 1% frame time figure when using a limited amount of system memory this result can be improved dramatically on the second run and then again on the third."
"Optimize your system for better performance."
"Remember when they released, everyone was just so disappointed with the power of those systems."
"Where this operating system really shines is the performance with certain systems."
"The only good thing I can talk about with this game so far is that for a 2001 PS1 title, the analog stick controls are some of the best I've ever used on the system."
"No, it's not just boot time. The whole system is faster with an SSD."
"The DS was just a really ambitious system overall but it actually did most of it very well."
"Minimize startup programs, close unnecessary background processes."
"It boots in under ten seconds flat, it is really really quick."
"Smart Access Storage will use AMD's platform features such as Smart Access Memory and GPU asset decompression to provide the benefits of DirectStorage like faster loading times and better asset streaming in games."
"The RAM is happy I'm happy the daughter is gonna be happy everyone's gonna be freaking happy."
"Should we be concerned that it takes like a whole like what three seconds three or four seconds for the system to power on?"
"I have looked quite closely at real-world examples of this system and there has only been very good feedback."
"So here we're looking at an extremely demanding game."
"The actual boot time for Pop!_OS 2004 is just ridiculously fast."
"Having both systems seemingly work well in this game is great."
"It's not an individual component. Sometimes people are thinking, man if I just upgrade my AVR to a processor that's going to like change it. Sometimes it's just a cumulative of all of it put together."
"Vehicle is tracking downrange and all systems appear nominal."
"We dropped almost 70 processes, that's insane."
"Higher tick rates, improved hit registration."
"For $900, you're getting a set of parts that work really well together and it's going to give you great performance for a long time to come."
"For $900, the system is packing a lot of performance and will last you for a very long time."
"We're forced to look at the L2 cache, it needs to get bigger, it needs to get faster."
"Switching it from silent to performance, for example, will instantly jump from 2.2 gigahertz to about 3.4 gigahertz."
"For a lot of game systems, pinning the critical thread to the prime core might be a good idea."
"High precision event timer can cause stuttering and latency issues in games."
"Closing things out here, I'm really happy with how the system turned out."
"Pretty much everyone agrees that it's an okay compromise. You get less latency, there are absolutely some artifacts that we don't fix with rolling shutter, but they're things that in practice don't really matter."
"This loading screen is always cool, but if I had to see it as often and for as long as I had to see it on the Dreamcast, I would probably hate it instead of thinking it's a novelty."
"The UI feels much smoother and more responsive than Windows 10."
"V12... just an overall better system... very, very impressive."
"It's not all brute force anymore, it's also your I/O." - Recognizing the evolving landscape of gaming technology.
"The Apple engineering team figured it out... this is the most stable I think I've ever seen macOS."
"If you want a better Windows 10 experience I'd recommend getting a machine with a faster processor."
"Super Mario 3D Land saved the system from performing slightly below expectations."
"The larger system draws a lot more power, 463 watts on average."
"So if you want to ship 60 frames a second, the entire system can spend, at most, 16.6 milliseconds to finish each frame, start to end."
"Ensure responsiveness even in the administration panel."
"Cloud Monitoring collects measurements or metrics to help you understand how your applications and system services are performing."
"Upgrading RAM can help increase the processing ability of computers and improve system performance."
"Task manager is another nice utility to provide real-time views of what's going on."
"DTrace answers why is my system slow or what is my system doing right now."
"Non-functional requirements: Low latency, Highly available system."
"Non-functional requirements represent the performance level characteristics like how fast it can respond, how smooth is a user interface, security of the application under development."
"The menus are just gorgeous, the graphics, the responsiveness of the system."
"The system is working; what you have is an extraordinary event."
"All that could mean then is it's time to boot this system up to look at performance, but first, the aesthetics, in the only way we know how: roll that montage."
"Rust offers much of what I like about C++: you get low-level control, high-level abstractions, performance on par with C and C++, and precise timing."
"MBSC allows us to connect behavior, structure, and requirements to really understand how a system must perform."
"The three pillars of observability: traces, metrics, and logs."
"We should all take from this book a measure of optimism about ways that our system can perform well, that it's at its very best."
"It's a combination of the comfortable form factor, the beautiful big screen, the unique look and feel of the device, the awesome system, and the performance."
"There are trade-offs when you use higher order filters."
"Prometheus is absolutely best-in-class here."
"This unique cooling system... did really well."
"The system is handling it very well; great for multitasking."
"That's pretty cool, you can have a rough idea of what the temperatures are of your system whilst you play games."
"If you're on a new system and it's slowed to a crawl, the first thing you do is open up top or H top and start looking what's taking up most memory."
"If you've got a good IO subsystem, a full table scan is actually quite a reasonable execution plan."
"The problem that one really wants to solve in many situations, is that you want a system that keeps running forever and you're interested in the average performance of that cost."
"The system actually performed really well."
"We're gonna get faster query processing because we'll be able to take advantage of the increased locality."
"We've tested a wide range of titles... to give you a really good bird's eye view of this system's power."
"The system sounds like it can sound. Punchy, fast and also really straight into the face, which I personally find very nice."
"The profession that applies theory, principles, methods, and data to design in order to optimize human well-being and overall system performance."
"If you have a cache that's willing to serve stale entries, it's much better."
"It's just so great just to get in the car, it works just fine, so fast to boot up for one, and then operating it is so smooth."
"Minimizing the boot time of Linux is kind of just one of the things that often times when we talk to car manufacturers comes up as a hot topic."
"This is particularly important for something like Cockpit because you don't want this web UI to consume CPU and resources all the time when you actually don't need it."
"We desire that the output match the reference."
"10 milliseconds on average is great and it makes a measurable difference in how much utility people get from the system."
"Really, this system is hands-down better in performance; it just lacks in the OSD and the lower frequency bands."
"We of course want to reduce installation and operating cost, improve system performance, and of course improve reliability and security."
"Keeping files in memory after they have been read, or caching, improves system performance."
"So, in order to improve the overall performance of the system by making efficient use of our functional units, we have to go for the other method that is called as the 'Multithreading'."
"Having this nice quiet system that only when I'm like encoding videos does it really ramp up."
"In the long run, those systems will outperform the alternatives."