
Dismissiveness Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"Thanks, you. We don't need any more of these."
"It's [ __ ] crazy, so we'll have to see the rest of this to see truly if the other claims are [ __ ]. But, uh, yeah anyway, that's about it. See ya."
"Trump is meaningless... It's pure cult mentality."
"Nobody should ever be able to say that to you. I do believe...whatever."
"The best gift you can give me is going away. Leave me alone, thanks."
"Ultimately at the end of the day yesterday, it was just a big nothing burger."
"It's a WTF is, there's my answer to all of that. I'm not talking about anymore, it's a stupid complaint."
"Let's get off this 'hugging and singing Kumbaya' stuff."
"Conceive, believe, achieve. Shut the [__] up."
"I think you're a beautiful singer." "Yeah, whatever." - Valerie Bertinelli & Christina Aguilera
"So he can miss me with the tiny violins and the tattoo tears."
"But that's if and but and maybe stone but it doesn't count anymore."
"Absolutely crazy, absolutely nuts, just ridiculous." - Ben Shapiro
"It's so weird to even be talking about that, bro."
"The argument against using terms like narcissism... it's a load of you know what."
"He voted for Obama? See ya. Obama is the greatest American in the history of America."
"Keep your same darn typical excuses, keep calling it crap because it's a toy show. I mean, you know, that doesn't make it bad just because it sells toys."
"Take your opinion, stick it up your ass, and go into a safe room and just cry and watch Steel Magnolias all day with a box of Kleenex."
"When kids just sort of got the boot like yeah ass out of the way."
"Stomp on it. Just wipe your feet on that thing. This thing is a doormat."
"The people that say Xbox has no games, like who gives a [ __ ]?"
"Endings lead to new beginnings, like maybe someone's watching you, viewing you as the one that got away, and you're like, 'You're not even a thought, you're not even a thought.'"
"Listen mate, it's mind over matter. I don't mind because you don't matter."
"This is not something that can be easily dismissed this is something that um sasquatch aside it has a lot of humanity."
"Console wars are corny. If you participate, you're corny."
"Woke is just a meaningless word that they throw around for anything that they don't like."
"The point is to be like, 'I don't give a [ __ ]. I already knew that about this low vibrational fool.' Okay, and now I'm looking at you like, 'Why are you bringing this to me? You must be low vibrational too. Get the [ __ ] on.'"
"The desperate attempt to say 'you know what, we got this problem now we're gonna find us a problem with your scripture' is a childish, small thing to do."
"What matters more than anything? Ladies and gentlemen, all the rest is BS."
"You're trying to say, 'Tell me the minimal thing I can hear from you so I know I never have to listen to you ever again.'"
"This is a non-story because they never were going to be a match."
"Everything else is a bit boring, so I'll just move on from that because I already know how this conversation goes."
"Well, I'm not afraid at all, I mean, nothing like this has ever, just kidding, just shut the up and go to sleep."
"That sounds like a you problem. Good luck to you."
"I don't care if you're gray. Like, what are you, like, come on."
"Nobody cares. Thanks a lot. No one cares."
"Damn like we ain't never heard that before."
"You heard Lord Rezak, it's just some wolves, dumb beasts, that's all."
"It's just silly goose time, dude. I ain't got time for that silly goose."
"But listen, when I hear these other stories, they laughing about this [ __ ]."
"You guys complaining about not having any ships? Later losers."
"We'll carry on as if she wasn't there," said William to the others. "She's just not worth taking any notice of."
"As I always say, enough of the jibber jabber."
"Moment of silence for these haters that's enough."
"It wasn't even serious, it's some fun play-play hee-hee-ha-ha."
"Night lights... again, silly goose stuff, you don't need them."
"It's temporary, just like girls. Just shut up."
"Swipe left, you're out of here, sucker."
"You're a bum, this boat, I said shut the hell up with your personal opinion."
"Ladies, all I gotta say is, women are born, men are made. That's what it is. But why, when I say stuff like that...which is [__] that I, of course, agree with, is...you whatever, okay? It's like, it's dismissed, because a lot of women think like that."
"I don't know if you want to talk about it I really don't care no I really don't care."
"I was like, 'Hey, I want to do an extempo this year.' They said, 'Cool, whatever, this [ __ ] ass wants to do.'"
"You're out of your simple ass mind."
"He was just becoming more and more rude, more and more dismissive."
"This is Child's Play I mean come on."
"Cry me a river; it's just an opinion."
"As long as you have a healthy baby... that is the most dismissive thing you can say to a woman that's experienced birth trauma."
"Well, that's great news," I said, ignoring the jab.
"Just get through it and get out, go do what you want to do with your dreams because those people are just losers."
"What a little weasel, and we don't let weasels take up rent in our mind, ladies."