
Creative Passion Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"I've just always been obsessed with the creative. I want it to be the funniest video it can. I want it to be entertaining. I'm very much just want it to be the best piece of content it can."
"Nothing felt more important to him than making games."
"It is the film this year that just had me invigorated with the idea of filmmaking again."
"They do start with a genuine love of the work and the craft."
"I love that idea of like everything, I really, I'm like that was my whole heart, you know?"
"We wanted to make sure that we're making a game that we would want to play."
"I would make videos for free if I had to, I literally did for about a year and a half."
"It's just wild to see how much care and passion was put into this thing."
"I want to have that moment again where I am so into what I'm making that you know it literally brought tears to my eyes."
"Most of the writers that I know, they write because they can't do anything else that's the only thing that makes them happy."
"Always create something that you're proud of, always create something that you're passionate about, and you won't feel that. Hopefully, you won't feel so let down."
"The views and money have always come after my passion."
"Start making things you like... be excited about what you're creating." - T. J. Geisen
"Creators who unabashedly love their creation."
"You can't do it for fame and you can't do it for money, you can do it for love."
"I think Villeneuve is mostly very restrained."
"This movie feels like a passion project for the people making them."
"It feels like me in 2012 excited, passionate, Ivan creatively reinvigorated."
"I genuinely enjoy doing this and it makes me want to start bringing my own content back."
"I just like building stuff to be honest, that's the big thing."
"I'll lose respect for you if you don't have that passion to put out a good project."
"Being creative in photography, it makes the rest of the world disappear so that you can focus on capturing awesome photos."
"They're genuine, with intentions rooted in passion and creativity."
"If you're feeling good about the content that you're making, if you're happy and passionate, that'll be infectious."
"I just want my time to be spent shooting photographs and making these films."
"We love making this stuff for you guys and we'd love to keep making more of it."
"Never surrender. It's a movie. Yeah, it's our own moon. If you buy it, maybe they'll let us make another one. Sure, that'd be cool."
"I decided that I was going to make content because that was something that like I was always interested in."
"My passion for making these artworks as great as I can, they're at an all-time high."
"Creative expression makes you feel alive and excited and reignites passion towards your life."
"That was a work of passion, my first work of like passion. I listen to that, I realize it like I had such a good time making that."
"This truly felt like someone put all their heart and soul into this project and it comes off clearly throughout."
"I've been dreaming about creating sleek colors since I'm a very, very little girl."
"to make great stuff the money doesn't matter to me I don't care if that loses money because it was so worth making"
"Valheim: An incredible success with a lot of heart and soul."
"A lot of these Scorpios that's into creative pursuits creative work whatever it is right you're gonna be falling in love with your work."
"I love creating things, I like imagining, I like production too. There's so much to love about being on set and working with people."
"It's a true labor of love putting together a song like Cosmic."
"The passion you bring to the brand certainly comes out in the design."
"I love both the creative process and the editing process."
"...the love and passion you have for your comics should be the number one driving force behind you making it."
"It's like such the small things that are you're like yes oh no people don't understand yeah unless you're doing something like this yeah when you create it yourself there's like that passion behind it yeah."
"I do love drawing chibies, I forget how much I just love drawing them."
"We love making content for you guys and we really appreciate the support."
"I'm deeply in love with the character, deeply in love with the show, the story, and the family that we created."
"The passion for making, the passion for creating."
"The people who created this series came in it from a labor of love."
"Every artist wants their work to be seen... there's a lot of passion in it."
"Thanks so much to Jennifer for letting me share my creative passion with you all."
"I honestly feel so refreshed, so rejuvenated, and excited to pick up my camera."
"I love the crowd, I love the experience being among and fighting and creating especially."
"I'm definitely feeling a lot more rejuvenated, a lot more excited to pick up my camera."
"It should be something that you see it, you go 'Oh wow, that's so unique! I've never seen anything like it. It looks special, it looks awesome, it looks like actual heart went into the design.'"
"Writing requires way too much experience, way too much love and craft, and dedication."
"It's just the love that goes into it."
"We love it, and we love you, and we love creating for you."
"I love making videos. It gives me a purpose in life."
"Create characters and art that you are passionate about; that's at least how I approach it."
"There's a certain feeling that comes with that where you feel so much about whatever it is that you are now moving on to create."