
Need For Change Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"It's very clear that something needs to change."
"I think it's just so obvious that, you know, we need new thinking."
"It's not beyond the realms of possibility in an era where... you have a problematic setup that needs to be addressed."
"Something has to change. What I am doing is not working."
"It's good to point out that the current system is broken and needs to be fixed."
"When you lose and lose and lose, I think it's pretty clear that we need change."
"The only silver lining here is that people probably are waking up and they realize that we need another major political party in America."
"Something is clearly not working and something has to change."
"The need for revolution at the roots in terms of living environment or family dynamics may be present."
"Something has to change, but that's not spiritual, that's physical observable."
"When the government becomes a conduit by which citizens lives are destroyed then it's time for that government to change."
"This is a company that's been in such dire need of a shakeup because of its poor leadership."
"Society didn't just fail them it fundamentally showed flaws in a system that needs to change."
"An honest path of self-discovery leads to 'I'm broken, I'm a sinner, I'm in need of salvation.'"
"That is lame, we're gonna have to do something new."
"Something needs to change for Shepard as well as the player."
"Arsenal are broken now. We need to rebuild the club."
"We need to be looking at the next elite manager because we've put up with some awful times over the years."
"The problem is still endemic and there's still a terrible need for a true revival, a true springtime in the Church."
"Do you really need another transformation at this point?"
"Stagnation in the environment begs for a change; it's just a question of when."
"There needs to be massive change at that football club."
"There are times in a country and in politics where radical change is needed."
"We're a mid-table club that's drowning in mediocrity and apathy. Big change is needed."
"Because we need change. That was the number one reason. I know there's sacrifice, there's risk to that, but at the end of the day we need change. We need change."
"It's disgusting, it is absurd, it needs to change."
"It's a systemic issue that needs to get addressed."
"The medical system has failed in one way or another and we need to address that."
"Things need to change... it allowed us to do different stuff."
"If we don't change, what's going to happen to us?"
"It is long past time... The status quo doesn't work for Americans."
"Something's up, you know something needs to be changed here."
"When you need to be fixed, you must be broken."
"People don't like change, but something needs to change."
"Far more lives are saved with guns. That doesn't mean there's not room for change."
"I just can't bring myself to do anything that would maybe put a good light on them at this point. They need change."
"Yeah, it probably does need a definite change, but I'm not sure to what."
"Perhaps a diversion from all this is just what we need."
"We need something different, we need something more, we've been in our rut."
"We may actually need significantly less, and small reforms just are not going to cut it here."
"The YouTube flag system is incredibly flawed and truly needs some form of change to prevent the problems that it has caused over the years."
"The pressure she was putting on herself was paralyzing and realized something had to change."
"I realized that I didn't really like my life and that some big changes needed to happen."
"Well has been by far the best super in the game since Forsaken and it's time for a change."
"Nobody can make the case that we don't need to change."
"Manchester United is just an open wound with an elastoplast on the top. Open it up and you'll see the damage. We need major surgery in that football club, not another packet of plasters from Tesco."
"It's extremely sad and this needs to change."
"Africa's problem is leadership unwilling to change the system."
"You know, we need a change. We need a change at this club."
"Revolution is what we need. We need the revolution to get out of this mess."
"It's definitely something that needs to change."
"Not fighting the trend, but we need some kind of reaction or reversal."
"Something needs to change like it can't go on this way it can't."
"Something has to change here, we've reached a crescendo."
"After 3 months on the boat, I need to get off. After 6 months, I need to get the F off."
"Can we agree that we got a problem and that we have to have a renovation and make some changes?"
"Real acceptance is accepting that change is needed."
"Maybe we need that breakthrough, maybe we need to breathe for a couple of weeks."
"I believe the country needs change."
"Hunter and I both really need change in our life right now."