
Spiritual Reliance Quotes

There are 121 quotes

"God doesn't expect you to stop sinning; He expects you to rely on the Holy Spirit."
"It is better to trust in Yahweh than to put confidence in man." Psalm 118:8
"It's not by might, it's not by power. But it is by My Spirit that prayer is being answered."
"Every need supply, every moment satisfied, and every time I call His name I know I'll find Him just the same."
"I'm going to do what I can do, give God what I can't do, and trust God no matter what."
"Dependence is better than strength. Reliance upon God is better than ability, capability, self-sufficiency, and those things as valuable as those might be reliance on God is more valuable."
"My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness. I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus' name."
"Run to the spirit realm. Hold onto what God said and watch what God does."
"When all that you had is gone, you'll discover that Jesus is all you need."
"Lean on Christ, lean on his understanding, and stop letting the ways of this world dictate the things that you do and the way that you operate every single day."
"Jesus rested upon the wisdom and strength of his heavenly Father."
"What's meant to be will be, and even if you hurt some people down the way, you disappoint people, because when I go to sleep at night... I'm just like, 'God, help me make this decision.' But Your will be done." - Marlo
"Do you trust God enough to feed you? How much do we trust God? That's what it comes down to, really."
"All my hope is in his blood, all my faith is in his cross, all my righteousness is in his sacrifice."
"In times of uncertainty and fear, we can lean on God's unfailing strength, knowing that he is with us, ready to guide and protect. God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble."
"I'm not running God; I'm praying, trusting, and believing You."
"Trusting God in trying times is an act of faith." - "It's saying, 'God, I believe you can care for me. I place my life in your hands.'"
"Let God take care of it. Let God fight the battle for us."
"Your only hope is in Him, and if you just make Him the priority in your life, no matter what comes, you will be ready for it."
"If you really depend on the Holy Spirit, you will get it right."
"Not by might nor by power but by my spirit. Let God be you."
"Your humility and your reliance on him, that is the best place to be in life."
"He allowed me to still be alive he allowed me to be who I am he allowed me my weaknesses so that I could depend on him and be stronger."
"I cast my burdens on you because in this life I need your strength, Lord Jesus."
"It's not us that's what you need, God has what you need."
"The Lord is my inheritance, therefore I will hope in him."
"Holy Spirit, you can take anything and everything else. Just don't take from me the sense of your presence. I can't do without that."
"Our help comes from the Lord, who made Heaven and Earth."
"The only person can save us from this is the Lord, that's His son Jesus Christ."
"I never go to God and like well you can't do this."
"I depend on the Lord and we need to get back to that place."
"God never really calls us to sacrifice anything. Everything I have came from God."
"When you see this all shut down and you've come to rely only on me and not on these other things even your country even your economy even your buildings then you will see what I am about."
"Ultimately, we rely on the power of God as we do now from moment to moment."
"I bring all of my problems to God now I cast all of my anxieties onto him and to say it's been impactful would be an understatement."
"Allah is sufficient for me, there is no deity in truth except Him."
"So that our faith may not rest on human wisdom but, on the power of God."
"Faith is trusting that what Jesus did on the cross is all and more than you could ever need."
"When I had lost all hope, I once again turned my thoughts to the Lord."
"In the midst of his despair, surrounded by the offscouring of the earth, David begins to realize his hope is in God."
"Trust in God for the incredible spirit of my people and for the resoluteness with which I decided not to bow down beneath the yoke."
"God sometimes allows things in our lives to force us to never trust in our flesh, but to cast ourselves completely on the power of the Holy Spirit."
"Jesus is coming and that's our only hope amen."
"With God's help, we need to keep working for less government, more responsibilities, and a better world."
"Trust me daily. Trust that the same God that caused a sun to rise is the same God that's going to cause for manna to fall. Trust me daily."
"Truly my soul silently waits for God; from Him comes my salvation."
"Lord, remove everything I am leaning on that's not you, help me to see that you are enough."
"Let's just stick together, let's keep doing the work together, and put the rest in the Lord's hands."
"Through it all, I've learned to trust in God, I've learned to depend on His word."
"Long As I Got King Jesus, I don't need nobody else."
"My flesh and my heart fail... but God is the strength of my heart."
"It is best to rely on me always, even while you put all of your human strength into achieving the goals you have discerned with my help."
"Draw close to Jesus and remember that God plus nothing equals everything that we need."
"Control what you can control and the rest live to God."
"Our strength comes from Jesus; it's not about how hard we try or our ability to fight, it's all about Jesus."
"But when you are leaning more on God rather than what people got to say and sometimes even your mind."
"There's no hope in politics there's only hope in God."
"Willie Mays hit 660 homers but if you give him the 54 more homers he might have hit if he hadn't been so curiously drafted in 1952 Willie Mays finishes with 714 home runs."
"It's so important for you to rely on spirit."
"Our primary hopes lie with Allah, and if that is gone, then nothing else will matter."
"Hasbun Allah, Allah is enough for us and He is the best disposer of our affairs."
"Living by faith means relying on God's promises and his character rather than being swayed by our immediate perceptions or experiences."
"And, as you can imagine, in such a desperate situation, many people stick to their faith more than ever."
"I need you, Lord, every undeniable detail, to win."
"God is your source, and he's gonna supply your every need."
"The only time you can say 'Christ is all I need' is when Christ is all you have."
"Your whole creative function lies in your complete dependence on God."
"I was sitting in the hot tub and I had just sort of started praying and meditating again and I said, 'I said god I can't do this by myself.'"
"Some people don't want the best for you, they just act like they do. You know, so I always ask God to bless me so I can bless others."
"We're not waiting for Jesus to do anything, he has already done everything."
"Gratitude anchors us in God's promises, reminding us that he is in control and that we can trust him with our day, our worries, and our dreams."
"When our power runs out, when we are weak, that is exactly when he is strong."
"Our hope is found in going to Jesus and laying our life down to Him."
"As long as I got God, you can't do much. I'm gonna get through this, and I did. I definitely did."
"Yield to the Holy Spirit in the battle against the flesh. Rely on His strength to overcome."
"Recognize that. Do what you can to control that, and then the rest of it you've just got to let go and pray."
"It's not by power nor by might, but by my spirit, says the Lord."
"Effort struggle is in my hand and I will be struggling to my last breath but then I, you know, I how do I relax and stay calm and content at night because after doing my best then I pray to the almighty that look now it's up to you."
"Trust Jesus to take away your worries and fears."
"It's better to lean on God in darkness than to stand in man-made light."
"I'm glad about it. I'm glad I'm glad they rejected me showed me that God was enough and I don't need them."
"If you're constantly trying to fight for yourself, you'll get distracted, exhausted, and even defeated; let God fight your battles."
"No matter how meticulous you are in managing your life and your time, there are certain spaces only God can fill, and that's why I trust him."
"I never felt I needed anyone to protect me other than God Almighty. I lost my only protector, so that's how I felt."
"If you lean on who you believe sustains you... you will not be moved."
"There is no problem without a solution... the only solution is in the Lord Jesus Christ."
"It's funny how God is, it's not till we really need Him that we start listening to Him speak."
"There are things that your education cannot solve. There are things that your money cannot buy. There are things that only God can."
"It's not by might, not by my strength, but by the word of God that we can have access into eternal life."
"When Jesus is everything, you have nothing to fear and nothing to lose."
"Release yourself from what's holding you back. Rely on the divine."
"Share God's word and teach children to rely on him at all times."
"Our hope is not in man and our strength does not come from our flesh."
"Trust in God's love is our Ark of Safety, not our own efforts."
"Thank God for God. Never mind your GPS, how do you do it without God?"
"What time I am afraid, I will trust in the Lord."
"God, I can't save me, you can; I'm going to let you."
"If you say, 'My Guru will take me to God,' then you're blessed, you're relying upon Guru Nanak Dev Ji."
"Trust in the Lord completely with all of your heart by leaning not to your own understanding."
"I'm not a prayer warrior... but I pray because I need God."
"Thank you, Lord, that no matter the circumstances, I can count on you to shelter and give me strength."
"I cannot do it," and I heard Him say, "I'm glad, now I will."
"You won't be successful except if God just showers you with mercy."
"A dead Christ I must do everything for; a living Christ does everything for me."
"Our hope is in you, our peace is in you."
"Clarity from the voice of the Lord is not just a matter of desire, it's a matter of reliance."
"Faith looks at what Jesus has done."
"Let's just believe Him, let's just trust Him."