
Gaming Victory Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"Five rainbow stars for us, that was a blast."
"Dethroning the Phoenix, we claim victory for the Free People of Kenji."
"Now that's an epic victory royale if I've ever seen one."
"And nearly thirty minutes into that game, Evil Geniuses emphatically slammed the door shut on CDEC and China’s."
"When you finally kill that boss or that mob or whatever that you've been fighting and losing to it feels like you won the super bowl."
"Oh my God, that's it! That's it, let's go! The DMR was so clutch, what a win!"
"Guys, there we go, we beat the Pokémon League!"
"We officially claimed the entire universe of the bosses."
"We finally did it boys, we beat my job java."
"One Victory Royale! Yes, yes, delicious! You love to see that, I love it!"
"GG baby! Let's go! What time did that game end? Under 20 minutes, whew! That was great."
"I cannot believe we won this Hearthstone game, dude."
"What a win post, god damn. If that was an ultra character, none of us would question it."
"With a few swings of my diamond sword Tobuscus style, I had defeated the game for the very first time."
"It does feel good to get a win under the belt after... a down swing."
"Game twenty-seven is a win, brainstorming future loadouts."
"Hooray, man! That one auto attack killed her at like 30 percent health."
"Winning us the battle against La Primera and becoming Champion."
"Purple calls the gg let's go love to see it."
"So this means I won because Paul was my Champion."
"I did it, we tamed it, come on, come on, come on!"
"The dreaded wonder victory, dude, this is going to be sweet."
"Just call me champion, ladies and gentlemen."
"Enemies top barracks destroyed. You're really winning a video game here."
"The enemy's middle tower has fallen, enemies middle tower demolished!"
"I literally swept her whole team with Ice Beam and Flamethrower."
"Another dub, an easy dub! They tried their base races; it wasn't to be, we got it!"
"I won I'm now a millionaire that is incredible that's 10K v-bucks so Luda today you are going home with 35,000 v-bucks"
"We've stopped the Demonic Invasion, as Samuel Hayden said. You've won, but victory in a war isn't good enough for the Doom Slayer."
"We win in seven and take on our third title of the video."
"And as promised I was defeated I will reveal my secret most defeated me you have truly grown as a trainer since I saw you last."
"Hey let's go black ice on the spear equip to all confirm it was looking pretty grim there for a minute not gonna lie but uh we managed to pull out a new black ice doubters are in shambles."
"That is GG amazing game rogue able to hold that aggression."
"Crest celebrated with a loud shout, it was a skill he had always wanted."
"It only took the hardest fight of my rust career, I'll take that, that's actual profit."
"Cannons are a little bit obsolete in today's most air superiority warfare."
"Alright, that was quite the win for our deck."
"We managed to win the 7th gym badge and somehow avoid the wipe against Tate and Liza."
"Another victory from Macarius guys, thank you for watching my video."
"Our aim today, ladies and gentlemen, defeat many a true nerd and lead our people into success."
"That was such an easy dub! Oh my god, dude. Yo, I was so caught up with trying to get that guy's scar."
"Colonel V wins the match, the reverse sweep is complete."
"This is where we're wrapping it up, so hopefully you guys did enjoy this. Um, that was a good way to wrap it up, a good W. Thank you, Kyler and Verb, for being a part of that."
"Congratulations, Chance, 30 points. Boom! Chance, you have taken an absolutely commanding lead."
"Sara powered up there brought us in some new taxes that we never really see and just monster his way to another victory."
"I grossly outplayed this dude... so that was good."
"Victory! We have saved Rendar. All we can do now is sit back, relax, and enjoy the cheesy ending."
"Congratulations, super afro! You're the winner."
"He's dead to Mystic Shot. Fantastic, love it."
"We just won the premium race. Drop a like right now!"
"Azriel won. Apparently this is his 199th victory so good for you Az."
"We did it! Gym leader Larry has been defeated."
"And the controller Champs win five to four, ggs!"
"We just demolished the Venetians, holy crap."
"We did it, we won, we did it! We beat the Ender Dragon, baby!"
"I just destroyed the shotel warriors. Where are those archers?"
"What a way to end it on this final game, a quadra kill for Jankos."
"Through the power of respect and women, we managed to win the game."
"Congratulations robloxians, they have won the game with this final touchdown."
"Sea Swag is going to take Eclipse's weekly tourney number 10 over Melvinator's star platinum."
"Winner winner chicken dinner for my boy Aaron!"
"GG is over, man. What a performance from Cyber Legacy."
"Let's go, does this is it time for a nah it's time for the freaking baby, wow, let's go."
"There is no way that I lose this game because one Jinzo was already bad enough, but two, oh my god, it was disgusting."
"But Kaiji has outplayed him; he's just won the game."