
Supernatural Experience Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Faye and her friend excitedly ran into town to tell the first person they met that they had seen a ghost."
"Imagine this: you're sitting quietly at home, the gentle hum of the evening wrapping around you like a familiar blanket. Suddenly, the air vibrates with an otherworldly sound and eerie booming echo that seems to descend from the heavens themselves."
"Everyone could smell this terrible smell coming from her like burning fecal matter."
"I felt something rush right by me, look at my arms."
"That's crazy! And indeed, turns out the phone wasn't even plugged in yet it rang, with nobody on the other side."
"I felt something just like whisper into my ear... it was very strange."
"There was a cross above my bed, illuminated, and the windows were shut, everything was off."
"I froze instantly, my mouth went completely dry, and I watched her flow past my bathroom door into the guest bedroom."
"The only way I can describe it is that it felt like evil descended on us."
"It felt like something ran through me like full force."
"The haunting of this makeup studio was so much more real and went so much deeper than I possibly could have imagined."
"Before that toothpaste hit the floor, I didn't believe in ghosts"
"Astral projection is like seeing yourself in your sleep, floating above your body."
"I knew I had seen it, but I didn't know the power that was behind it."
"It literally felt like some energy Portal had opened."
"Something out there knew my name and I sounded just like my brother. I don't know what the hell it was but I don't think I'll be going back to the woods again."
"I felt very uneasy and afraid being the only one awake in the house. At one point, I felt compelled to look over at her bedroom. I had the weirdest feeling that if I did, I would see something there. I reluctantly turned my head and gasped."
"To this day I have absolutely no explanation for what I experienced."
"I am now truly terrified but also curious as to what happened in the house."
"Regardless if it was a demon from hell, it was a very lovely message."
"If you saw this thing hovering over you, you'd know without a shadow of a doubt that shit just got supernatural up in this joint."
"The experience I had had out of my body was really in color."
"This is the thing that her father was scared of in the very first scene. She touches it and she feels this out of Body Experience where she almost Hears A Whisper that sounds like her voice and it says she took it."
"I still remember how it felt to see it I was terrified and calm at the same time."
"I slept in a haunted room in the most haunted hotel for five hours and I slept like a rock."
"Surviving a week at the real Conjuring house... If you've seen the films, you know it's freaky deaky, mate."
"This is the best book I've ever read. It has been so... Dude, my light stem, by the way, I think the house is haunted."
"I got myself possessed once before, so I know I can."
"I literally started gagging, someone or something held me as I cried and I don't know if it's worse that it was a stranger or a ghost but I was not okay."
"They all ran out of the house as quickly as they could and that was definitely the last time any of them touched a Ouija board."
"Was it a nightmare really? Was it a familiar spirit maybe taking the form of a soldier who fought in the area?"
"I think like after that it kind of gave me like a little Supernatural strength you know what I mean when I got once I got the response I was like oh this is it this is it"
"I had this unbearable, unshakable feeling like we were not alone."
"I woke up to the sight of a bright light shining from the ceiling."
"One day I was sitting at the kitchen eating dinner with my wife who was 6 months pregnant and I hear clear as day the word hi as if someone were inches away from me right near my ear and Whispering it."
"I still don't know if this creature was real or not, but that didn't matter."
"I just felt something touched my hair."
"She's convinced she knows for she that we've done this that she had a conversation with somebody in this room."
"The tape hadn't just played a forgotten seance; it had transported us to another realm."
"The supernatural, you don't have to explain it or understand it; I just want to experience it."
"All it takes is one time, one thing, one moment for you to wish you hadn't played with it."
"This shall be the greatest supernatural season of your entire life."
"...I then felt a warm calm sensation come over my body; I like to think it was Martha thanking me for everything and letting me know that we were okay."
"Hello, I'm Michael Brown, filling in for Sid Rock, welcome to my world where it is naturally supernatural."
"The moment I stepped back through though, the feeling of electricity flowing through me returned until I left the garage."
"I have seen an angel around a dozen times in the flesh."