
Advertising Impact Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"Running ads only reduces viewership by a maximum of about 10 percent."
"An active mind, an active body is also a healthy mind... I see the ads all the time."
"It ends up adding up... if you do end up watching the ads a little bit longer than you normally do today on this video what you are actually helping donate a little bit more to the CDC foundation."
"If an ad can get some secular liberal, even for one second, to consider our Lord, I'm fine with it."
"An eerily realistic Pro-Purge campaign TV spot cleverly made its debut during the commercials..."
"Thank you for watching the ads because it has made a huge difference."
"There's just no amount of advertisements that can overcome feeling disrespected."
"Just by being here and watching ads, you're indirectly donating to charity."
"The massive advertising campaign surrounding it played a massive role in its success. It helped that it was a great movie as well."
"Motivating a new pivot or motivating a new course of action and re-energizing through what you've done."
"Advertising encourages people to consume more than they actually need for survival."
"I knew no, I knew that he was shot by Aaron Burr because that first got milk commercial."
"It all led up to the infamous ad of Mario with the tribal tattoo."
"Elon Musk has set a precedent in the advertising industry."
"I'm an atheist and my favorite commercial of the Super Bowl were the Jesus commercials because they were different they were edgy they were poignant they grabbed my attention."
"But, if that number was gonna be $500 a month, at that point, it would be worth subjecting the audience to the annoyingness of ads, because it was making me a significant amount of money."
"You have also never been so propagandized... there's never been so much advertising... so much ideological infection... there is so much ideological infection, so much propagandizing now."
"Word of mouth was the biggest form of advertising back then."
"These articles aren't little more than free advertising."
"Consumer research showed that our 'Feed your family for Less with British pork' campaign increased purchase intent for pork by 3% and reached over 20 million adults."
"I feel like people just don't do that anymore if a TV commercial comes on you [ __ ] change the channel"
"Our dreams cannot become just another playground for corporate advertisers."
"If you see an ad, that means that I make money and therefore I'm going to encourage you to do all the things that make me money."
"We're the product. Our attention is the product being sold to advertisers."
"It's always dope when you're able to be a part of campaigns that are really working genuinely to make change in advertising and in inclusion."
"From a principle point of view, that does kind of stink, but there's nothing unfortunately, you can do about it."
"This is absolutely terrible for Facebook's brand... if every brand was like yeah no no to advertising."
"Commercials, these TV ads, can be used in a way to really connect to people on an emotional level."
"Mid-roll ads is a high friction leave point for me."
"The ad is sure to make any parent think twice, and may even urge non-parents to work with Fragile Childhood in their efforts to better the lives of children."
"This is the most socially conscious ad out of all of the commercials I saw."
"Big Pharma ran millions of dollars of negative advertisements against me during the campaign... Big Pharma alone ran millions and millions of dollars in ads."
"Advertising does more than just inform you about new products; it can suck you into accelerating a purchase decision."
"These are the most disturbing ads ever aired on television."
"Getting a very good creative if you have a video that can go viral that people might share you're then going to be doing a lot of the leg work where marketing just ends up becoming so much more easy."
"So many games are just full of ads and they almost require you. I was playing a racing game where it's just like, 'Hey, you ran out of gasoline.'"
"Results sell products in ads and help you scale."
"I think maybe the gimmick of not having any commercials people seem to have liked it."
"A lot of people, especially people that are young, are going to see these ads and they're going to be misled and scammed by them, which is really unhealthy."
"Tesla sells every car they can make without paid advertising."
"People were surprised, angry, and just disappointed when she started to pop up in Pepsi ads."
"Kendall Jenner and Pepsi, I'm sure you all remember that commercial..."
"Money talks and the problem with censorship is the advertisers."
"Five gum's original advertising forged an unforgettably distinct image for the brand that over 10 years later has yet to be rivaled within the industry of snack foods."
"Congratulations, you are using the most powerful advertising, sales, and marketing engine on the planet right now."
"From $200 to $900k: the power of Facebook ads."
"What advertising can do in its purest sense is elevate a product and an idea and a concept and make us all more together."
"The first three seconds are always very crucial to whether the potential viewer is going to stay and click on this ad."
"There's just a few commercials that really stick in your head."
"What's really cool about Google search ads is there's actually strong evidence that shows that when a shopper searches for certain keywords on Google and buys your product on Amazon, you can actually increase rank for those keywords on Amazon."
"What is my scroll stopper? How can you get somebody to stop inside of the feed and actually look at your ad?"
"88 percentage of the variability in the number of cars sold can be explained by the linear relation between the number of TV ads and the number of cars sold."
"With ads, you can force virality."