
Packing Quotes

There are 312 quotes

"Avoid bringing too much stuff to the parks; pack light for comfort."
"Time is a valuable commodity, and the expense of it to pack and unpack, then set-up and tear-down can be a hassle. So what’s a solution?"
"I always believe in packing light, you know, if you can avoid checking luggage, yes, do it."
"If packing a pod is a real-life game of Tetris, pretty sure we are winning."
"I think this might be my best pack job so far."
"Not packing the right shoes... blisters and sore feet are the bane of the travelers existence."
"Packing well and packing light makes a world of a difference."
"Don't forget to pack essentials like a bathing suit, camera, and binoculars."
"Definitely these are such an essential if you are someone who packs a whole bunch of clothings for trips."
"Roll up your clothes before you put them into your luggage rather than folding them... it is a huge space saver."
"Don't overpack. You don't need wardrobes for ten days."
"My biggest tip for any sort of trip, no matter the length: you need packing cubes."
"The more I traveled, the more I realized how stressful overpacking actually is."
"It's cheaper, it's more lightweight, so you're not lugging around all this heavy stuff for no reason."
"Travel light so that you can spend more time enjoying your trip and less lugging your stuff around."
"Try to create a mini capsule wardrobe for your trip so that your tops and your bottoms could kind of mix and match and work in a number of different ways."
"Consider wrinkle resistance; if you're folding or rolling your clothes, chances of wrinkles go way up."
"I feel like I literally do not even use half of the stuff that I bring."
"Everything that you could ever want for the beach can fit in there."
"I hope that you found some tips and tricks for packing a little bit lighter so that you can enjoy your trip to the fullest."
"Pack light. Unlike when you travel with a group, you'll be carrying everything around yourself."
"I roll my clothes, I roll my shirts, I roll my pants, I roll my socks."
"Pack lightly. You don't need as much stuff as you think. Fellas, keep those extra shoes at home. You don't need them."
"What if I told you I packed my washer dryer and detergent into my luggage?"
"Now that the transaction is completed, the real work is about to begin packing up the collection in the Texas heat."
"We've got ourselves a nice Chrysler van oh yeah that's the one starting to pack this line also big old water line got flooded out dang."
"It is such a good feeling when you see your suitcase you've packed for 10 days worth of travel outfits in Europe and now you see these empty pockets of space."
"I spent a good chunk of today packing. I'm really stressed about it because I'm just like is that, do I have everything, like I feel like I'm gonna forget something, but I think I'm good."
"I'm all packed for Hawaii. I have my big suitcase. I go for Joey was not going to check a bag, but then I packed and realized I tore space and I thought of it."
"Japan-specific items you need to pack."
"You're probably packing too much."
"Craft paper is your friend when it comes to packing and shipping larger items."
"A carry-on suitcase is a must-have travel essential."
"Realistically I could accomplish that in less than 30 seconds. Everything packed, ALICE buckled and ready to go. That's pretty damn good for what kind of shelter you're using."
"Don't let anyone tell you that you're overpacking. Bring what you need to feel comfortable."
"Because of traveling I realized how nice it is to have small sizes."
"I am packing for a 12-day trip in just a carry-on and also my personal item."
"Use half the amount of shampoo you'd normally use to save space."
"...pack only what you need for that trip..."
"...figure out which ones you do not need to pack."
"Packing is a bit of a challenge after all you want to make sure that you have the right clothing and gear for your excursions for on the cruise ship and you probably want to do that without over packing."
"Travel with minimal suitcases, it can be done."
"Packing Tips: Hide an air tag in your luggage so you can track it down."
"I just packed it in there, just in case I need a dress for something."
"I'm feeling quite relieved about packing to be honest."
"You don't have an iron, you don't have nothing, so you are wrinkled on your vacation."
"Those were my top tips for what to pack and what to wear when you're traveling to Scotland and any of its cities."
"Even being a true plus-sized woman I would be able to do carry-on only, have a ton of options, and even with the items or the outfits that I did show you there was still more ideas that were coming to me."
"Stuff small items in your shoes to maximize space."
"Bring a few dryer sheets to avoid weird clothes smell."
"This travel size Downy Wrinkle release spray would be really good to have in your luggage."
"Having that big deep boot in the front and the wide one in the back means that we can bring all the stuff that we need and go on a nice long drive."
"If you find yourself wanting to pack something because you might need it 'just in case', I encourage you to reconsider whether that item really belongs in your luggage at all."
"Research the weather and plan for extremes but not too much. Having a good sense of what the weather will be like in each of your destinations can prevent overpacking unnecessary clothing."
"Some must-know carry-on travel hacks."
"Let's pack the suitcase. I have no idea how we're fitting all of this in here, but we gonna make it work."
"If you don't need it, if it isn't in your plan preliminarily, don't pack a bunch of extra stuff just because you have room."
"Another thing I'm tossing in, I'll have to add in my husband's sunglasses."
"the trick is to know exactly why you're traveling with everything on your packing list so that you can make sure that you're not bringing it for nothing or for the wrong reasons"
"If you haven't got on the compression packing Cube train yet, I would highly encourage you to consider that in 2024."
"Pack better, pack smarter, pack lighter. No BS."
"Packing smart means bringing more by bringing less."
"Keeping a record of your packed items through photos or a list aids in the unfortunate event of having to report missing items."
"Fit more into your bag by packing things horizontally."
"If you want to lighten your load, there are things that you do not need to have in your pack."
"Strategy is just as important when it comes to packing as it is when you're playing Tetris."
"Pack light, leave no trace, and embark on an unforgettable adventure that celebrates the art of simplicity."
"It has completely changed the way I pack, and recently I've been testing out some products from a company called Tripped Travel Gear."
"If it fits in the backpack, it's coming."
"Every item packed, a purposeful choice in the tapestry of my adventure."
"If you pack it smart you can squeeze in more than you thought you can."
"Over-packing is always a problem when going to Disney World."
"I'm bringing just one t-shirt cuz I'm less likely to wear a t-shirt."
"The packing was not as bad as I thought once I just gave into the fact, 'okay, you're gonna spend a lot of money on large bubble, this stuff is not cheap.'"
"You always want to put your heaviest stuff towards your wheels. It'll make rolling it easier."
"I think we're like halfway done packing now, which doesn't even seem like that much, even though I've packed my entire closet."
"I brought too many winter clothes and then it was really hot when I arrived."
"Packing cubes are obviously non-negotiable like I will always be using those."
"Each climate is going to depend on what you're going to pack. If you're in a cold environment, such as I live in the Northeast, it gets cold. Or if you live down in Florida, it never gets cold. You probably won't need half this stuff, okay?"
"Bring your toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, perfume, and maybe a few makeup items in your carry-on in case your bags get lost for days or the entire trip."
"If you're going somewhere lovely where you're gonna be swimming then have your swimsuit or bikini whatever handy in your hand luggage."
"This is gonna be the most fun packing I've ever seen."
"I think you love packing so much you could get a job doing this."
"Packing a rucksack is not rocket science."
"Well, good morning! We spent yesterday messing around with family and just having a good time relaxing, and today we are up and at it because we are packing the car and headed north."
"Just like me, you're probably destined to overpack for college."
"For those of you who like to pack heavy, this one's for you."
"Because I'm essentially just, like, Packing, packing, packing for weeks and weeks and weeks."
"It's not overpacking, I'm just very prepared."
"Packing for Disney is next level, isn't it?"
"Packing for Disney is like next level, isn't it?"
"How many hair ties does one girl need for a one night trip you tell me."
"I packed up my whole house in basically three days."
"Try packing things that can pull off double duty."
"Creating a comprehensive packing checklist is a Surefire way to ensure a smooth and organized packing experience."
"By packing versatile clothing and accessory items, you'll be able to pack lighter, save space, and still have a wide range of outfit options for different occasions."
"Efficient packing techniques save space and keep your belongings organized and clearly accessible."
"Your baby sister and I are sharing one suitcase. Your dad's only getting one suitcase. You are also getting one suitcase."
"Pack your Essentials in your cruise carryon bag."
"Rolling my clothes has been seemingly the most space-efficient way to keep them."
"Thanks for helping me pack again. I feel like it's not very long since I did it back with me for Paris."
"Use compressors, fold, and roll your clothes."
"A good rule of thumb is one carry-on per person."
"So anyways I'm packing up everything I already have like one suitcase packed right here and now I'm about to be packing my other one."
"When you're traveling to a race where you're going on an airplane, you don't want to pack your race day gear in your luggage that goes under the plane."
"The most space-efficient method to store your wardrobe in a suitcase for travel is to roll up each item."
"For this trip, I really wanted to pack light, especially because we're going to be changing locations a couple of times."
"...packing efficiently without forgetting anything important but also without overpacking."
"We are packing everything up, gonna load it back into the car, bring some new stuff for tomorrow."
"The great thing is that when you do your own, you can pack the final bag with anything you want and may need."
"I can't believe I'd need to bring a pair of jeans like my packing choices for this trip are just very interesting to me."
"I always over pack clothes and when I get to the place I don't even wear like 80 of them."
"The ultimate travel hack: travel with a bag that fits under the seat in front of you."
"We gotta get home, pack our bags, because we are going to Europe. Heck yeah."
"I've realized how much easier life can be if you just learn to pack on a carry-on or at least in a smaller suitcase."
"I don't believe in checking a bag ever. Never ever. Let me tell you something: I did a month in Europe seven months pregnant, we did not check a bag."
"Thank You Jay huge help he actually packed it really freaking good."
"I pretty much try to bring a carry-on on every single trip if I'm going for anything longer than a week then I most likely will use one of the bigger ones but if I can get away with just the carry-on that is my vibe."
"Something like kind of cozy and nice like this that just makes you feel good is like definitely worth packing."
"Isn't that crazy? Um, but I want to show you guys I packed a little bit different and I packed a lot because I'm able to fly for four days, and that's a long stinking time."
"Buying books while traveling is like not a smart decision for luggage weight."
"I'm just going to take one curler this is Molly's Beauty wax one not gonna bother taking a hair dryer or straighteners there's normally a hair dryer in the room and I probably won't be straightening my hair any point."
"I'm a firm believer in packing cubes. I think it just makes the world of difference in organization."
"As long as it fits in our luggage allowance and I can store it all in our cabin then the only person that needs to worry about it is me and maybe Benji if he has to push with a suitcase."
"I find it's better to under pack than to over pack."
"I love packing cubes, they're just so helpful in keeping things organized."
"The size of your backpack isn't really a big deal, but it is good to remember that you probably don't need half as much stuff as you think you need."
"Thank you so much for watching our packing video. It was a bit different than our usual videos, but we hope you enjoyed it."
"We tried to like not over pack this time but somehow we still ended up with two carryout suitcases."
"it wasn't too bad, just like, you know, one big saddle bag worth of stuff"
"Less is more. I thought I packed the best way that I could have but then when I got to Australia I was like holy crap my backpack is so freaking heavy."
"I like to over pack. I like to have everything. I like to have options."
"Packing, yes I think I do. Elizabeth and I talked about going away for a few days, someplace out of town. I think we were going to go tomorrow."
"...and then just another thing that helps a lot when we're packing is these little items that you want to have access to on the ride if you can it's very helpful..."
"It's weird to like not have anything like not have to get home and like start packing again right."
"...but cowboy boots take up a lot of space in a suitcase. So I've got my mono suitcase with my cowboy boots and all of my clothes. Jaylen has his carry on suitcase with his cowboy boots."
"Being an overpacker is not a bad thing."
"I thought this would be interesting for you guys to see me pack and maybe learn some tips and tricks."
"Take a toothbrush, you want to take toothpaste."
"Invest into some crates. You don't want to travel in boxes because boxes get to tearing and ripping."
"I got my stuff packed for sleeping over at Mac's and I'm waiting on my Uber."
"It's really crazy how as you go and pack all these things you really think to yourself, 'When was the last time that I used this?'"
"Moving is not an easy process. I have a lot to pack."
"I haven't really packed anything up and I'm starting to kind of be like wait we need to get this house packed up."
"Mom, I don't think this is all going to fit back in here."
"Moving can be stressful but packing it really doesn't have to be in my opinion."
"This and maybe just a tad bit more is everything that needs to be packed on two motorcycles for two people for an extended trip."
"I'm excited to actually not over pack as much hopefully because when i pack the night before i just like throw everything in and i'm like i need options and then i pack half my closet."
"This for me is really the key to packing light so you have a bunch of different options to choose from but you can still feel like yourself and also really Chic."
"Stress because I just can't even cope with all this packing."
"But I hope this helps you have an idea if you're a guy, you're looking what to pack, I hope this can help you out. And also, the same principles work, right? It doesn't work for just guys, it works for ladies, kids, all kinds of stuff, it gives you some ideas."
"If you're packing for your trip, keep in mind that especially in the very early morning and in the evening, it's going to be chilly."
"Do what makes sense for you and what's easy and convenient. It's all about being convenient for Jamaica, making stuff easy, and packing a lot of things."
"Lightweight jacket as an example placeholder for my waterproof jacket so that's where this is gonna go in my bag."
"Y'all know y'all love packing order videos."
"I was listening a lot to 'The Goldfinch' while I was packing today."
"When I tell you I don't even know what I packed to go home, I have a lot of [ __ ] with me for no reason."
"I don't care how you pack, if you open up a duffle bag and literally just throw clothes in there and you have the best trip, I say good on you. Do whatever works for you."
"This is a little bit easier to pack for because it's just gonna be warm. It's not going to be all those different things."
"Lovely. Now Ben, start packing. We're going on holiday, remember?"
"So yeah, my dad brought his backpack, so I decided to pack like a little outfit to wear there so I won't be too..."
"my suitcase is going to be mostly just like random stuff"
"We got everything in here, man. I told Tara, I said, 'I can't confirm or deny when her husband opens the doors, this stuff is going to stay in or fall out all over.'"
"I think this is the most I've ever packed for Disney."
"Pack light, look for the lightest things you can. Don't need loads and loads of stuff. Things like shampoos and things like that, you just don't need them."
"You can have the right amount of weight if stuff you're carrying with you is underneath all your limits. But if you pack it incorrectly, it's going to change your ball weight."
"Knowing where to start with packing can be a little overwhelming, so I'm just gonna take it one piece at a time."
"Having a smaller backpack actually stops you from bringing way too much stuff on the inside of the backpack."
"Just bring the minimal amount of clothes that you're gonna need."
"I'm pretty pleased with how much I was able to get rid of and I'm feeling really good about this packing process."
"Packing peanuts, wow, helpful obviously for shipping, definitely make the unpacking process really painful."
"and so within my bag here I just have a lot of little packing cubes that are put into a grid along with my camera accessories and that is how I fit all the stuff in a carry-on bag"
"This six-set of packing cubes compresses clothes and helps minimize space inside your travel bag while keeping your clothes wrinkle-free."
"Get everything out. Don't start packing it. Put it on a table, put it on the floor, and visualize everything that is going into that bag."
"Nobody and I mean nobody likes packing for a trip."
"You pack everything in the world, and then you get better at it. You pack less."
"So we're going to finish the Vlog here because it's been a long one so far and then we'll join join us on the next Vlog where we'll be packing up and heading to our next Park up."
"The secret to minimalist travel is having one red pair of underwear."
"I'm a pretty light packer, so this mini bag holds all my daily essentials."
"Just the essentials, they're at the very bottom. See, I got swim trunks, I got goggles, got a pullback car, especially the Vegas."
"So now onto the packing and our anniversary weekend montage."
"I would kind of challenge everyone who's preparing for a first Camino or who's repeating and re-walking a Camino and knowing they want to get their pack weight down to see where maybe you really can cut some of these items out and see how it goes."
"I've completely, completely forgotten how to pack for vacations: the first time I flew post-lockdown, TSA did a check in my suitcase and found 10 pairs of underpants, a monkey wrench and 100-ounce container of mustard."
"I like having my things in places, you know, in terms of like, I don't want to have to think about packing things all the time."
"We're like listen if you're packing, you're packing."
"If you're not using packing cubes to pack, it's like such a game changer."
"That's really the question that people ask, how do I lighten the load whenever I go to the woods?"
"Pack light, do laundry more often."
"Pack your items in a manner that ensures safety and security."
"One of the things that creates unnecessary anxiety for me is packing."
"Flynn's adorable and so funny and so cute. I have a lot of packing to do, so I'm gonna pack and edit and then go to bed and wake up and fly to Philadelphia in suitcases. That's what my night's gonna be. So I'm gonna go up. I love you guys, and I'll see you tomorrow."
"Everyone says packing cubes yep they're great get packing cubes."
"You're packing like you're in Norway, but we're in Arizona."
"Just so you know what is going in my tote bag: masks, landing kit, sunglasses, phone, laptop, camera, tripod, air pods, portable charger, international converter, travel wallet, passport, extra documents, book."
"I rather overpack than under pack. I rather have enough clothes than to be looking like, 'oh like damn I should have bought my clothes.'"
"We use vacuum seal bags for things like princess dresses to make them smaller in the suitcase."
"If you can't put them in the original packaging, then what I do is I just do something to secure it. Put them in a ziploc bag, that means that they're all together and they're less likely to touch a piece of metal or something and create a short."
"The packing list is huge because you're out there trying to find the right items that are going to be allowed at the school that are actually going to be helpful for you."
"You definitely don't have to spend a lot of money when you're packing."
"Over packing can be really annoying because it's just extra stuff that you're going to have to carry around."