
Wartime Quotes

There are 160 quotes

"Russia is now operating in a wartime environment."
"This little girl on the train sobbing into her stuffed animal." - Matt Gutman
"He was too old and ill to fight but his three sons ansed who Bertus and Leopold were sent off to war..."
"President Zelenski has gone from a peacetime civilian president to a wartime president."
"Britain had gone to War for the freedom of Europe."
"So it wouldn't have been much use when it came to fighting the war."
"The wartime boom helped to diversify the country's industry."
"It ends up as front-page news in the Daily Mail. 'War's greatest picture.'"
"I say it is to wage war by sea, land, and air, with all our might and with all the strength that God can give us."
"It is unfortunate that in a time of war, we spend all the time blaming our own president."
"One great war will erupt in the second half of the 20th century."
"If that's what the Americans can Mass produce then the war is already lost."
"Pratt and Whitney built almost half of all the Allied engines used in World War II."
"George Soros was 14 during the Nazi occupation of Hungary in 1944."
"The subway was London's lifeline during the Blitz."
"The Me-262: a symbol of innovation and adaptation in wartime aviation."
"This ritual of rejuvenation is often used in wartime to bolster morale."
"In fact cannabis hemp was considered on par if not greater than cotton in terms of valuable resources during wartime activities."
"One of the most successful units of this War."
"When you finally get to the German trench and a fellow private asked what to do next: 'I don't know I never thought I'd get this far.'"
"Carroll credited the mercy of the Hungarian military with saving his life."
"You have to have an extra level of alertness when you're in a war. You need strategy."
"I mean, one person who seems to have successfully rallied public opinion during this war is Ukrainian President Zelensky."
"During World War I, a pigeon named Cher Ami saved the lives of 194 soldiers."
"People have a much easier time giving up freedoms during wartime."
"We need steady leadership, steady hands at the wheel. I regard myself as a wartime speaker."
"Human rights do not stop during wartime. It is something that is universal and good."
"We're going to fight them on the beaches."
"At the end of August 1945, a new rumor suddenly emerged. We were to be put to work outside camp."
"If Garland is successful in reminding us on a Feeling level the price paid by journalists to show us the truth in Wartime perhaps we'll be compelled to pay more attention."
"Simo Heiha left his quiet farm life in the winter of 1939 to become the most effective sniper in history... before returning home to live out the rest of the 20th century in peace."
"It's that power of American manufacturing that allowed us to build so many Shermans during the war, allowed us to replace our battlefield losses and overcome war machines deployed by those, such as those deployed by Germany."
"It's an important history of women in wartime, arming strangers across an ocean with warmth and comfort."
"While six million Jews died in Europe, their kinsmen in Hollywood were churning out patriotic movies to help galvanize the Allies to defeat Hitler."
"General Dwight Eisenhower sent an urgent message to Coca-Cola during World War II requesting a shipment of materials for ten bottling plants."
"They are rich in both wealth and grain, a commodity more valuable than gold in Wartime."
"I let him go, firewalled it, get it back south, and I flew about 700 miles by myself over enemy territory."
"We did show them actually we were very damn good in our escort."
"A lot of people are saying Tesla's kind of in this wartime mode right now."
"The sinking of Centaur shocked the world and led to an intense feeling of hatred towards the Japanese Army from the Australian people and the Western allies as a whole."
"You boys are now on enemy soil. Stack your arms and do pretty much as you please."
"For a nervous moment, one glimpses in the figure of this child-like man, the soul-chilling ghosts of all the men-like children of those violent years."
"There is a powerful bond that dare we say it it could be only comes about in Wartime with people under combat serving together."
"But wartime profits, ah, that is another matter. 20, 60, 100, 300 and even 1,800 percent. The sky is the limit. All that traffic will bear."
"The assembly lines transformed themselves for World War II, unleashing the inexhaustible power of wartime production."
"Tonight we go out to the top of Gushichan Heights," an artillery officer declared on June ten. "I assume you are ready. The time has come to give your life for the country and the Emperor."
"They are human beings. They were able to put aside their own beliefs, their own morality, what made them who they were, all to terrify the enemy."
"He asks if she knows what a military request means in wartime and the main character says that the price for a false report is execution and she knows it."
"Lessons learnt in its design would go on to save the nation during the dark days of war."
"Every president, let's leave Franklin Delano Roosevelt who met with Stalin, but that was wartime."
"Queen Elizabeth changing a wheel back in 1945. During wartime, the then princess joined the auxiliary territorial service where she helped with the war effort after learning how to change wheels, rebuild and repair engines, and much more."
"This is someone that had to hide under the body of a fallen comrade in order to avoid being killed by the looters."
"Field watches were born in wartime, needing to be incredibly tough to stand up to anything and everything in battle."
"It was the austere War years, London was a filthy dirty gray bombed out city, and suddenly, this golden looking couple are going to get married, so everyone could relate to the joy of their Romance."
"The Jeep is a divine instrument of wartime locomotion." - Ernie Pyle
"Lieutenant General John El DeWit sought to inter the entire enemy population, effectively destroying the economic lives of all Italians on the west coast."
"Death or wounds to us all, the sacrifice of the regiment to gain a few minutes' time and save the position."
"Pan Am played a heroic role during the Second World War."
"I personally do love wartime CEO Elon Musk."
"The fact that whole unrefined grains makes a significant contribution to positive health was dramatically demonstrated in time of war."
"A masterpiece of strategy, unexcelled during the war."
"This is exactly why it's important to always remember what took place there because too often we can fall into the Trap of thinking the horrors of wartime only occur elsewhere when they can just as easily take place a lot closer to home as well."
"the Morrison shelter was designed in 1941 by John Baker and named after Herbert Morrison the British Home Secretary at the time it was a versatile piece of wartime Furniture resembling a large rectangular dining table with a metal frame and wire mesh top."
"Pemmican reached far sides of the world and was heavily utilized during wartime."
"Operating 24/7 irrespective of air raids, the map room was Britain's eye on the world that never slept."
"We were responsible to take my siblings to their respective schooling homes and watch out to make sure that they are not caught by the Nazis."
"Alvin C. York reportedly killed over 20 German soldiers and helped capture an additional 132 at the head of a small detachment in the Argonne Forest near the Meuse River in France during World War I."
"He writes a letter to the White House to the National Defense Research Committee and says I have an idea to beat the Japanese."
"But what came out of this was a revolutionary set of legislation that only wartime could probably have produced."
"To avert a crisis, the state government launched its war gardens program in January 1943."
"Nancy Wake was credited with saving thousands of lives during the war and received the United Kingdom's George Medal for her heroic work."
"We’d go swimming while the cruisers and battleships were lobbing shells overhead."
"The most promising model for how this could be done in my view is the analogy with wartime mobilization."
"Even with the severe wartime newsprint rationing, the national press and weeklies gave substantial coverage to the story of how war Air Force sergeant Sidney Cohen of Whitechapel single-handedly conquered the tiny Italian island of Lampedusa."
"The night air already rent by the whistle and loud bangs of the incoming Japanese shells."
"Barda's initiation as a fighter pilot took place at Dunkirk shielding British troops as they evacuated from France."
"Fish and chips are the only food not to be rationed during the war."
"Churchill mobilized the English language and sent it into war."
"It speaks really to the challenges of leadership in wartime."
"The greatest athletes of our time were fighting a war."
"Many people who have to eat wartime foods do not have that luxury."
"Grey wartime London screwed itself down with a long hard haul which was to take Britain from avoiding defeat to achieving victory."
"For peace-loving people everywhere, things now look very, very grim."
"The Germans listened from their bunkers; they did not shout insults anymore."
"Never was so much owed by so many to so few."
"Big Ben had been silent for 4 years and 3 months while Britain was at war with Germany."
"This Improvement in disease prevention was one of the most impressive achievements of the war."
"Jewish historians estimate some 860,000 Jews were saved by the actions of the Catholic Church during World War II."
"World War II love letters tell a touching story of love and longing."
"The blitz was the last great occasion when the middle classes were able to offer charity to the working class and be readily accepted."
"We'd better come out short at the end of the month than at the end of the war."
"The old woman was no collaborator, and filled us in on the details of the town while offering us shelter."
"Deficit spending as a percentage of GDP is currently at heights not seen outside of major war times."
"In WWII public weather reports were heavily censored to prevent enemy submarines lurking below the waves from learning about local conditions."
"When a group of American soldiers along with a group of German soldiers... joined forces in defending Castle Itter."
"She grew up during wartime, she would run messages for the resistance while the Nazis were overtaking where she was living."
"Don't you know there's a war on was a common expression in the mid-1940s."
"Beattie was exactly the commander you didn't want in battle but he was exactly the commander you wanted in times of peace."
"That this one eminent scientist risked his life in time of war to rescue another eminent scientist just because he thought he should represents perhaps the best in humanity."
"There are worse places to spend the war."
"I inherited a banner model Gibson acoustic, the ones 'the only Gibson's good enough' on them, they were made in the middle of the war."
"I was born in Wales in 1939, just after the war began."
"The discrimination was driven as much by commercial jealousy as by the state of war with Japan."
"In wartime, two plus two must equal four."
"She opened a clinic for the poor and served a lot of the port during the war."
"The Devil's Backbone balances supernatural chills and intrigue with the harsh realities of childhood in wartime."
"During the tense days of World War II, an entire American city of men, women, and children was hidden behind a seemingly unimportant postal number."
"The Britannic was on its way to becoming a successful ship when the British government requisitioned it and turned it into a hospital ship."
"It is during war that the law of genocide is most necessary to protect minority groups."
"ANZAC stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps, and it's like a biscuit that was created during wartime."
"She recognizes and identifies very closely with the armed forces and particularly with that wartime generation."
"She knew what a struggle it was for George the Sixth to be the monarch during the difficult times of the Second World War."
"In wartime, it is entirely possible to come up with full-fledged designs fairly quickly."
"In the Red Cross ‘Aid to Russia Fund’, she raised £8M, equivalent to over £350M today, to buy clothes and medical supplies for civilians and soldiers afflicted by the Nazi invasion."
"Some of the shipbuilders were women because so many men were fighting."
"People's concerns remain the same in wartime; they might be heightened and pressured, but all our habits of life just remain the same."
"An amazing piece of ingenuity, design, and something that helped us a lot during the war."
"Thank you so much for your amazing invention which really did help us during the war."
"In a rare gesture of chivalry amidst the savage conflict, Crown Prince Wilhelm honored Rena with a gifted sword."
"An unlikely friendship occurs between two enemy soldiers due to Joey."
"Operation Mincemeat was the most successful wartime deception ever attempted and certainly the strangest."
"Designed by Oliver Bulleid, the Q1 appeared in 1942 and was a class of austerity freight locomotives used heavily during the Second World War."
"Few of us realize how important it is to carry on with the regular affairs of everyday life in wartime, especially in these critical hours."
"It would have been impossible for any ordinary man to have got through what I have had to get through in peace and war without her devoted aid."
"Though compromise had its costs, it was necessary if the ships were to be built in time and the Navy was to pursue the war using naval airpower."
"After a year, he came back. Now, this was wartime in Israel."
"During the war, the house stores priceless works from the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C."
"All Soviet people, whether at the battlefront or on the home front, were inspired by one thought alone: to defeat the enemy."
"The wartime generation, my generation, is resilient."
"Madison was reelected as people were happy with his leadership and did not want a major change during an active war."
"That's a ridiculously fast construction rate and it really shows you what American industry was doing during World War II."
"It's times like this I thank heaven for rationing, at least they have to keep a record of the clothing coupons and the names of everyone who buys anything."
"The United States produced a bombing plane every four minutes, every day, 24 hours a day during December."
"One of the greatest jobs being done in this war is moving supplies over the hump into China by the Air Transport Command which has conquered one of the world's most dangerous flying areas."
"Even the war has not lessened America's appreciation of good music."
"This isn't our idea of what a Pen Company should be doing, but the war wasn't our idea either."
"Kleenex's original purpose was to act as insulation in gas masks during World War I."
"A code talker is a person employed by the military during wartime to use a little known language as a means of secret communication."
"It's so interesting to read how ordinary people lived and got through the war."
"So efficient was the merchant's railway that it continued to convey stone very profitably right up until the outbreak of the Second World War."
"Yesterday, Father told me we were going into hiding."
"Housewives took jobs outside the home, filling positions for husbands turned soldiers."
"A community spirit developed during the war years that was irrepressible."
"It's a love story set during World War One but it also has a frame tale set during World War Two that features Greek gods."
"What can we do to help? We asked our allies and their answer gave us a shock: Airplanes, they cried, build us airplanes, thousands of them!"
"The reduction in the cost of helium is really one of the most important developments of this war."