
System Optimization Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"Streamline your system for maximum efficiency."
"If you want to update your machine to its newest and best form, you can go ahead and do that."
"I think a good place to start is to break down your average RPG fight into its three fundamental components and analyze how we can streamline and tune up each one."
"The previous FPS Boost title was a system-level tweak in the firmware, it's like okay, I'm going to be running Watch Dogs 2, I'm going to DirectX at the system level, and this game will run at 60 frames per second."
"For Intel-based systems, use the high performance or ultimate performance power plan."
"For reducing input latency and boosting performance on practically any PC... we are able to achieve some massive gains if we actually de-bloat our GPU driver."
"Selecting 'hide' and turning off all the stats resulted in roughly double the FPS we started off with."
"We're going to be utilizing the intelligent standby list cleanup program, which I recommend in practically every single one of my videos and will continue to do so because it's a fantastic easy to use two-in-one optimization tool."
"Would we tell superman not to stop a bullet or a doctor not to save a life? Would you tell a nut don't even go there?"
"Optimizing your system, tweaking settings, ensuring the best FPS possible."
"Minimize startup programs, close unnecessary background processes."
"It's always a work in progress figuring what systems work best for you."
"Games do not use that many cores and threads and they certainly don't heavily utilize them when they can."
"You could just buy like a set of 3200 CL 14 2 by 16 memory sticks overclock them to over 4,000 and you know like you've got a solid daily gaming set."
"Why limit your entire system to bouncing sound off the ceiling?"
"This is where you work your systems... you start actually seeing that exponential growth happen."
"One of our components is limiting our performance, and if we could upgrade that component to make it faster, then our overall system performance would increase."
"Even if you're not building them yourself yet, it's shockingly easy to immediately improve a system from an OEM especially by just going through a few of these things on our list and trying to address that one issue at a time."
"Optimizing your power plan is key to unlocking peak performance."
"These will be the best options to set for your system spec allowing you guys the best visual fidelity, the best graphics and also giving you a slight competitive edge and the very best performance possible."
"Increase your pace on low-end, high-end, and medium systems."
"Turn off every unnecessary Windows option and setting that is running in the background to increase performance drastically."
"The levels are massive and beautifully made for the system."
"For a lot of game systems, pinning the critical thread to the prime core might be a good idea."
"Customizing Windows to fit your needs can result in a faster and more efficient system."
"Things should run way better after these optimizations."
"Deleting the system entirely is the best way to ensure that the issues don't pop back up."
"Build a system or an instrument that's net positive. Then figure out a way to feed that machine something with a lot of volume."
"Strap in because this video could save you an awful lot of money or just help you optimize your current system to get the best performance out of flightsim 2020."
"Introduction of zero knowledge into the workflow gives us rollups that basically make us Best in Class and we get better throughput no matter how you measure it."
"Optimized storage: Easily save up to 25 gigabytes of space."
"Most of average cases should have a key value size of 100, 200, 300 bytes or even 1 kilobyte."
"I see off-main-thread as a means to reduce risk, make your app more robust in the face of adverse runtime conditions."
"In my eyes, really having a system like this that actually engages better under torque loads is a far more beneficial thing to consider."
"The right amount of air is better."
"We need to focus on bulletproofing our systems and hiring A-players."
"Apple ensures that Mac systems are optimized to work together, which makes Macs run more smoothly for the duration of their lifetime."
"The big thing about booting your platform very very quickly is essentially making sure that the straightest path to being booted essentially is followed."
"That's the big goal, really a performance goal."
"Specialization and optimization, tailoring systems to individuals for their individual needs is going to be huge."
"Design patterns are really a great way to implement optimized designs."
"If you set the natural frequency correctly, you can actually make the system on the receiving end reduce its vibration."
"If you can find a way to use your knowledge to augment the fuzzy system in a way that reduces the solution space, this can be beneficial."
"Train this system properly and you can get the best out of life."
"With all the awesome new powers we're afforded with variables, we've been able to significantly reduce the number of libraries that make up our design system."
"There are things you can do with your system that can optimize it and make it better while you're waiting for hardware to improve."
"Optimize the system architecture for high availability and fault tolerance."
"Optimize the system for performance and scalability by employing techniques such as load balancing, database sharding, and content delivery networks."
"Let's go through this and talk about your new dual-booted system and how to get the best use out of Ubuntu."
"We want to fully utilize the memory, CPU, and the SSD and hard disk that we can get in your system."
"Optimizing your system is like taking a system that's losing to being break even and then making it profitable."
"We build and optimize a single fast, efficient deployment pipeline that can determine the releasability of our system quickly enough to sustain continuous delivery."
"We always want to have our systems in as low an energy as possible."
"It allowed role-playing instead of the player optimizing a system."
"The general rule of thumb is to create a swap partition about the same size as your RAM."
"And this is again going to just kind of make our system a little bit cleaner."
"The biggest part of optimizing your system is actually making sure the system itself is optimized."
"I hope you are out there optimizing your system to the best it can possibly be."
"It also gives great control for the developers to optimize system performance."
"When you optimize the components of a system without attention being paid to the functioning of the whole, it's very easy to make the total functioning worse."
"Optimizing your existing setup involves staying up to date with the latest release features and aligning your skills with future demand."
"We have optimized the performance of our system using desktop simulation and ensured that the design meets system level requirements."
"Reduce the system down to as simple as it can possibly be, simplify everything."
"Your goal is not to eliminate system tests; your goal is to speed up your test suite, get faster feedback, get more fine-grained failures."
"It doesn't mean that you change the system; it's just that you tweak it or freshen it up to be even better than what it was."