
Historical Strategy Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"If Hannibal's plan was right from the start and he had predicted exactly what the Romans were going to do, the problems they might have perceived could have made him more confident in his predictions."
"Could this controversial alliance be just what devilish little Hannibal needed to kickstart a second war with Rome and restore Carthaginian dominance?"
"The Targaryen were very prophecy focused. Aegon wanted three heads of the Dragon, he wanted to be king."
"Our first mission is to survive. That's pretty easy, survive until spring 400."
"Spread the Habsburg dynasty like medieval dysentery."
"Elizabeth Woodville played a crucial role in hatching the plot to secure the crown for Henry Tudor, thus ending the Wars of the Roses and establishing the Tudor dynasty."
"Jane's conduct in this instance was straight out of Anne Boleyn’s playbook, and shows that Jane herself followed a very similar strategy."
"The looting shall be gentle because I plan on very gently taking Akkad into my bosom."
"As the Romans, we have the Imperium Romanum origin."
"He who commands the sea has command of everything. Awesome."
"Europa Universalis 4: a global conquest game set in and around rich historical events."
"Lowering interest rates was the basic strategy used until the 2008 financial crisis."
"Rome set about establishing a series of forts and garrisons."
"Send a diplomat to cancel your tributary arrangement with Phrygia."
"Lee believes the war will be decided in the East, not the West, and at the peak of his fame and powers, he believes he's the man to do it."
"Germans would have been better off in World War II if they had not built a Navy at all and devoted those resources to the Army and Luftwaffe."
"The duels of the warlords decided the strategy for the greatest battles in history."
"The client system’s economy of force also aided continued Imperial expansion."
"Our objective: march to Rome, eliminate all contenders, and conquer Mediolanum."
"Churchill's wider vision... draw in [Germany]... to weaken [it] to the point at which [it] will start to bring down the whole edifice."
"Defeat the Protestant Reformation and prevent it from happening as much as you can."
"There is no way the Mongolians would just pass by tsushima as the huge Army would need a place to restock."
"Japan aimed to defend its interests by rapidly industrializing and forming alliances."
"Maybe we can do it. Our first empire will be that of Italia."
"Hitler did not plan to fight against Britain at first. His concerns were with conquering living space in the East. Zumer historian says this, and he's right, but what happened once the War Began, that's kind of the important thing, right?"
"The iconic purple Phoenix, Byzantium, makes for an excellent vassal and subject, and one of the most valuable trade nodes in the game."
"Risk it for the biscuit: aggressive expansion against the Etruscans!"
"Elizabeth McIntosh's strategy was a key factor in the Allied victory in World War II."
"Syracuse was very crucial in this stage of the campaign."
"Our goal is to core Constantinople, Antioch, and Jerusalem."
"If I've learned one thing, as a history nerd, is that it's usually a good idea to listen to strategies that have been employed for thousands of years because if they stayed around that long, there's probably something to them."
"For us, switching from the old wallets to Ridge meant an immediate improvement both in terms of style and comfortability."
"Henry of Monmouth - skillfully blocked Welsh and Percy forces from uniting with one another and then played a decisive role in the royalist victory at Shrewsbury."
"She assumed that if she elevated this young man and showed him favor to the point of bringing him great wealth and honor, he would completely and utterly be dedicated to her."
"To maintain their power and to get access to the resources needed to facilitate further urban expansion, it was crucial for Italian city-states to expand and maintain control over the "contado"."
"But I will be pushing into the Ottomans even more, taking out the smaller guys like Chandra, Caramen, Ramazan, Delkadir, Trebezant, Georgia, Akuyunlu before facing the Mamluks."
"Athens’ strategic interest in Thrace was focused on two primary regions."
"Elliptical stern for much of the age of sail getting into a so-called raking position was an ideal tactic."
"Thankfully, there is an age-old remedy to such a plague, and that is the Vlandian crossbowmen led by Lieutenant Simon Redmond, known as the 'Crimson Bolt.'"
"The Banzai boys and mad lads poised to take out Carthage."
"South Africa saved itself from German supremacy by carefully playing its cards."
"Alexander the Great primary with Ethelfled secondary."
"Problem reaction solution. It's a technique which has been used for hundreds and hundreds of years."
"Stalin knew exactly what he wanted and the thing he most wanted was to keep us out of the Vulcans."
"But… perhaps unbeknownst to Gao, prior to the battle Ziyad had established contact with a contingent from one of the Turkic Karluk tribes."
"This cloak is part of Russian and previously Soviet doctrine of 'masira,' literally as disguise but conceptually the analogy is masquerade."
"Hadrian pulled the army back from its overextension and then he built a series of beautifully engineered fortifications."
"William knew he had support among the English and his strategy was perfect."
"Every empire from the dawn of time has tried to make sure that they have safe borders on all sides so that you can kind of like exhale and focus on your economy."
"The main objective for this series is to unite the entirety of Greece under a Spartan banner."
"Because only by making your kingdom bigger could you also make it richer."
"In fairness to the royal family, it was wise to learn the salute, just in case we lost."
"Alexander's genius was to co-opt and use Persia, an empire that stood long before Alexander was born."
"The greatest weapon of the white man? Divide and conquer. Four-fifths of the world isn't white."
"Charles the Simple decided to try a new approach with which to deal with the Vikings."
"The establishment of the ruler cult... was probably done to ensure his place in history."
"...the object of Rome in her wars with them was no longer supremacy and empire over them, but their total expulsion and destruction."
"Lenin saw Poland as a bridge to Germany."
"Securing the Bonaparte Dynasty involved elevating siblings as well; thrones were given to Louis, Jerome, and Joseph."
"Starting as a single count in Granada, we will make the Umayyads great again."