
Carnivore Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"A carnivore and herbivore can actually be real friends."
"I plan to continue a strict carnivore diet for at least the first 90 days."
"The healthiest people in their 80s are the ladies who are carnivore."
"I would just eat fatty meat until it stops tasting good."
"...eating what I call a proper human diet and the carnivore diet is on the proper human diet Spectrum."
"I’m a herbivore I’m not a carnivore."
"Just finished my first week of carnivore, congratulations!"
"Carnivore will fix you from being hungry all the time."
"The polar bear is the largest living bear as well as the largest living carnivore in the world."
"We want to make the ultimate carnivore movie with the goal of helping as many other people as we can."
"He's trying to act like he knows the lion diet and the human diet and he's trying to make it that's clear cut that humans ate a carnivore diet or carnish. I would debate that."
"I have been doing keto carnivore now since the end of May and I've had incredible success with weight loss, joint pain, the menopause symptoms, just everything."
"Cutting out carbs, just doing carnivore, I feel like a million bucks. I feel freaking amazing again."
"I'm a meat eater, so I think we will keep moving along and see if we can find something worth hunting."
"One of the arguments I get, 'Must be nice, Mr. Rich Guy on Carnivore. I could never afford to do that.' I'm like, if you did the honest math, like what you're eating on the standard American diet every half hour, every hour, every two hours, I don't do any of that."
"I think I could do that, I think I could do that, do my own stunts now that I'm a carnivore."
"Once you start doing carnivore, it seems like for myself and others, you start just, 'Oh, we're just eating meat and now we feel great,' but then you start doing all these other things."
"I recently spoke to a guy, he has stage four cancer and he's going through chemo. But he started doing carnivore and fasting, and he's doing the best he possibly can given the circumstances."
"Carnivore saved my life... fully mobile again off oxygen."
"The full scientific name for a ferret is Muscular Putorius Furrow. In Latin, this translates to 'mouse-killing stinky thief.' It's harsh, but accurate."
"Ferrets are actually carnivores. Think like your dog or your cat."
"Just start looking at the carnivore blogs. The 'N of one' is the most important thing."
"People didn't even know what carnivore was a few years ago... I only eat meat and they literally look at me like I had three heads."
"If you've got a problem and you want to heal it, carnivore is the top notch."
"World carnivore month is almost here. I'm excited, you should be excited, everybody you know should know that January 1 is World carnivore month."
"But since going carnivore, where I eat more meat and bigger meals."
"Stage one was the hardest decision of your life deciding to do carnivore, going against the grain, all of your fears."
"Eating carnivore is one of the best ways to put on muscle."
"For those first six years on the diet, I used my own understanding of carnivore."
"Under eating is the biggest thing I see people do wrong on a carnivore diet."
"Carnivore is a lot about nutrition as you said, but it's also about what you eat and what you don't eat."
"I was a complete skeptic when I started carnivore and now I just passed my one-year mark and I've lost over 40 lbs."
"Humans are animals and the kind of animal we are is a carnivore."
"If you're a carnivore like a hardcore carnivore, the dino beef ribs where it's at."
"For the first time anywhere in the Americas in 35 years, a team of scientists from the Smithsonian have discovered a new carnivore species."
"Everything you've got is going to get better on a carnivore diet."
"The Allosaurus was an amazing specimen, a carnivore that fit a niche of being a jack of all trades."
"I'm full carnivore and the last thing I'll say is meat is the most nutritionally dense food you can get."
"Largest land carnivore in the world."
"A biologically correct diet for a carnivore is high moisture, high protein, moderate fat, and low carbohydrate."
"People are eating exclusively meat and those exact problems that you're talking about are gone."
"Polar bears are large land carnivores with males being two to three times larger than females."
"The Tyrannosaurus Rex ate up to 22 tons of meat a year."
"The cat is a carnivorous mammal which has long been kept by man in a domestic state."
"I evolved on the carnivore diet and giving up things on my own."
"Grizzlies are among the largest living carnivores."
"The arctotus was a gigantic short-faced bear, one of the largest terrestrial mammalian carnivores that ever existed."
"The first carnivore species to be discovered in the American continents in 35 years."
"Being the largest land carnivore of all time, he became a celebrity."