
Produce Quotes

There are 114 quotes

"The sweetness of that yellow tomato that just pops in your mouth it's so juicy."
"You can just squeeze that into your wow mouth almost tomatoey yes it's so sweet and it's sweet because it's yellow."
"I just love that Costco puts on when the produce was packaged."
"Look at these Amish pastes oh my goodness look at this tomato I how I'm not to pick this sucker and where I didn't grow but this one plant of Amish paste this year."
"Just take a look at these lemons, they're the size of a softball."
"Please wash your produce; you don't know what's on there, you don't know where it's been before it came to you."
"In 2022, the total value of spinach and cilantro sold by US farmers is $388 million."
"The farmers loved it, the regulars were a little leery at first, but soon you could hear discussions and sometimes arguments over which Farm provided the best produce."
"One of my parsnips weighed nearly 2 kg."
"Every seed produces after its kind."
"Preserve the freshness and all the vitamins and minerals... in your fresh produce."
"...this promises to be an explosion of fresh produce and the most amazing range of spices we will ever cook with."
"Heart selecting pumpkins in the garden is a practical way to obtain the freshest produce."
"Apart from cabbage, I do sweet pepper, habanero, cucumber, lettuce, watermelon. All kinds of vegetables, I'm available."
"Peppers, you guys. Oh my goodness, the peppers this year."
"As the jars begin to empty, all of the produce that you can throughout the growing months, as you begin to use that, you're going to find yourself with a bunch of empty jars."
"California grows more fruit and vegetables than any other state in the USA."
"So often in the winter time, we have lots of really nice local organic turmeric in our produce stand."
"Stickers on fruit do you like to eat stickers no well then why put them on fruit they're on all produce."
"Our garden's producing zucchini, cucumber, tomato, basil, kale, and cantaloupe."
"The land and its produce belong to the Lord."
"Produces little tiny tasty strawberries."
"All this fresh produce right from their own garden, that is so cool. I'm so glad we got to see it."
"...top quality commercial citrus stuff that is better than anything you'll ever buy in a grocery store."
"The lettuce it grows is really good especially this variety."
"I start seeds every two weeks, no matter what, for a consistent supply of fresh produce."
"There's nothing like summer fresh produce."
"90% of all domestic carrots are grown in California."
"Even if the good old British weather isn't all it should be, we can still enjoy together the wonder and color of summer produce."
"Have you ever seen a fresher tray of lemons?"
"In honesty, the smaller the fruit typically here the better it's going to taste."
"The quality of the produce in Australia is amazing."
"These are the finest strawberries from our Orchard."
"There's just something so refreshing about cucumbers and summertime fruits and vegetables."
"A greengrocers called 'Planet of the Grapes'."
"I just love summertime just because of the abundance of fresh produce and fresh fruit."
"I'm looking forward to having some great tomatoes this season out of here."
"For some apples, this time of year is when they're at their best."
"Marvelous tomatoes, thanks to my greenhouse. Beautiful basil, thanks to my greenhouse."
"They are really impressed about the quality of the produce."
"Every time I drive by here, they're always unloading fresh fruits and vegetables, and they're super friendly."
"Lots of avocados; I've definitely found the freshest produce here at this place."
"We got all these blackberries, whole bag of strawberries, blueberries, okra... we loved it so much, so we got okra again."
"Check out these bananas... this is our third year we've consistently harvested between 55 and 60 pounds per bunch."
"The value of having homegrown produce is second to none."
"About 80 percent of all the produce in a grocery store, no matter how it's grown, will not have detectable pesticide residues on it."
"The choicest fruit in the best of conditions."
"Decent homegrown cloves of garlic."
"We've got honey here from Michigan, Wisconsin, South Dakota, Florida, and Georgia right now."
"Anything that a farmer grows is called a crop."
"It's a wonderful feeling to have so much fresh produce."
"We sell only fresh vegetables and fruits."
"Trader Joe's corn is the freshest, most beautiful corn I've ever seen in my entire life."
"When you've got a family with three boys in it, you go through a lot of food, especially produce."
"I fell in love with the produce section in the grocery store."
"I live for the produce, love fresh stuff, I laugh at the groceries because I'm like, I will forget you're in my pantry."
"These are the best apples that we have ever had; they're nice and big and juicy."
"I love these for my smoothies, really amazing quality and what I love is, in Canada, everything you'll see, even the fruits and vegetables on the racks, they tell you which country it comes from."
"If you're looking for fresh produce, this is where you're going to find it."
"When you hear that sound, that's a great watermelon. I guarantee you."
"I've got a free onion and 2 free chilies. So I'm doing well. The Scotsman's pretty happy right now."
"What a lot of people don't realize is there's masses of great British produce."
"It was so fresh, so big, red, and guys, it's organic, fresh organic."
"You get really high quality produce that's just misshapen, and you're paying a fraction of the cost."
"The watermelons are massive and they're always a fantastic price for just $6."
"That is literally the best looking fruit and vegetables I've ever seen."
"The produce section has fruits and vegetables."
"It's an absolute joy of a lettuce."
"All the best produce shows up at 6 a.m., and it's chanterelle season."
"These are actually heirloom tomatoes; they're the best."
"We harvested 13 crops and it was a total of 34 pounds six ounces between all of them, this is pretty good."
"I want realness on the plate, realness of the produce, and realness of people's views."
"Over the last several months, I've been discovering individuals who rear or create great produce."
"The stem of a fresh pepper is always green, firm, and crispy."
"I want the best quality produce for the cheapest prices I can find."
"Genuine winter produce is things like Brussels sprouts, cabbages, parsnips that kind of thing."
"It's the number one fresh produce crop in the world."
"Even imperfect produce can be perfect."
"This orange bell is looking beautiful, I don't think I've ever grown orange bells like this, this is absolutely amazing."
"The produce in this is typically amazing."
"You're getting the produce before grocery stores even get them."
"What's the only fruit or vegetable that's never sold in the market frozen, canned, processed, cooked, or any other form but fresh? Lettuce."
"Maybe down the road, we can do our own fruits and jellies and jams that we can use our own fruit from."
"We've got eggs, nice goat milk, lamb meat, and then we'll have our garden."
"The produce gets to you faster than a grocery store does, so it's guaranteed that it arrives at peak freshness and flavor for you to enjoy."
"I try to do things very seasonally because the price of the produce is more affordable when it's actually in season."
"This is special now, it's a little bit more expensive, but you know you're getting the right produce."
"I love the produce in the summer, I always feel like it's the best-tasting in the summer."
"Quality is what's most important in our produce, in our dairy, and our meat."
"Okay, so that's good fruit from this tree."
"I love gardening just as much as I like eating the produce from my garden."
"You actually get their produce at its peak freshness and peak flavors."
"We all know there's growing demand for organic food and visitors will be able to purchase a variety of fruit and vegetables from our organic stall holders."
"And then you get feed from your animals, you get eggs, you get milk, you get pork, you get bacon, so it's a win-win all the way around."
"The juiciest fruits, we have the best products!"
"Look at that, that is a gorgeous tomato."
"The Rosella is our absolute favorite cherry tomato."
"All the wonderful winter squashes are coming into season right now, so it's super exciting."
"I am so happy with all of the zucchini and the cucumbers are coming in."
"Their produce did look really good."
"They are coming in so sweet, so juicy."
"The byproduct is going to be good farm fresh eggs."
"It is awesome, I'm super stoked about this garlic."
"We got so much produce out of our garden, so many veggies."
"We just got all the tomatoes washed and cleaned up, and they look absolutely gorgeous."
"The farmers market is our theme this month, with its produce, preserves, fruits, and berries."