
Gaming Feedback Quotes

There are 85 quotes

"Head recoil when shooting is annoying... we'll think about it."
"The faces of the Vo and that really struck a chord with people... it was one of the best feedbacks we got in the game."
"Please, please, and an overwhelming 62 percent of you said turn off the fire spread."
"Blizzard bloody hell, don't time-gate Twisting Corridors."
"It's broken, it's so broken but I like it so much fun."
"Corruption: S and actively made the game worse at the same time."
"I really wish my carts move quicker. Mojang, please, please, please."
"It was a big mistake to not allow players to reject phone calls."
"I think my only real complaint is that Boros, they just kind of shoehorned it into, 'You love equipment, don't you?'"
"The single biggest complaint I have about this game is the fear factor. It's just bad. It isn't scary in the slightest and it tries far too hard to be an action shooter free from any horror that the previous installment instilled within you."
"It's a great way to increase the excitement of progression without removing too much choice in the game."
"Despite my long list of ways that I want Star drops to be improved, all of the reasons why there's things wrong with star drops, I do think they should stay in the game."
"If when you level up it feels like you got weaker, that is literally the opposite of how an RPG should feel."
"Final thoughts in a nutshell: Man, really hoping that they would have embellished a tad more on PVP."
"It feels unresponsive. I mean, technically it's not like Killzone 2 bad by any means, but it feels more like a game of that generation." - Unknown speaker
"A lot of gamers have complained about the lighting, valid complaint but an expected one."
"I just want to talk about the game that I enjoy playing and if a little bit of constructive criticism sparingly used here and there we'll make it a better game in the future."
"Every time you level up, you'll get a new message that's a reflection on what you've been doing."
"But yeah guys let me know your thoughts on the game so far if you guys want to see some more of this game let me know leave a like or down in the video down below and we'll definitely play some more."
"That's just what the game is lacking is those little immersive qualities."
"Players were quick to point out flaws that we should have polished up front. We learned that for a Steam release, showing something that looks any amount in progress is a mistake." - InnerSloth
"If there's one thing he would have done differently it would be that he'd have more people playing Fallout 76 24/7 and getting a lot of feedback and correcting all the issues before saying pay us."
"I want the game to be really, really good, and that's why people give their criticism, that's why I give my criticism."
"Dear God, it needs a turbo mode. Yeah, needs a turbo mode very badly."
"Gundogan... they could have done way more with the card."
"I had fun... and ultimately, that's what's important."
"I want to see the game should have mo offer now they already come up with the two versus two did the game."
"It's all about being better than you were yesterday."
"They need to do balance patches with the expansion if they want to release like this, yeah, exactly like without toning down old stuff if they release new stuff as like a half an expansion it's not going to be good."
"This was from a bronze one game I believe, but please let me know what you think."
"EA sports can you please explain to us why you have this safety round still sucking when you get most rounds give me 97."
"I feel like I touched on a lot of the main issues with Warzone."
"Yeah, I kind of wish the expressions were a little more animated. Like they all seem pretty unenthused. You know what I mean?"
"I want answers, I don't want fixes for the game."
"General weapon handling and gunplay feels quite good."
"Ultimately you should be able to back a unit up but yeah 100% and that is kind of missing right now unfortunately but we're working on it."
"It's a great change to an already tremendous game."
"Trying to clear out misconceptions like this before they turn into sniper nerfs is the reason why I make these videos."
"Seeing how and why your rank changes, one piece of feedback we heard is that just knowing your rank doesn't say anything about why your rank went up or down."
"The common sentiment around Call of Duty right now is not good."
"Let's not look at this as a moment to complain but an opportunity to address some of the things the fat shark could change to make the game even better."
"2010, very, very good, plays well, like the control scheme, great, good stuff." - Shawn Michaels
"Though releasing the Gunner back bling was a bad idea."
"Your active discussions suggest that the key idea of sandbox works: you have the opportunity to test, discuss, and assess possible changes before they find their way to the main version of the game."
"But hopefully next time they remember to win all the aspects that made their survival horror titles classics."
"This is a five out of five gun with armor piercing." - High praise for exceptional performance.
"This gun is so consistently good." - Reliability highlighted.
"I like that reload animation though. Very snappy, very tight."
"The game is starting to get boring not sure what can be done to fix it." - Saint Bellick
"It's not exactly chock-a-block full of extras."
"I think that the thing that I explained it to my viewers is right now looting weapons just doesn't feel rewarding because a lot of the weapons are just bad."
"Let us know your thoughts on the current balance of the game and the winners and losers of the current patch."
"Let me know what you think in the comments below about a game like this."
"This game is sick, I can't believe how much they've got going so far."
"The reason that the game plays this way is because of how you complain about the game."
"I wish the game had a second chance or a second win."
"Overwatch competitive does need a rework and it's just not a great system."
"one thing I did like is when you miss you get a nice visual and audio alert sort of a Bork sound which I thought was very cool"
"If it's not full you're gonna see obviously it wasn't a full bar and you know that."
"So this is where YouTube came in and I'm so glad I have all of you guys."
"I'd like to see improvements to bad shinies."
"It's not going to set the world on fire or anything like that, but it's a fairly competent dual stick shooter."
"Maybe the game could have used a little bit more interaction in that respect."
"Let's have a meeting, Kit. So tell me, why'd you put the charge shotgun in the game?"
"They're fun, they're actually like really, really enjoyable."
"That whole phase could be shortened; that phase screams to me as something that if it was at the beginning of the fight, it would get the Gul'dan treatment."
"Ground war overall... it seems like people are loving it."
"Match history will now show the rank you went into the match with for that game versus the rank you ended the game with."
"Overall, give overall this round, that's a big nerf dude."
"Any character that feels clunky to play should get changed to a way that they're enjoyable to the user at the very least."
"If you're gonna call your game gunfire Reborn the guns have to feel quite good and sure do feel quite good."
"The game's pretty cool, just feel like we need more moves."
"Let me know if you guys are enjoying the game."
"I think there should be more areas where it displays what rank you are."
"I'd be very curious to see... Pizong's thoughts on the Yone and Yasuo changes."