
Statues Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"Statues are erected in tributes to the good things that sprang from the actions of the men being honored."
"Big Tex, a giant 55-foot-tall statue, became a cultural icon of the entire state."
"Easter Island statues: a testament to ancient ingenuity."
"One does not honor the victims of atrocities with statues of the people who committed the atrocities."
"I think it's pretty messed up to destroy statues of any group because that is history."
"Locals often refer to it simply as the Dexter Graves Statue of Death."
"Memory... there's no better way in my view than a statue."
"Statues aren't just there to glorify people, they're there to remind us that they existed." - Thomas
"We talk about four Hall of Fame, first-ballot Hall of Famers that don't have statues built of them if they haven't already."
"That's crazy, oh my god, and they're on their respective statues."
"Easter Island was settled by Polynesian Mariners around a thousand years ago... The tallest statue is 10 meters high and weighs 82 tons."
"We should have statues in our towns to the great teachers that have shaped the lives of so many people I feel that our teachers are doing the most important work of any of us."
"The impulse to topple statues goes deeper than contextualizing history; it reflects a suspicion of idols altogether."
"The statues are described as though they are sat Frozen in Stone alive but inadequate awaiting resurrection."
"We need more statues, Australia needs more statues."
"The woods full of statues just here."
"Should the statues come down? Absolutely. Tear them all down, melt them down, turn them into something more useful like a sex toy, maybe. I don't know, but absolutely, these statues are useless."
"We are going to explore and look at statues, find out their history, while they were put there in the first place."
"This is nice, you got some duck statues, you get the little ducklings right behind."
"All these statues here are hand carved, and it's just amazing. I mean, the artwork is incredible to look at."
"An epidemic that turned humans into living statues."
"When a pair of two SCP-531 statues are facing each other, they produce a powerful suggestive effect preventing anyone from passing between them."
"At the very top of Mount Nemrut in Turkey, a series of large statues surround a tomb."
"Statues like these were likely kept in religious community buildings and were meant to represent individual deities."
"With hundreds of statues like this, Amanotep was multiplying the image of himself as Egypt's most powerful God."
"The impressive stone elephant statues that can be found at the Siam Bay dive site at Racha Yai, Thailand."
"I love statues and I love Silver Surfer."
"The true purpose of the statues has never been confirmed."
"The true purpose of these statues remains unknown."
"I'm loving Hamburg so far. Over here we got like these statues, it looks kind of funny, these two goofy looking statues."
"Marvel at the beautiful statues or three statues here and just enjoy the view."
"The imagery of stone statues coming to life is all over the place."
"Not only are these statues detailed but I love how they're true to size."
"The way that these smoke effects seem to just hang in the air is truly better than anything I've seen on a statue yet."
"The expressions on these statues are so lifelike."
"Jermaine Palace makes some of the best dynamic statues in the anime game."
"Is this the best Cyclops statue ever made? Yes."
"Past the copper statues, of everyone you've ever loved."
"And still they watch, those strange alien statues on Easter Island."
"This place is amazing; I've never seen so many Buddha statues in my life."
"Harmy Anime has not one but two separate websites where you can buy gorgeous statues like this one."
"The city had towering statues and some of the greatest marvels of Eastern Europe."
"Beneath the Easter Island heads, they actually have hidden bodies."
"We need statues on top of buildings again, that looks tremendous."
"The moai statues of Easter Island remain cloaked in mystery for many of us."
"He has statues erected in his honor."
"It's so cute I love snow - Lickety either the snow white like this with statues of leader of Seven Dwarves and snow white herself."
"That's why those statues are on the waterfront, to commemorate the 50th anniversary."
"We treat statues the same way that everyone treats pictures of their loved ones."
"Most people think that these statues are works of art, that they're beautiful."
"The park measuring one square kilometer is full of sights; there are 40 marble statues and several fountains in it."