
Cherished Memories Quotes

There are 171 quotes

"It's clear that this game holds some really cherished memories for these guys: of a time early on in their careers when they stumbled upon an opportunity to make a game that would be played and loved by hundreds of thousands of people."
"This is a memory I will eternally be grateful for."
"There is no family so busy but that it can come together in the evening for a dinner date which will give its members something to look back upon with happiness all their days."
"My dad and I playing Morrowind is probably one of, if not genuinely my favorite memory of gaming."
"That was probably one of the most amazing memories we had."
"Every year my mom would make these double chocolate cookies with mint in the middles."
"Once it held her image, he always wore it close to his heart."
"It was the most perfect night and I would never change one thing about it."
"I'm so glad you got to speak to her one last time."
"I can remember when I was a little boy, my grandmother and I could hold conversations entirely without ever opening our mouths. She called it 'shiny'."
"I've got loads of photos of my kids, but this book is amazing."
"People have been sending me pictures like this feather picture that I love so much."
"Some of my favorite memories are from these kind of things that we all did together."
"I played that game every time, it's always been near and dear to my heart."
"What is one memory you really want to never forget? Our 19th birthday."
"Memories like this with cigars and great company, heirlooms like that, really are so meaningful."
"Childhood memories of time spent with my grandmother are very precious to me."
"If there is a place that we go where we can reconnect with our loved ones, where we can be with them again, I hope to God that Candace and Paige are making snow angels in heaven right now."
"I miss you Josh, I'm sorry that you chose me, but I'll always cherish our memories."
"She would have loved that, yes, because it's part of who you are."
"This always holds a special place in my heart."
"I'm really being myself because the Lord of the Rings was something I loved when it first came out."
"Family and friends and memories are everything."
"I've had extremely good memories from League I'm always gonna be able to look back and know like I know pretty much no matter how my time with League."
"I don't know how much longer or how many more times I'm going to be able to go to Korea with my parents and I just have this really beautiful memory."
"Even if I can't be a mage, I can still believe that my experiences with others will be good memories."
"I remember when they won in 2004, the good old days."
"It's pretty special. It's very close to my heart."
"His affectionate, animated, and vivacious personality is missed dearly by everyone that knew and loved him."
"Life was good, life was simple, and it was just like it has such a dear place in a lot of people's hearts."
"The memories that have been made out there are Priceless."
"Do I miss Marianne? Yeah, I was lucky to get that time with her that I did, and I cherished that."
"She made some of the best chili ever ate my life. And she made a pony cornbread."
"We will however always have 6th edition and I'm certainly grateful for the memories of those high school games..."
"Seeing fans reactions to Luke's return is something I will cherish forever. #NoWords" - Mark Hamill
"Me and my dad didn't talk a lot because daddy just didn't talk a lot. But the few conversations we had were very special to me."
"Honestly all the times that I had, these will be the best memories."
"It built itself a very special place in my heart."
"The echoes of laughter, the warmth of shared moments, and the depth of cherished memories forever."
"We had some wild and wicked fun memories together, brother. God bless you, Randy, for bringing so much joy and happiness."
"That little boy will know that he was so loved, just think about that."
"There's not a day that goes by where my mind doesn't drift back to this moment on this boat at summer camp, the simplicity of these days."
"It's literally so tiny, I will cherish it forever."
"I wish you know what my happy thought was? It was you."
"For me, it continues to be a place that I genuinely love and cherish."
"How sweet and heartwarming this story is, sentimental value was really put into place giving gifts and cherishing those gifts."
"I loved going to my grandmother's house... so this is like a game changer two things that were a game changer."
"No matter what we lose, they can never take this away."
"The canoe as being something that runs through my entire life."
"Erica expresses that this summer has become her most cherished one."
"I think that going to Mexico with Cooper and his family is my most treasured memory."
"It's such a comfy sofa, guys, and we've had lots of good memories on this."
"The want and the willingness to just come in and get after it and go again... I'll cherish for ever."
"This little thing was my little precious little cat."
"Granny's recipe for sugar cookies has been part of my Christmas for as long as I can remember."
"These are the best moments right these are the best memories."
"I love my memories, man. I think that they're so special, these things we went through."
"It's something that I think I'll cherish for the rest of my life."
"I was really grateful I got to bring her, you know, it's memories I'll have forever."
"I feel really blessed for the life that I grew up having because there were so many good moments."
"I'm glad I got to experience it, I look back on the fond memories."
"...this will always be a highlight for me because it's just been so special and the people I've been able to share with, including with yourself, it's been so meaningful."
"It's just one of those things that it will take you back and it's golden, it's one of those golden memories of my life that I will always cherish."
"It's one of those golden memories of my life that I will always cherish."
"Fans of Disney's Winnie the Pooh and those who had fond memories of it as a child will have this film in a special place in their hearts."
"If you remember these, you had a gold childhood."
"I wouldn't trade the time I spent over the last two years for the world."
"I really looked up to my granddaddy, that was like one person I really cherished."
"The mere thought of it connects me with one of the happiest times of my life."
"It will always hold a special place in my heart."
"Just the memories is a song that I really hold dear to my heart."
"I held her in my arms and said goodbye, my batty snake-killing, squirrel-chasing miracle of a best friend. I love you forever."
"How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard."
"I promise you no matter what happens tonight, this will be just such a lovely memory between you and your grandpa."
"The memories that I have, I cherish."
"I'm not going to lie, this is one of the best memories that I've ever had from any place."
"I miss Meg already. I had such a fun week and a half with her."
"My happy memories attached to this continue to make me happy."
"It's a special moment, I used to come here all the time with my Dad."
"To be able to look at what we accomplished as a group, it always will be cherished."
"Magical times, good memories, an incredible piece, a piece of history right here in my room."
"He looks the day like the day my mother gave him to me."
"She's nothing more than a memory that I treasure."
"The best friends in my life I met during that time."
"I do really sort of enjoy the thought really of her sitting in this chair and reminiscing about her time with her Granddad."
"My favorite memory of Disneyland is hanging out with my family there and having a special magical time."
"It was just one of those great days and for me it was a memory that I will never ever forget."
"I still have tons of great memories at that cabin in those woods."
"Interviewing Raymond and taking these then and now photographs of him is a moment that I will cherish forever."
"I couldn't have cared less about some janky metal because I left Vietnam with the one thing that really mattered to me."
"I've loved living here and I've never really lived somewhere where I'm really sad to leave."
"It's a nice little memory to take away from the day."
"Every night I wind up the music box, gaze at the ring, gaze at the photograph of the most wonderful man in the world, and remember the most romantic moment of my life."
"It's been nothing but great memories for all of us."
"Those are the glory days for me, you know, those are the things that I'm going to remember forever."
"My nine-year-old Liv was the light of our lives; she was a character, she was my baby."
"It always brought a smile to my face, that photo was the last memory I had with my parents."
"The past decade has had it all, it has been filled with some of the toughest years I ever hope to face and the best memories that I hope to never forget."
"Home Alone, the Blockbuster film from 1990, remains a cherished gem for many—a cinematic treasure that will always occupy a special corner of their hearts."
"We all have our favorite cartoons growing up, of course, that we cherish to this day."
"We will have so many times that are worth mentioning, memories to hold dear, and I'll never let you forget them."
"Simply to have been in Ollie Broadway's company was to gain a treasured memento."
"You'll always have the memories of all those games."
"Many happy childhood memories coming on here so it's always nice to come back and give it a go."
"Dennis, the good boy, lived a long and healthy life."
"His willingness to share these cherished memories continues to foster a sense of nostalgia and affection for Barney and his magical world."
"I think some of my favorite memories were just making these picnic lunches and dinners where we'd sit in beautiful locations."
"I met him when I was seventeen years old. If I knew we only have each other for eighteen years during the time, I would appreciate every day to be together with him."
"I'm going to look back on this absolutely forever."
"Enjoy your dinner, Uncle Pony, I'm going to miss you too, my little rock climbing buddy."
"I'm having trouble believing that my last sit down with her was my last; I will so miss those chats."
"The holidays we share together are so powerful and very special; they become versions of our heaven when we die."
"Even when plans go awry, it's the laughter and stories shared that make the memories we cherish."
"My dad would be over the moon to see it."
"Don't be upset that it's ending, be happy that it happened."
"I love it when music connects you to a part of your soul, bringing forth a memory or a moment you cherish."
"Every day with Ayari was the happiest of my life."
"I still get the same feelings that I had whenever I first got it."
"This holds really, really good memories for us, one of the best days of many of our lives."
"No cat will ever replace Alfie because he is one of a kind and he was my first ever pet."
"These moments I will never forget, the time we shared, the laughs we had, the tears we cried."
"That year '96 at Motocross of Nations was something I'll cherish for the rest of my life."
"I just really cherished my memories of my relationship with those two guys because it was such a great relationship."
"Old times, memories we want to treasure."
"You deserve the feeling that I had the moment your father placed that ring on my finger."
"Oh how I would kill to relive the memories that house so graciously gave me."
"I will always cherish how special these two tapes mean to me."
"We've got very nice sentimental memories of the time we've been in Dorset."
"It just reminded me of the magic of this moment."
"I cherish them so much because I remember so many meals as a kid."
"I can't imagine life without her, but it was still the best 12 weeks and it taught me so many things."
"I used to have a Capri, I had a 2L laser back in when I was 20... I've desperately wanted another one to put my own stamp on and to make nice and to use and to keep."
"The very best kind of memories, the kind that stir you and make you smile and challenge you all at the same time."
"The kindness you've shown me is a memory I will forever cherish."
"Those few months we spent together were a true blessing, a perfect experience that I'll always cherish."
"That which I cherish I will never forget."
"Overall, my experience has not been permanently tarnished; I have great memories from this experience."
"Those were Beverly's fondest memories."
"My favorite memory is when we got married and when we bought this house."
"To have a piece that really gets to the heart of what he loved is amazing."
"It was a great memory, great night, great time with my sister."
"Those who adored her the most have never forgotten her and cherished the times they spent with her."
"Sentimental gifts are the ones that mean the world to me."
"Great friendships and memories from places that you've gone and spent time at will never go away."
"The memories we create will live on forever."
"It's a court that I have so many good memories on."
"I love a good productive day in the home, but I also love productive days that are just filled with really good memories and a whole lot of love."
"It was the happiest time we've ever had."
"Those nights are days I will treasure forever, never forget."
"Grandparent relationship is something I cherished."
"I wish that I can relive that day every single day."
"Those are the things that swell my heart when I remember it."
"We just laid on top of people's cars and we just reminisced. It was amazing, I'll never forget it."
"My grandpa... was my favorite person in the world."
"I'm so glad I have that memory and that experience with my mom."
"When you were living here with your mom, it was a very happy special time for me."
"Every time you all visit and leave, I feel saddened, but I capture and cherish those moments in time, replaying them in my mind's eye, feeling grateful for human interaction and contact."
"I miss being able to talk to her, I miss her laugh, and I'm truly lucky that I was able to call her a friend."
"We can always carry the good times we've had inside us as memories."
"That's why it will always hold a special place in my heart."
"I've always treasured that night in Barcelona."
"I absolutely love the color, I love that I have this memory of my son's wedding."
"We had the most amazing talk that I will cherish forever."
"It's just always one of those special memories that I always hold close."
"You guys reserved a special place in your heart for people that you really loved."