
Relationship Struggles Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"Each one is brutally honest in their feelings, yelling ceaselessly into the void, all the while talking past each other and unable to hear the other side."
"Both types try to control, manipulate, and engage in a power struggle without taking real action."
"Communication is difficult with this person."
"It's okay. Hey, we've both struggled with this. Does he want to struggle anymore? Does he want to be there? But we can acknowledge that."
"Your person is feeling very complicated at the moment, they have conflicting emotions."
"Nights are sleepless, do we need space, yeah maybe you'll break or you're my weakness."
"Your relationship with them has been through a rough patch, there's been a change here."
"Why can't I quit you? Now that's why can't I resume you."
"This person wants to communicate and confess their emotions but they're struggling with it."
"Your person loves you but feels like you're bailing, not acknowledging pain or heartbreak."
"They're struggling without you, wanting you to forgive them, wanting to create a fresh start with you."
"I'm done trying, have fun with the dudes that can't treat you like I did."
"You're on a quest for somebody that just fits with you, and it's such a struggle."
"Surely we can't keep doing this. This connection is worth fighting for."
"There's some energy here about feeling disheartened like you or this other person or both of you may have had high hopes for this connection in the past."
"The relationship I had with feline was literally the most passionate relationship I've ever been in."
"Cracks were beginning to appear in their six-year marriage."
"It seemed like victory was out of sight or impossible, victory with the masculine, victory within this connection because of some situation."
"I know I failed you, but I tried to save you, Jason."
"The idea that this was shocking at all to Chris indicates just how emotionally detached he was from her and their final weeks together."
"Chris is struggling through his explanation because it doesn't make him sound good to say that shenan wanted to work on their marriage"
"In a dating culture where detachment is the name of the game, how are we then surprised when people are struggling to really feel their feelings?"
"It doesn't come that easy anyway. Every time I try, it never feels the way it did at the start."
"I told her how I also don't want to end our relationship but I am hurting."
"She confessed that she hated that she couldn't do anything for him."
"It's like you're angry because you miss your person and you feel like you may have lost your person."
"Guys, relationships kinda suck at the moment, it's hard not to walk away with cynicism."
"It would just be so much easier to run back into his arms and forgive him for all this shit, but I would feel like a fraud."
"They feel like not being able to release you is a burden to them."
"We got a foundation built off of family, off struggling with one another, having bad days, and with one another."
"Love is difficult and the relationship is difficult too."
"Our entire lives together has been nothing but a series of fans and sh*ts."
"The family's falling apart so please help us."
"He's holding hostage his love and affection but also his willingness to work on himself in their relationship."
"Every message they ever said to try to push you away was a bold-faced lie."
"Find peace of mind from this painful connection."
"We've definitely started to chip away at this bad romance somehow."
"I have a really f****d up relationship with the difference between need and want."
"The worst feeling in the world is knowing that you're doing everything to make a relationship work but nothing you can do is going to be good enough."
"Communication is key, especially if you've been having battles or sort of heavy energy in relationships."
"This person wants to make space for you in their life...but at the same time, they feel like they're the only ones that are putting in the work in the situation."
"I'm trying my best to get along with her but it's like everything I do is not good enough."
"They're stuck in a lonely union, holding onto hope and faith."
"It's not that I want to leave you; I wanted to leave what I have become."
"For the second time, I bailed the house out of foreclosure three times because she wouldn't pay the bills even though there was money in the accounts to cover it."
"It's always been an accusation it's always somebody or something and I spend so much time trying to prove I love her."
"Don't dick around and then say I'm not meeting the right person."
"Absolutely, I love this woman, she's loving my life, but the only problem I have with you is how you give me a hard time about my stuff."
"I don't know that my marriage can be saved, he's going to have to really keep showing me that he's willing to change."
"It's easy to lose sight of the universality of struggles in a relationship, but every couple has a lot of the same struggles, just dressed up a little differently."
"You can feel like you're trying to shed that relationship, but some part of your subconscious mind keeps wanting to go back to it."
"We go on hurting and pretending, convincing ourselves."
"After I've given you the best years of my life."
"Most people, women included, thinking about divorce, they really don't want divorce; what they want is an end to the pain."
"How two people who loved each other can end up in such opposite corners."
"I gave you all the love I got, I gave you more than I could give."
"I've tried to show you love, I've tried to show you affection, I've tried to do everything." - Unknown
"Sometimes we just collided and we keep on fighting."
"Western Nights offers a sonic commentary on Ethel's tumultuous relationship with her new partner, Logan Phelps."
"I know you're scared and trying to push me away again, I'll be waiting for you there."
"You hit rough patches, you take each other for granted just a little too long."
"Your heart is always telling she's coming back, and your logic is telling the probability is getting low."
"I don't want this feeling; I can't afford love. I try to find a reason to pull us apart, it ain't working."
"He was really trying for a long time to hold that together."
"I'm praying for his peace of mind; it's tough trying to repair and restore a relationship when the person is not receptive to what's going on at all."
"I was in pain and frustrated about lying to the man I love."
"I'm so heavy, heavy in your arms."
"I know I have been cold and nonreactive to you and your emotions; I realized I am sabotaging but I don't know how to get out of my own way."
"So hard with you, I don't know why."