
Security Measures Quotes

There are 195 quotes

"You don't need to close the store to stop theft. Concentrate on ensuring that stealing is tough."
"A total lockdown that nobody can have access to."
"Remember, the moment you exit the secure folder, the phone gets locked down immediately."
"No mention of terrorism... skepticism met the Secretary of Homeland Security."
"Apple is perpetrating some of their biggest security and privacy balancing acts ever all in the name of continuing to let us do what we want to do with our Macs but locking everyone else out."
"The script for the movie was kept so secret that executive producers personally shredded every script after a voicing session."
"If someone does compromise your bot, you can actually just click on regenerate, and this will update the token."
"So wouldn't it be nice if we could actually ensure that only those users who are authorized are allowed to execute certain actions?"
"Always respect security, try to secure locations up front, and just do a lot of research beforehand."
"We better make damn sure they're not being used for purposes that undermine our national security."
"As long as the Foundation keeps these dangerous anomalies under lock and key, the satellites won't really have a reason to send these battering rams after us."
"Can't go wrong with setting up your biometrics and security, it's just a good thing to have."
"She admitted to tracking suspected defectors and monitoring usernames and passwords of suspected moles in the group."
"Brinks says it will secure crypto backups in secret vaults."
"A barrier is about security. A barrier is about safety."
"Layers of security, redundancies, always a great thing to have."
"Special precautions have been made today to prevent me from killing myself."
"Given the objectives potential for significant psychological and physical impact on human suspects, its retrieval and securement has been classified as urgent."
"He always traveled with a huge bulletproof tent."
"And your passwords, let's just say they're gonna be long, random and unique and over 60 characters."
"Two-factor authentication is an extra layer of security that is absolutely crucial to set up before investing in cryptocurrency."
"The guards do not care about your running box. Go on in front of them."
"We're not asking to keep anyone out. We're talking about having basic security measures, basic common sense."
"Japan firm develops AI system to capture shrine box donation thieves."
"We went ahead and changed your password for you, but you know, Thursday night, we did it."
"Blacklist they really need to make sure all my Venus has that conceal."
"There are certain places on this planet that require a little extra care to be taken of them, extra security measures if you will."
"Russia has every right to take retaliatory measures to ensure its own security."
"Last month, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin approved a request to loan the Capitol Police eight persistent surveillance systems ground units."
"Guarding alone is actually not enough, you need other stuff."
"I'm gonna create it manually every time to prevent a default admin account."
"Do you think that having heavily armed officers, more security, and arming teachers creates a healthy studying environment for students of color?"
"There's genuine merit in these dust operatives patrolling neighborhoods."
"Not only is the president looking to take away Brennan's security clearance, he's also looking into the clearances of Comey, Clapper, Hayden, Rice, and McCabe."
"Why can't we have fingerprint identification for voting?"
"He would be able to talk about all the steps that he took that day to try to bring in security and get the National Guard in."
"You do not engage in any behavior that risks the safety, security, or survival of our people."
"Testing and evaluating our security protocols."
"If security has to address you, you probably are not well enough to leave the damn hospital."
"Everybody's eyes and ears were open. Shout out to the snipers on the roof, shout out to them."
"We can detain if there is unusual activity no."
"All it takes is one cray-cray person and I just can't. I don't know, you need like a maximum security facility, exactly."
"The Kremlin denies Putin's ownership of the property, but no average businessman gets private security from the Russian Federal Security Service and a no-fly zone above their house."
"Certain communities need to be excessively monitored and reported upon because of this idea of pre-criminality."
"Your garage door doesn't have this option, so drill a hole in the track just above one of the rollers and attach a padlock."
"Apple is doing so many things with our knowledge and probably even without our knowledge behind the scenes in order to keep us safe and secure, our information private."
"Why can't you bring liquids on a plane? Picture this..."
"Our number one priority is to protect the safety and Welfare of everyone that works at YouTube our security team is aware of this threat and is working closely with law enforcement to monitor the situation."
"Security has been ramped up a lot at airports and on planes."
"We watched who entered the facility. We recognized some of the faces."
"Authentication credentials are not provided."
"I purchased a gun and would sleep with it within arm's reach."
"Why does nobody ever talk about how basic security plans for schools could prevent 99% of school shootings?"
"I find it very arrogant that there are stores in New York City that don't have a gate."
"Finally, we solved the security. How? No one gets in, no one gets out. Lock the door."
"So criminal types can't manufacture an extremely lifelike 3D model of your face to unlock your smartphone."
"You gotta have firearms you gotta have security you have to be able to level the playing field against those who are in the same boat that also have firearms and security."
"We had one suburban and then the rest, level seven armor."
"More cameras, the better when it comes to true crime."
"Learning to solo involves listening for the chord progression."
"If my daughters want phones and they're under 18 years old, I'm gonna respectfully ask that they have either Find My iPhone or Family 360 on their phone."
"Let's just hope Dan has a good burner phone that can't be hacked into."
"What is the actual solution here? Well, the actual solution is for the Republic to wake up and get tough."
"If you really want to find out how effective a wall is, just ask Israel. 99.9% effective."
"Get your two-factor authentication turned on, on all of your social medias."
"Physical access control is crucial for security."
"That's just great, securing from emergency lockdown."
"The best and most secure way to vote is in person, in a ballot box, and at a polling location."
"You can change different conditions about who's allowed to go through the shield and what happens to them when they do."
"They've locked down the house, making it extremely difficult to come in or out."
"You can turn on your alerts to let you know when your card is used and instantly block if something fishy seems like it's happening."
"It's all about learning how to deal with and talk to and communicate with and ultimately from our perspective secure human beings."
"Guns are tools of self-defense against a dangerous world – a defensive response."
"I have never seen this level of barricades, police blockades, police standing guard around a situation like this ever."
"Make your place a hard target to deter intruders."
"Security Intel until now security until you should do for all three heist."
"I wasn't wearing scrubs. I was wearing street clothes every single day. And this is very normal. They did this at our hospital all the time too, where they call them like Intruder drills."
"As we gently pass the Hostile Vehicle Mitigation Partner provided by an act."
"We'll have it fast. It's drilling. It's the wall. And it's getting criminals out of our country that have been allowed to come in so freely."
"In most cases, if you try to photocopy a banknote, photocopiers will display an error message preventing you from reproducing money...similar errors occur if you try to edit a banknote on Adobe Photoshop."
"They have two air force ones, one's in the sky as a decoy, so the enemy can never really nail down where the president actually is."
"I kind of like the way that we have it right now because if they break the glass then we have the dispensers to defend us."
"Your security posture is going to be heightened after 90 days, not decreased."
"Here are 10 more of the most heavily guarded places in the world."
"No weapons," he indicates, motioning towards a table by the door.
"Either way having a second Factor definitely not a bad thing."
"It's important to check someone's Steam rep first before accepting or organizing a trade it doesn't matter who that person is you should definitely do this first."
"The first thing I would have done? Change the locks."
"Your person's negligence got you caught up in their mess and even other innocent people, but you brought justice not just for yourself but for others too."
"Alternatively, the children can't sled on the hill because a security theater panic has been ginned up and virtually no one in a position of influence has bothered even questioning it."
"Thanks to that Prometheus incident the National Forest Service has made the location of Methuselah one of the most highly guarded secrets in the world."
"I think the fence and camera are still going to stay up for a while because neighbor basically broke any trust i have with everybody in the neighborhood."
"Gating lets us control what passes through and what gets blocked."
"Protecting members' routes with an off guard service."
"If they do stop this, then there is no attack, we figure out who did it, we get an investigation, and we say okay, here are the people who did it. I can respect that."
"We had about none open investigations of classified leaks in the last three years, we have twenty-seven investigations open today."
"Background checks have gotten a lot harder, and I like that."
"You click the lock into place, and to your relief, the latch holds, trapping the man in the clean suit in your makeshift prison."
"A no trespassing sign on my fence is gonna prevent a trespasser about as well as a door lock on my door preventing somebody from breaking in and stealing my stuff."
"The crazy thing is, like the first time security stopped her they were like okay you're registering as a new student that's fine go ahead and do that but then she was still wandering around."
"The problem they were having is they absolutely needed the human input on those captchas in the sleeping interface."
"The responders have locked something down in this place and they have locked it down hard."
"Lots of privacy, lots of security, lots of light."
"You better make sure those alarms are turned off."
"I thought security was up your ass there for a while."
"Simple signs like 'Smile, you're on camera' are effective."
"You need to have your assets in multiple places."
"They didn't just open the gates, they opened the gates and then used combination locks and chains to make sure they were open."
"It's called good security for extra confirmation."
"Make sure you're using some kind of full disk encryption."
"We are the kind of place where we leave stuff out, doors unlocked, cars unlocked, that's not happening in this town right now."
"...we need to develop resilience...we can't develop an eggshell security...we need to develop resilience."
"...two Factor authentication it's really simple...if you can get that right again you're making yourself so much more secure."
"...endpoint protection in some format everywhere...every system has to have endpoint protection on it or something."
"Yup, board everything up, man. And they're competent too, you know?"
"I found it extremely odd that it took someone literally threatening to kill people for a professional sports organization to decide it might be a good idea to, I don't know, check bags."
"We have a door lock, a door lock doesn't really tell us when somebody is trying to get into a room. The door lock prevents somebody from getting into the room. So that would categorize that as a preventive security control because it doesn't tell us."
"...always on the lookout which shows that you are aware of the vulnerability that confidential information has out there and you take extra measures to make sure that you don't fall victim to those types of traps."
"A honeypot is a decoy system created to showcase a certain set of vulnerabilities to attract the attention of an attacker."
"Let's harden our schools, let's make it a priority to put these things in place."
"Secure at the edge with cloud armor, make sure you're using that functionality to eliminate additional security measures."
"Don't tell people where it's located, have different locations, use protection, cameras, vault, security."
"A consensus emerged to assure against unauthorized use, the never concept of nuclear weapons, a Presidential Directive was issued in June 1962 calling for Pals to be installed on all nuclear weapons dispersed to NATO command."
"Service design: Aligning with strategy, detailed budgeting, creating policies for information security, availability, capacity planning, etc."
"If you limit your account reuse, as an administrator you can make my life very difficult as an attacker."
"Use a simple password checker to provide real-time feedback on the strength of the password."
"Implement robust brute force protection on all authentication pages."
"Lowering your profile as a potential target makes your house less appealing to burglars."
"While some praise the policies and call for similar security measures in their own countries, others raise concerns about the methods used and the potential for abuse of power."
"Security stickers on DVDs: What's the point? Is this going to prevent somebody from stealing DVDs? Whose brilliant idea was this? That's bullshit."
"Zot Kicks achieves security without burden of key management."
"You need to ensure that your users do not have access to anything that they should not."
"Imagine if your object storage bucket only accept[s] data that was encrypted. If you tried to upload unencrypted data, it gave you an error."
"Your devices, your computers, your applications are going to be as secure as possible if you follow these eight steps."
"Make sure to add a hardware token or the strongest two-factor authentication option."
"Air travel was ruined by a handful of buttholes 22 years ago."
"Safe to say the U.S government made sure that El Chapo doesn't even think of escaping."
"The harder we make it on the thief, the more likely they are to determine that it's not worth the extra time and risk."
"The best way that you can keep it from being stolen is to take the steps to make it riskier and more inconvenient for the thief."
"This makes things a little bit more secure because now if you have a bit of malicious, gone rogue client-side JavaScript that somehow made its way into your site's code base, it at least can't access any private cookie data."
"Data confidentiality means unauthorized entities cannot view data while it's in use within the trusted execution environment."
"...to minimize the risk of theft, the university installed the little security gates that require our ID card to get access."
"Security is about taking proper steps to protect yourself from dangers."
"Credit card fraud is actually super common and it's important to take the proper security measures."
"Network security experts use firewalls, physical protective hardware, and security awareness to prevent breaches and retain lost data."
"So Native Client takes this different approach that's in general called software fault isolation."
"We want to disable the root access so that no one can sign in as the root user and do anything malicious with our server."
"There's little booby traps you can put in your system... to make things more complicated for an attacker."
"Security controls are measures taken to safeguard an information system from an attack."
"With IP whitelisting, you'll be able to log in on your WordPress website only from specific IP addresses."
"I was always guarded by Marines with attack dogs and semi-automatic weapons, which is exactly how we protected the iPhone."
"It's always best to require a username and password for a file share."
"These measures are not intended to inconvenience our customers but are meant to help protect both you and the bank from potential fraud."
"Passwords have evolved into passphrases because they're much longer and much harder to guess or crack."
"In South Africa, it's normal to have high brick walls with electric gates, electric fences, alarms, etc. The crime here is hectic."
"...the purpose of this fence, which had enough voltage in it to instantly kill anyone who touched it, was to cut down on prison escapes and to allow correctional officers...to move from guarding the perimeter to patrolling the inside of the prison."
"There is never a guarantee of security, that doesn't mean we don't lock our doors and take effective measures to protect ourselves and our families."
"Triple check everything and never trust a stranger."
"If this particular thing ever happens, I want it stopped immediately."
"Surveillance cameras should be a tool that you have."
"We need to protect the information that is in our care from loss, destruction, unauthorized access, unauthorized disclosure, and misuse."
"The School District vowed to upgrade its security."
"Scam prevention is infinitely easier to achieve than scam reversal."
"Encryption is your safe harbor; encryption is your key to compliance."
"High tech security is no replacement for guts."
"We have officially finished; this is now our backend that's going to handle our requests and also gonna keep our API key safe."
"We're also storing this same refresh token in a database here that can be cross-referenced."
"2FA combines something you know, a password, with something you have, like a code generated locally on a separate device."
"When you implement controls, you put them in there for a reason."
"How can we prevent this? We can prevent this simply by enabling something called root squashing."
"After Israel implemented certain measures for security and safety, there has been a dramatic decline in Palestinian suicide attacks."
"Tokens reduce the likelihood of subsequent fraud since they have no value outside a specific device, merchant, or acceptance channel."
"I do A, B, C, and D to give myself a reasonable sense of security."
"It's very important to implement some measure of security in applications."
"This is a great security measure and can help deter unwanted access."