
Educational Values Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Public schools are there to impart knowledge to your kids, and that goal has to take place within a certain framework of values."
"We need to foster a sense of wonder in the next generation. What have we done? It's not just about the God question, it's teaching science and math."
"We have to make sure that our children know America's promise and we have to teach them the true and honest history of our country."
"It's important to hear you say that. Y'all all have spit conscious lyrics. You all have spoken on education and uplifting our people."
"What values does this teach our kids, or anyone else for that matter?"
"It's not about what students may know but what they might believe."
"Imagine every black child was taught that if you ain't doing it for the black community, then you ain't doing nothing."
"What I think is feasible is to teach succeeding generations of Americans that different forms of language are different, but not worse."
"Vietnamese people are hardworking... hardworking is the number one quality of Vietnamese students." - Mr. Witten Chi Hill
"Knowledge is power. Facts matter. Science matters."
"Our schools are supposed to be these bastions of open speech and safe spaces."
"Living for the benefit of others is more than just a slogan on a wall at this school; it is the actual pathway that leads to you and I being vessels in the hand of God to push back this power of hell that wants to swallow this generation."
"Because my parents instilled education and academics and me so much after I graduated high school I was gonna go to a traditional college and become a pharmacist."
"The most important thing I think out of all this is to teach compassion."
"The pedagogical experience here becomes an invitation to make visible the languages, dreams, values, and encounters that constitute the lives of those whose histories are often actively silenced."
"Sharing truth and knowledge with everyone is the most important pursuit for humanity."
"Teach your children to be bound read sovereign strong young adults."
"Prefer to be educated and not indoctrinated. Americans prefer caring over criticism."
"I think there has been this overemphasis on sports. I'm old school, and I'm old guy. What happened to just going to school to actually get an education?"
"Children were taught the value of cleanliness."
"Schools should inculcate pride towards Indian culture and civilization."
"Teaching should be about the kids learning. It shouldn't be about them taking this test because realistically..."
"Education should be about the kids learning. It shouldn't be about politics."
"It teaches dedication, it teaches consistency, and that's just to name a few qualities."
"I'd much rather have my kids reading a book about what someone did in Iraq or Afghanistan than a book on, let's say, the Kardashians or something like that."
"Most people don't know the distinction between mere education and the fundamental principles of liberal arts."
"If the intention is good and the work was put in, that's all that you're supposed to be doing in school."
"A patriotic education encourages students like ourselves to be happy about America and to want to make a positive difference."
"We need to teach kindness while upholding morality in our schools."
"We need less broken homes, more fathers in households, and responsible parents valuing education."
"My academic freedom... does not just give me the freedom just to spout off."
"We need to take our schools back because truth is truth and it never changes."
"So, those evidences, what does it show? The importance of nurturing your children correctly."
"They're giving them the all the things that we should be giving them."
"The disciplined learner exemplifies this Liberation."
"I have no problem with teachers being well compensated."
"This is the new BLM, this is the new like anti-racism and it to be honest it might even be more powerful."
"The whole point of getting universities is you're supposed to have open minds, hear views you may not like, challenge, manage them, put your own views forward, evolve, learn."
"It's not all about the grades guys... it's about improvement."
"There's always going to be a value system attached to the education."
"Logic is very important and people don't understand that but logic is very important."
"TCU emphasizes its students being ethical leaders and responsible citizens in the global community."
"This passionate pursuit of truth, however elusive as it may be, is at the heart of all our programs."
"When you cheat in school, you only cheat yourself."
"Good teachers want their pupils to feel that way."
"School as a community is composed of teachers, administrators, students, staff, and other stakeholders united in one purpose and guided by common values and culture."
"I want them to have the same education that I did."
"Do you want to live in prosperity, peace, and understand safety and security for your family, education for your kids?"