
Audio Production Quotes

There are 255 quotes

"The first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to dial in this parallel compression." - David
"The possibilities with this plug-in are almost limitless."
"Experimentation is key: just try things out until it sounds good."
"Having it just happening inside this plug-in and automating all of that for you is really going to save you a lot of time in your production."
"I like the guys who make it sound like a voice."
"Endless encoders are really nice to have because the physical knob matches the position of the virtual knob in your DAW or virtual instrument even after switching instruments or effects."
"Mixing is like painting a picture; you're drawing a picture with sound."
"If you're clipping your master bus, the fix is not bringing the master fader down; the fix is bringing all your individual channels down relatively."
"It's easy to make something loud, but it's difficult to make something loud but still have clarity."
"The microphone I feel almost more than any other part of the production pays off leaps and bounds."
"If you understand what each band of the eq does from a fundamental standpoint, you can then make and assess a problem within your mix."
"One of the problems they've had working... is that people will change their audio setup during the development."
"The best mix engineers, they don't mix loud, they mix quiet."
"Like it was 97.98 quite a long time ago, you've got to bear in mind when Pro Tools was around then it was the only game in town for doing the kinds of things that I loved and I needed..."
"It's important to remember that a de-esser is just a cousin to a compressor."
"Automation is quite easily probably one of the most important tools in mixing."
"essentially what you need to do is you need to find a place of comfort where you know how things sound and you can replicate that"
"I think this is a great choice for audio engineers, mixers, especially for long mixing sessions."
"Different ranges of volume depending on different goals."
"Sorry for some of the weird audio things, sorry for listening to production only tracks. I didn't realize. That was cool though. I enjoyed it. I'm looking forward to putting it on again right now already."
"They changed the sound of metal production forever."
"Audio effects are the toppings in this analogy."
"So yeah you're gonna want to have Headroom when you're when you're working for the mastering stage."
"The guys working sound design... made these things feel real."
"As someone who works with audio all the time, I can tell when something is off."
"Why do I like this so much? Because the people behind it know how to captivate your ear."
"The difference between mix and master isn't that much."
"Don't let anybody change what the source audio is. Of course, you can put reverb on it, you can put delay, if Brian May wants chorus on his guitar you can do that."
"Getting the sound right at the source is absolutely crucial."
"Let's move on to the basic equalization approach and then we'll go into the compression..."
"If you're mixing electronic music, hip-hop, pop, anything with a lot of bass in it, you need to be able to hear this stuff."
"Microphones are like the magic wand of what I do."
"Solve the problems of your mix inside of the mix, and don't try to solve them on the master buss."
"It's going to help your mix come together before sharing it to your friends or not like whatever you do try to do some type of little bit of mastering."
"Listening through all the tracks for any pops, clicks, dropouts..."
"What happens is when you do it here and you turn it up, you're actually applying gain to all your tracks."
"Now, that's just the stock compressor and EQ. What's really fun is when you start using cool analog emulations that add some character and thickness and warmth and all those buzzwords that we love, then it starts to get really interesting."
"Proper gain staging shapes your mix, minimizes pesky noise, reduces Distortion, and ensures you've got ample Headroom to play with for the mastering portion of your track."
"So let's bring in these vocals, and I'm going to do this in mono."
"Contrast... it's huge in music production and it's huge for making your stuff sound huge."
"I mean the audio opinion of people is pretty interesting when you put it into a piece of gear even the way you choose stuff it's like how is this going to affect my end result you know."
"Give us a flat sound. Active EQs can make certain notes jump out of the mix."
"Learning how to do the audio right and keep it uniform and mixed really good is really important."
"With all these tools that we have here with the channel strip, it's very easy to get your mix to a point where it's already sounding incredibly good."
"When you can start to kind of sculpt different elements, you can get away with adding a lot into your mix because they all have their own place to sit."
"EQ is the most powerful tool in our mix; if you want your vocals to sound clearer and more upfront, a big part of that is EQ."
"Two little moves and a little bit of saturation, and we're getting way more clarity, fullness, and punch in our mix."
"There's only three things we're doing in the mastering process: shaping our tone, shaping our dynamics, and then bringing our loudness up to commercial standards."
"Third transition technique: reverse reverb."
"I've been a professional producer, mixing engineer, and mastering engineer for over a decade now and I have a system for producing vocals that's going to get your vocals to sound incredible."
"With everything together, all of those different tips that I've shared with you today, your low end is going to sound amazing."
"Picking different sounds along the process can drastically change how your production sounds."
"Thicken up existing vocals into a rich, lovely vocal stack that just massages your eardrums."
"Parallel compression: an eye-opening moment."
"By practicing frequency training regularly, you can develop a more critical ear, make better decisions when it comes to mixing and mastering, and ultimately produce better quality music and audio content."
"Being able to identify specific frequencies that need adjustment allows you to fine tune your productions and mixes and produce top quality sound that truly stands out."
"The goal of a mix can't be like 'Oh wait to hear this comes back from mastering, okay.'"
"Less is more and cut before you boost."
"The Rumble, this is what's going to give us some really good already like tonal qualities to the track."
"Mix bus processing is one of the most discussed topics when people first start mixing and with good reason. It's the final destination of your mix, it's what glues the mix together, adds extra EQ touches if needed, and usually the main starting point of your mix."
"As I start turning it up you can hear extra copies of that actually creating a wider fatter sound."
"Not the most expensive gear, not the cool glowy LEDs, not the infinite plug-in library. No, the thing that matters is the acoustic treatment."
"These two powerful processes are legendary among Studio Professionals for adding a Magic Touch to just about any Sound Source."
"The closer you get to the source, the bigger the low end."
"It's really important to have your ears dialed into how EQ can affect a sound or compression or reverb and all of the things that go into that category."
"Do not fall into the trap of having a super compressed sound because I think it's counterproductive."
"...using the match EQ plugin not only goes a long way towards recreating the distinctive EQ curve of a recording but to a degree negating the near endless variables in the recording setup."
"It doesn't matter how good the gear is, it doesn't matter how expensive a microphone is, like if you know somebody who knows how to handle Logic or Pro Tools on a laptop on a MacBook or whatever."
"So yeah everybody needs to have these settings set so your audio is peaking between negative 12 and negative 18 db while speaking normally into your microphone."
"Big reverse reverb, oh I tell you what, people, people back then..."
"A great kick sound is gonna have both a nice top end to cut through the mix but also that low end thump."
"Often enough that's what's holding us back from great audio is having the courage to go out there pick sounds that are great and then kind of mangle them and mess them up and make them sound less pristine in ways that are even greater."
"Adding distortion to your bass sound...distortion can also really help to add perceived loudness which is really important to getting productions that pop."
"I think you can make things sound loud and good and I think loudness and thinking about loudness still matters even in the age of streaming audio services where there's some automatic volume normalization."
"Now it's going to ask me what pad do I want to add those four different stems to."
"One of the cool benefits of this is...making a vocal sound very close and upfront."
"Handling vocal effects...creating depth with delays and reverbs."
"My goal always is that the track sounds the same before the master bus as it does after."
"...help you truly understand how to deliver your audio for streaming."
"We can also add a bit of sidechain compression to that reverb so it doesn't get too overwhelming."
"So just gave it a little bit of top end and a little bit of sizzle."
"The brilliant match EQ plugin... seems to be getting us in the ballpark."
"...often doing a little bit each stage along the way can lead you better, more transparent results with more control, more character, and fewer of the potential negative shortcomings of over processing."
"...getting it right at the source in terms of the sound as good as I could at the time, and also the performance, mainly the performance especially in guitars, that was the big change."
"...cracking the code on drum mixing and getting live drums to sound up to that competitive bar."
"That's really cool because it's like someone sitting at a console adjusting your track while it's playing for the master. And there is nothing like that. And it sounds really great. It's easy to use."
"Within the stereo imager, there's this new feature called recover sides. And this is like a hidden gem for mastering."
"So you instantly get some of that information back, which is nice. And I think that's one of those kind of hidden features that's really useful."
"I mean, off the bat, it is so much louder than the other ones. And I don't think it's overly limited or compressed. It's still very punchy."
"The reason for this is when you go through the mastering stage and you increase the volume of the entire mix, that's going to bring these quieter elements up in the mix like delays and reverbs."
"The biggest thing with booming, and this is with a lot of audio, in particular, is anticipation."
"Learning by doing is the absolute best way to learn how to do live audio and professional audio, something that professors at school can never teach you."
"Another great way to maybe try and figure it out is to not use your own mixes as a test."
"Best thing ever for checking your mixes."
"Use record if you're crafting sounds and in a controlled environment."
"Just a little bit of a slap delay. Something like that, it just gives it a little bit more energy and kind of fills in the gaps a little bit without being too intrusive."
"I think a nice low five slap works really well on this vocal too. It helps to glue it in and smooth it out a little bit and I don't know, it just adds a little bit more energy, makes it sound more finished."
"...a static mix... before you do anything else... is always a great place to start... and it is also more importantly a great place to finish."
"99% of the time this is not going to cause an issue, but if you look at your waveform and you see that there's visibly significantly more energy above or below the center line during the loudest parts of the song, this is called waveform asymmetry."
"Whist we have all these EQs available to us that can boost any frequency and any amount that we really want in the digital world, having something like this that has its limits allows you to really dial in and think about your sound."
"Automate the output level down as you add drive in or else you're just going to clip."
"I love parallel compression it's so much fun to play with."
"A mix can only take so many low end frequencies before that low end bucket starts to overflow and your mix becomes muddy and the low end gets out of control."
"Remember, you don't always have to reach for the more advanced techniques of side chaining or frequency slotting. Just do your basic level balancing and EQ work first before calling on those more advanced techniques."
"Parallel compression, really powerful."
"I just used some mid-side to get that openness."
"...you need a bit of saturation and you need to make it a little bit dirty to get that mid-range to kind of poke through."
"So that's what's happening there, let's take a look at what I'm doing on the mix bus."
"If you're having trouble getting your vocals to really kind of sit perfectly, I do suggest starting there"
"I tend to treat EQing and mastering like peeling layers from an onion."
"So you can just go to save and then you could just go to audio mix down and from here you can do separate the programs you could track it out by programs if you have EXP loaded tracks like the way I just showed you then it's just a track out for everything."
"Every single channel has its own unique effects processor."
"It was much better to supply a bit of a duller track for mastering and get that top-end brought up."
"This microphone is really geared towards people who are just diving into the world of audio production."
"...using multi-band compression and dynamic EQ properly allows you to target in your compression so you're only applying compression where you need it..."
"...multiband compression and dynamic EQ allow you to apply EQ when you need it..."
"...using these compression and dynamic range manipulation tools so you can be more subtle with your EQ moves and more subtle with your compression..."
"...compression examples that I play you where you can really hear a significant before and after like night and day difference often those are going to be examples of probably too much compression for mastering..."
"The type-ahead search function in Pro Tools works for inputs, outputs, inserts, sends, and more."
"Playlisting in Pro Tools gives you the ability to later go back and choose which take is the best."
"Transparent parallel compression: It's a great way to add loudness to softer sections transparently."
"Colorful parallel compression: Two different ways to play with parallel compression for a fuller sound."
"What convolution is really doing is imparting the characteristics of one sound onto another."
"Convolution can reshape the feel and vibe of a track."
"...nice to just have one little plug-in to take care of vocal compression."
"That allows us to really get that shimmer and that spark and pop of a really clean and present vocal."
"You know, in the world of studios, there is this promise that once in a while you'll find a piece of gear that makes all the tracks better."
"...that moment alone with the whip crack and the music sting and The Gunshot reverberating in the dark darkness of the Jungle uh that's uh you know that's demo-worthy still to this day..."
"I can have 10 instances of this guy in a session rather than just the one on the mix bus super great for parallel drum compression too even room compression as well."
"Upping your game and understanding basic super simple EQ and compression in its simplest form will have a massive impact on the sound of your Productions."
"You have a lot of great outboard gear here as well."
"...make it sound a little bit thicker without having all this harshness."
"I suppose you could take a DI of that, and then you'd re-amp that. But you would not really be able to recreate those things unless you took a picture."
"Audio is like fingerprints. Each recording, even after post-processing, has a unique sound and personality all its own."
"Chasing a clean sound is what we need."
"Mastering was called mastering because in the beginning all you did was cut a master you didn't do any adjustments to the sound you didn't change the sound of the tape your job was to cut and know how to cut a good master mechanically."
"Now it became a creative part of the business."
"Listening to these monitors was the first time ever to experience such detail, stereo image, and depth in my audio production journey."
"It makes it more flush the vocals just sort of sit better with the beat."
"If you're a video producer and you don't have a good set of audio monitors you really would do yourself a huge favor to make an investment in something that's good quality."
"But you would really do yourself a huge service to invest in a decent quality of studio monitors to make sure the audio on your production is top notch and at some point, I will be doing an audio course on this channel."
"... the biggest one being that you can Tempo sync your compressor to your music which is incredible..."
"... it has so many cool features that I really don't see in a lot of other compressor plugins..."
"... the trick to this plug-in is to actually take this threshold knob and Pull It basically all the way down..."
"... it really makes the bass sound full and powerful..."
"... my sixth waves Hidden Gem plug-in is the linear multi-band compressor..."
"... it does a little bit more than just adjust the volume it actually changes the EQ slightly to maintain a phantom stereo image..."
"... if you want to make your song sound a little bit wider all you have to do is push this side volume up..."
"...they are going to make your delay sound significantly more professional and fit the context of your tracks significantly better."
"so my response to that is well if 95 of people are listening to it this way in the theater then the music should come up globally three decibels then you'll get the emotion back."
"Good quality saturation, it's almost a way to kind of like I'm going to use less compression, I'm going to use less EQ."
"Saturation just bend the change the sound as a sound including anything anything on the side on the mid anything is out of penny so that's the case another case of good idea of saturation as a stereo it's of course guitars."
"I try to get perceived loudness with saturation."
"Now if I turn off our Saturator and I take a note of where we're at gain-wise."
"Parallel compression is over-compressing your sound a lot, so very high ratio, very low threshold, and blend it with the dry unprocessed signal."
"BX Master Desk Pro from Brainworx is included in the mega bundle which you can get a free 14-day trial of now."
"I just love this plugin for mastering. If you're not using this one, I definitely recommend you should."
"Let me put on just a metering plugin so that we can keep an eye on that throughout the process here."
"This is the kind of modern production techniques that help us be able to make cleaner, better sounding mixes nowadays."
"Chances are if you're struggling with the low end in your mixes you're probably putting too much low end in there."
"...the goal of mastering is to ensure that your song is going to sound good when played back on any speaker or any media device."
"With the StudioLive, you can create an incredible sounding live stream that will blow everyone away."
"This is what studio monitors are supposed to do. They're supposed to let you work on music like a mechanic works on a car."
"The edits are made with the intent of improving the listener experience."
"What feels good to your ears, what feels good to your clients, to the artists you're working with, what gets them excited about their mixes and about their productions, that's all these tools are meant to do."
"Giving your digital sounds a sound that has more character, more depth, more grit, more warmth."
"If you open up a new instance of AUM, you're probably going to want to open up a file that you saved before."
"It's really the fastest way to get the great sound that you want."
"Monitors need to be clear and transparent to allow us to listen critically and make decisions based on what we're hearing."
"These are very very transparent sounding monitors and should allow us to create mixes that translate well onto different speakers and different systems."
"I appreciate my education from full sail because there was no access and I got the greatest general education of audio."
"The two most important things I would argue are the microphone and your monitors or your headphones."
"People talk a lot about how to get their mixes sounding wide, but way more impressive, in my opinion, is to have a mix with depth. That's a much more compelling and mesmerizing illusion."
"It's a really cool way of sound designing."
"One of the characteristics of pro level audio for video is how well you can blend together the different audio components."
"If you're ready to take your skills to the next level and really grow your career in audio production, the Wavy Seals Elite is what you're looking for."
"If you have absolutely no audio interface and you're just a beginner and getting into the audio world, yes, you should buy some of the audio interfaces."
"Mixing in Dolby Atmos is becoming more and more popular."
"Once you get to that point, it's really easy to work incredibly fast in Pro Tools or any DAW that you're using."
"Training your ears and learning frequencies will help you to get great sounds when recording and mixing both in the studio and in live sound."
"The number one thing you want on your master section in order to make your beat louder is a maximizer or a limiter."
"I would have to find the perfect spot to cut it right, and then re-loop the music in seamlessly."
"By combining compression and EQ settings you can take a boring voice like mine and make it richer and more intense."
"Fairlight, which is all things audio, again another pro-grade tool that really does stand on its own two feet."
"Dial in a tone that does you no favors; you want no audio Photoshop."
"Did you know you can get a free Sound Library from Blackmagic Design? It's got about 500 sound effects in it that you can use in any of your videos for free."
"If it sounds good, it is good, but the question is: how do you get it to sound good?"
"You always want to make sure that your stereo output is not clipping as you are mixing a project."
"Audio input follows selection - that means if I click on a particular track, it'll go ahead and turn on the audio input for that track."
"The music is extremely well done, encapsulates the mood the show was going for with great precision."
"You can take one free trial class of one of the most powerful audio production courses."
"I try to be very considerate when I'm recording."
"Let's get to know the tools, the sonic imprint that they have, and diversify our work a little bit to get the most out of our mixes."
"It's just a really great way to add texture to your sound and make it kind of pop a little bit more."
"If it sounds like it, then it is it because none of it's real."
"The Dolby Atmos workflow in Logic Pro is incredibly easy and incredibly straightforward."
"That's the fun part about audio; there's a million ways to do it. What's the best way to do that thing today for this piece of art? That's the way to do it."
"The way that something lands on your eye makes such a big impact on how you make audio decisions."
"Sounding loud is a lot more to do with production decisions and processing and the mix and the arrangement than it is the raw loudness level."
"Envelope one is dedicated to the amplitude."