
Guilty Pleasure Quotes

There are 149 quotes

"That phrase guilty pleasure exists because of this. It's so extreme, sweet, indulgent, and oily. It's super delicious, I love it."
"X-Men Origins Wolverine, that's delicious garbage!"
"Devil energy is about mastering your situation, mastering your emotions, mastering your career."
"Aquaman: my guilty pleasure of the year. God damn I was entertained by this stupid-ass movie."
"This is the guiltiest oh the nasty you gotta be a little dirty when you watch it but you're like I think it's a guilty pleasure."
"Cheating on my other cereals with Magic Spoon. It tastes so freaking good."
"I'm gonna say this, but today I caved on the microwave bacon. It's that good."
"I hate myself for liking it because it's so bad yet I can't look away."
"The perfect guilty pleasure for anyone wanting to eat their feelings."
"People sometimes get offended when people call things like guilty pleasure or trash but really it's the best way to say it."
"Twilight is quite possibly the defining guilty pleasure of the 2000s."
"That's your guilty pleasure, well that and the peppermint Haagen-Dazs."
"Sonic X is pretty much a guilty pleasure. It has so many issues but it's just so cool."
"I'm going to put this movie in not as bad because it's really just a solid guilty pleasure experience."
"Love is Blind, one of Netflix's biggest reality shows. It's like a train wreck. You just gotta watch."
"It really was like a guilty pleasure on my recent Holland America cruise."
"I love food trucks, I mean they're horrible but like great."
"National Treasure to me is like... almost so bad but it's so enjoyable."
"This is a heart attack on a plate. But it tastes really good, so I don't mind."
"It's all right, we all have bands and artists that we're maybe a little bit ashamed of."
"We're watching 'How I Met Your Mother,' which is our guilty pleasure."
"Guilty pleasure is pretty jarring because of like there's like a random key change and then that goes into pop and then it's just kind of crazy."
"Disney Channel movies: they're so bad but still so good at the same time. It's actually kind of impressive."
"It's sort of a defining show for people come up to me go okay fat's life is totally my guilty pleasure sent people into a dark room to watch it when nobody could discover them."
"This is fun, I hate that I love it."
"It's actually quite bad, but I love some good candy."
"I'm a total GFC fanboy, guilty as charged."
"I love inhumanoids. It's so dumb and stupid. I love it."
"Guilty pleasures, it can be kind of fun."
"Watching 90 Day Fiance before the 90 days... so bad it's so good."
"Nobody intelligent admits that they like muscle cars but secretly, deep down everybody does."
"This is a guilty pleasure. This is one of those so bad that it's good experiences for me on paper. It belongs in the bottom five absolutely, but my experience with this, I have so much fun and enjoyment with just watching this horrible train wreck of a movie."
"My guilty pleasure is the F-150 Raptor R."
"I really enjoyed just about everything in this movie. It's still a guilty pleasure. This won't win any Oscar anytime soon, but to me it's the perfect Saw movie."
"Although I hate rock operas and although I would totally hate a cheesy album like this and I hate some of the songs for sure come on [__] just a boy and Odyssey I hate that [__] but I gotta admit there's a lot of songs in here I really enjoy."
"Twilight is one of those weird guilty pleasures that you look back on and you're like, 'Oh my god, I remember this,' and it's just as cringy as the first time I saw it."
"Grape soda, between the sugar, the caffeine, the carbonated water, all that [__] bad for us homie, but boy, it show good for your soul."
"I love trash TV, I'm obsessed with it."
"This movie blows but man do I love it."
"Love Island is just like the best show for me to unwind to."
"I know what I'm watching isn't good but I still love it so much. It just fills me with that sort of Nostalgia."
"A guilty pleasure is an activity or piece of media that someone enjoys but would be embarrassed by if other people found out about it."
"Shame on me because I love The Maze Runner Trilogy."
"I also must admit that I'm not above enjoying a hate read now and then."
"...apparently I need fluffy garbage but I loved it, not because it was good but because it was bad in a way that felt like nostalgia."
"I snuck a couple bags into the movie theater. No regrets."
"This is my first guilty pleasure of McAdams Mania because I found this movie totally confounding. There's so much that works and so much potential."
"I get to that slight guilty pleasure when you Google London weather and just see rain clouds."
"I've always enjoyed this movie on some sick twisted level of guilty pleasure."
"I'm sticking with the original leprechaun, a pillar of my childhood, still a guilty pleasure to this day."
"A bit of a guilty pleasure to those who grew up on it."
"But overall, guys, this is a decent movie. It's a guilty pleasure for me."
"I enjoy [Eragon]... it's a movie that is so bad it's good."
"Hazelnut crepes in the France Pavilion. Nutella crepes are one of my guilty pleasures."
"it's another one of those like deep blue sea or ghost ship or whatever yeah it's really shitty but it's still so good"
"A guilty pleasure is something that you enjoy that you feel that you shouldn't enjoy."
"It's enjoyable overall and that's what I think makes this song a guilty pleasure for me."
"These are cars that we might be just a little bit of shame that we actually enjoy."
"I love this [__] movie. This is just my kind of trash."
"The worst part is I kind of love it."
"Batman and Robin Joel Schumacher may he rest in peace he died very recently the director of this film I loved Batman and Robin I did years ago of guilty pleasure video 10 years ago something like that I was a child"
"That was The Mummy Returns. I know it has its fans and if I'm in the right mood, I kinda can be. I mean, look, it's awful."
"There is one movie that I haven't seen anyone else talk about that is so mind-numbingly terrible that I love it with my entire heart and soul."
"Judge me all you want, this is good."
"If I've got everything done, like all of my to-do lists, if I've got all of that done, if Noah's still asleep, I'll make myself a cup of tea and I'll sit on the sofa and watch Married at First Sight Australia until he wakes up."
"what am I currently watching oh my God don't ask me that you asked me that and I immediately have to throw all my credentials out the window because I have to say that I'm still watching Real Housewives"
"I adore crappy reality TV shows about a very specific or niche subject, which is how I ended up watching a show called '10 million dollar Bigfoot hunt'."
"Absolutely love it. This is like one of the best pieces of trash TV."
"I hate to admit how much I am obsessed with anime, like secret pleasure of mine."
"Every once in a while I want to put on a bad movie. Every once in a while there, there's a part of me that says hey you know what guys let's put on Fast and Furious 2 or let's put on Attack of the Clones let's put on Spider-man 3."
"What's your sinful treat that you like to indulge in?"
"So, do I recommend this? I kinda do. It's not a good movie, I'm not gonna say that it is. It's enjoyably bad to me."
"...I love their chicken nuggets like I do. I know it's probably not even real meat, but I still [__] love it..."
"I mean, there's like, everyone has a guilty pleasure movie, right?"
"This is so bad, but that's why I love it. Actually, I take it back. My favorite summer movie is 'The Way Way Back.'"
"It really is like a little escape for me. It's like a guilty pleasure of just like I'm going to turn this on because you know I just love listening to you guys talk."
"Reality TV would be my guilty pleasure although I don't feel that guilty about it."
"What's your guilty pleasure? People watching. Even now, I keep my eye out the window or at the beach. I just love people watching."
"Ah, forbidden love is my greatest guilty pleasure... I won't expose myself but I love forbidden love."
"Superman 4 is labeled a guilty pleasure. Too many people enjoy it for its music and Christopher Reeve's very honest and humble performance."
"It's just one of those guilty pleasure movies where when I put that movie on, it reminds me of Christmas. It makes me feel in the Christmas spirit and I always really enjoy watching Jack Frost. I get a kick out of that movie a lot."
"The guilty pleasure of a throw together plate of cheese and crackers is simple, but when you turn it into a cheese course, rather than cheese board, especially in France, it's the course that comes before dessert."
"I think it's frequently so bad it's good, and it is a train wreck that's kind of fun to watch."
"Doom is certainly not completely terrible. It can be enjoyed as a guilty pleasure."
"I love twilight, here I said it. It's a guilty pleasure for me."
"I do love Lifetime movies. I love them so much."
"My wife forces me to watch Love Island, but I secretly love it."
"So that's it for me you guys, those are my top 10 guilty pleasure songs. I would love to know some of yours that I didn't mention down below."
"Love this movie, that's a huge guilty pleasure."
"...so it is a bad film, but it's a bad film that I enjoy."
"What are they? What do they do? So love triangles are kind of one of my guilty pleasures."
"It's a bad movie but we loved it."
"...it's just another smut romance between two childhood friends and I really like the story a lot it's my guilty pleasure I guess at this point."
"Guilty pleasures right here, but hot fudge sundae Pop-Tarts, these are literally so freakin' good."
"...a really terrible like but like a really good bad movie."
"Twilight, while they might not be great literature they were guilty pleasure reads and they really kicked off the whole YA book community."
"Let's be honest, okay? We're all sneaking treats in."
"It's such a thoroughly enjoyable bad movie."
"This is guilty, this is... this is the highlight of the book for most people."
"Fast X, an absolutely horrendously garbage movie that I nonetheless did not regret watching because of its redeeming qualities."
"I'm not gonna lie, a guilty pleasure, I really enjoy this film."
"My guiltiest pleasure in life is watching all of the tiny house stuff on YouTube."
"It's a bad movie, but in the best way; it's everything I want a movie to be."
"Stolen food somehow just tastes better."
"It is my guilty pleasure. I will put on the Abba mix and just run with it."
"We all have our own guilty pleasures when it comes to dumb comedy movies."
"Welcome to Committed, the series that gives me the excuse to talk about one of my own guilty pleasures."
"One of my guilty pleasures is the Battle Five."
"We love sweets, and it's my personal guilty pleasure."
"I love it; it's my guilty pleasure."
"Smoking is my only guilty pleasure, and to be honest, I never regretted it until that night."
"It's like the good kind of trash. It's like when you sit down and you eat an entire bag of bugles and you're like, 'Uh, I kind of regret that but it was delicious.'"
Listen, I know that it is a guilty pleasure, that there are better things to enrich my mind with, but there is just something about the train wreck of "90 Day Fiance" that I find so fascinating.
"It's dumbest can be, that doesn't change the fact that it's highly enjoyable."
"I really enjoy defending this movie. I know it's stupid... I know it's a bad movie, I just enjoy it."
"It's the kind of guilty pleasure that only I can enjoy and I can't tell people about."
"It's terrible, but it's like it's terrible in the best so bad it's good way."
"It's my guilty pleasure, even though I'm trying to get Chipotle to sponsor me."
"I love an onion ring, and they're deep fried as well, super unhealthy, super yummy."
"It's so bad for you but so good for your soul."
"Maury is like my true love of trash garbage TV."
"I love this. I don't like admitting it, but I love this, damn it."
"I have no problem saying I have a guilty pleasure of watching stuff like Totally Spies and Powerpuff Girls."
"I am guilty, guilty, guilty of loving the Quintesson Judge."
"What are some of your own unknown guilty pleasures? A lot: games, sci-fi movies, LARPing."
"It's an incredible cake and there's a reason why I enjoy it. It's naughty."
"It's kind of like a soap opera; you know it's kind of bad, but you just get kind of hooked into the story."
"I know it's terrible, but it's kind of like a good terrible you can watch."
"Secret playlist of songs you don't want anybody knowing you're into."
"Maybe you genuinely enjoy dating shows, or maybe you enjoy them but you pretend to not and call it a guilty pleasure."
"My ultimate guilty pleasure name for a girl is Bambi."
"It's so bad, but it's so good for how bad it is."
"I know it's not healthy, but I love it."
"I grew up watching the show like my family is really religious... but we always had a guilty pleasure, and it was the show."
"I should hate this song... but it's so fire."
"I don't know why but when I hear a cheesy love song made by a rapper, sometimes I end up rocking with it."
"They're so good, so unhealthy, but so good."