
Youth Involvement Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"Arrested: the boys found in the lecturer's house, suspected of cultism."
"America's survival as a republic depends on youth engagement."
"It's always been the people in the streets often young people who have demanded and forced a change in consciousness that made policy changes possible."
"You sure as heck don't send a 17-year-old kid."
"These kids, they're activists, they're pushing for gun reform."
"This campaign has always been about the young people of this country. You are our future."
"Charity starts small and it starts at any age."
"Not just the same old crap. It's got something to do with the scouts being summoned to the capital."
"I'm proud that a lot of young black people are stepping up."
"Pastor David Houk who knows members of at least two of the victims families spoke out at the memorial he said Lila was not a gangster she was a giving and generous young lady who was very involved in baseball."
"Hey the adults in the room haven't been acting on climate change for decades and so we're gonna put pressure now because this is our future on the line and we need to be a voice in that room we need to be heard and we need action too."
"We need to start from a tangible place of understanding and insight from adolescent girls directly. We must involve them in a meaningful way at every stage of the study."
"Youth networks have been the co-creators of this coalition and they will continue to be involved."
"It was great to see your kiddo want to give back to something you know and recognize that she had a opportunity and a platform where she could significantly move the needle for St. Children Research Hospital." - Maddie Barber
"There are real practical material ways we can encourage free speech, like cultivating a group of young 'free speech champions'."
"I think it's a good and a bad thing. I mean, partially, young people should be involved and they should have a voice and get into the idea of protesting."
"The shrine business began to see a surge in youth involvement."
"For a robust market, you need the young adult segment to be able to participate."
"We wanted to find a kid who was willing to show up early, stay late, make a persuasive case for himself."
"They are instantly loved, they're instantly handed memberships to the Avengers even if they are literally and legally children."
"How shocked are we that 17-year-olds with rifles decided they had to maintain order when no one else would?"
"No one will protect the motherland except us and youngsters."
"Financial cybercrime is exploding; the hackers, some of their teens, are making thousands if not millions and are rarely getting caught."
"The most important thing is that young people get involved in the process."
"I love that young people are becoming real live activists."
"Children are the ones that make sure that we're equally represented all around the city."
"Steven Crowder has long been accredited for putting a young face on conservatism."
"You can almost feel the passionate conviction of Mr. B's many young crusaders."
"The young people of the Commonwealth are demanding to be part of the conversation."
"One of the many reasons I want us to win on Tuesday is so a lot of the young people who are involved right now still believe that politics is worth it."
"Something going on in this town, and it seems to be up to some young adults to try and figure out what's going on and how to defeat it."
"Promote this thing that this interest that they get from boxing and boxers to promote the brand."
"These are Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts... who are there to defend the Constitution to uphold the rule of law."
"Yes gen Z showed up the kids are all right they cast their ballots and they made a huge difference in this election."
"The future of the church depends on the devotion of its young people."
"It warms my heart to hear the sound of young people getting really involved."
"This recognition underscores the young generation's pivotal role in the ongoing narrative of the country's defense and prosperity."
"There ain't no draft that these young people have to be worried about nonetheless they continue they continue to fight."
"Best sleep after a good ass cry, some of the best sleep."
"I see progress in the fact that now especially the younger generation has a very different attitude toward politics it's not something they watch on TV it's something they participate in."
"Hyperloop has very good potential. There is a very dedicated energetic team of youngsters working in IIT Madras."
"I thought gangs... would get away with my generation."
"These things die out as generations kind of pass on and they need the young people to keep it going, that's who's gonna carry it on."
"The revolutionary energy in America, the youth energy, the passion that makes people want to fight...is anti-racism. That is what people really like."
"The younger members of the family obviously seeing the potential in cryptocurrencies like bitcoin."
"We finally fought the navy with the help of this 13-year-old boy, Hunter Scott."
"Exciting and inspiring and speaking to the younger generation is gonna be something the politicians are gonna need to learn how to do better."
"The tragedy is that so many young people are lost to the cause of Christ... aggressive engagement, not just filling a pew."
"I'm the outsider in this race... I'm the one that has fresh legs... I'm less than half their age."
"Youths are the future... involve them in decision making."
"I'm really proud of this lady 23 year old climate activists Vanessa Nakata."
"Select the middle school group of kids who would serve as the astronaut class in 20 years."
"Young people need to know that they've got elected officials calling for peace in the world because that's what they want."
"Are you drafting a 13-year-old child into a team with you, Duo King, and Tarzan? We are gonna make men."
"Successful strike, young people. That's as much a legacy of 2021 as the absurd dysfunction of the TD bank and others like it."
"The stories of basically young people volunteering to fight stand out to me."
"We're gonna have a billion souls mostly young people that are kind of quickly coming into the church."
"Equality and fairness is at the heart of the work of the Queen's Commonwealth Trust because our vision is a world where young people are equal partners in driving change."
"We need a huge boost of a younger generation in politics."
"So the scientists that come in really are going to be the youth."
"He shouldn't have been there, he was a teenager with a weapon."
"It was interesting that when the club went into administration, whilst there was a senior administrator, a young person was actually put into the file to help run the club for the back half of the year."
"It's good to see the youth singing some of the old hymns."
"If enough people get into it, if it becomes a lucrative enough industry and if we as young people tackle it in the right way, we can make it affordable again."
"The theme I kept seeing over and over was everybody saying we need younger people to get involved with this."
"We are starting a whole new year and I'm super excited to get the kids involved in this."
"Let's get the kids involved; it's up to all of us as foosball players and promoters."
"Involving the youth is a very, very important part of the solution."
"Prince Louis on his first Royal Engagement helping out and providing service."
"You have to stay involved with new young fresh people and you have to have as little ego as possible in those processes."
"That's a great point and it feels like the majority of the members of this rally team have done some sort of youth coaching."
"Technology makes a difference, the youth if they get involved in agriculture, the future of agriculture on the continent is going to be a completely different story."
"The kids in this town help make the recycling program a big success."
"It's really important that kids can be a part of helping, not just grown-ups."
"Politics is completely changed; young people getting involved is what this is really about."
"We need youngsters within our workshops."
"The future of the church, the revival of the church, the future of what God wants to do cannot happen without the next generation."