
UK Politics Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Ultimately you can't stop the river and I believe really strongly Nigel we're gonna get this brexit is gonna come through one way or another."
"Every single version of Brexit is going to leave the UK less well-off."
"People in this country would rather get on with it and come out on October the 31st."
"Great Grimsby had been a Labour seat in every election since 1945 making up part of the so-called red wall that crumbled to the Tories in 2019."
"We've got right-wing Tory contenders prioritizing tax cuts for the rich and a zombie UK government failing to tackle the cost of living crisis."
"Scotland literally can't afford the cost of living with Westminster. Does the prime minister not get that people in Scotland don't just want rid of him, they want rid of the whole rotted Westminster system?"
"I think Boris Johnson is sort of a smarter version of Trump."
"Assuming the role right now of leadership in the UK is a horrible bargain."
"I think actually when push comes to shove with regards to refugees from anywhere, Britain won't pull its weight relative to other countries in Europe."
"Boris Johnson will attempt to return to the throne after May."
"The UK is immeasurably far from being a racially just Society."
"The reality today in Britain is that our political class are no longer fit for purpose."
"I think Mrs. May will go as leader this summer." - Nigel Farage
"A second referendum would be another big win for leave."
"I think it's absolutely shocking what's going on in this country we should not even be debating a second referendum."
"Boris gets it for throwing away possibly the greatest opportunity that any prime minister within our lifetime has had."
"Johnson is not being straight with the British people."
"The fall of Johnson... is an indicator of things to come."
"The middle class, the working class in the Midlands, the north coming over to the Conservatives."
"The people want democracy, and they are no longer prepared to tolerate either the Conservative Party or the Labour Party if they frustrate that."
"I think people were sending a very clear message, a simple message to both main parties: just get on and deliver Brexit."
"Campbell and Tony Blair is the best thing that has happened to Labour Party and a very large extent to the country."
"The UK Conservative Party is being led by Communists."
"The UK government would be perfectly happy for the gaming industry to be self-regulating."
"Britain is an increasingly divided society divided by politics by class and by geography."
"A disaster for the UK Prime Minister tonight."
"Boris did say at the election, 'Get Brexit done.'"
"The rise of Reform UK recently and the fall of the Tories."
"Normal Labour voters, union working-class people, voted Conservative."
"I think it's absolutely clear that we needed a Brexit Prime Minister that believed in Brexit."
"I think it speaks very ill of our democracy that our best option is Boris Johnson: chaos, Etonite shagger."
"Our best option is Boris Johnson: chaos, Etonite shagger."
"That Brexit vote in the summer of 2016 was a little bit of a harbinger for what was coming our way."
"We need a fundamental transformation in the way that the UK is governed."
"We have a real problem with our political class when it comes to Britain encouraging our country to act ethically abroad."
"We need a leader who can unify the conservative family and out campaign and outfight Jeremy Corbyn." - Jeffrey Cox
"Do not let yourselves fall as we in the UK have fallen. Do not let yourselves become what we in the UK have become."
"Half the world wants to flood into Britain and live in Britain."
"A former UK trade minister presses the government to name and shame businesses trading in Xinjiang."
"The deliberate policy of Ministers from late 2000 until at least February last year was to open up the UK to mass immigration."
"Jeremy Corbyn: 'We have a real socialist elected to 10 Downing Street.'"
"A speech of hope for the UK would have been good to have."
"The Tories are a meme, you know, we have a meme as a political party running the show in the UK."
"I feel there's going to be a third political party in the UK."
"For all my worries about Brexit... the UK is no longer defying gravity or being an outlier."
"There is palpable tiredness with this subject, and people the length and breadth of the United Kingdom want to know that we're going to move forward."
"Good evening from Westminster where the highest court in the United Kingdom has delivered a devastating ruling for Boris Johnson and for his government."
"Well that's it, confirmation of the result, the Conservatives have formally won this general election."