
Traumatic Experience Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"This is very horrific and very traumatizing."
"To even be able to glimpse behind that curtain and understand what the most horrific loss could ever be has just... changed who I thought I could be as a father."
"Imagine being a kid in 2008, your dad brings back a DVD of Wall-E which you've been wanting to see... and you see a very disturbing horror movie."
"Surviving isn't safe, if I gotta sit in blood it's not safe."
"It just felt like we was like literally like in hell bro like it felt like we was in a concert in hell."
"I remember the look of terror on people's faces around me. I just remember bodies everywhere."
"It felt like a war zone, and it was still fresh."
"The worst part was that the guy was still screaming. They couldn't hear it, but I could."
"What a terrible time, I still get chills even just thinking about it."
"This is a story that I never want to relive."
"I got so scared and my mother and I were hanging on to each other in complete terror."
"As horrible as my story is... it's now a gift."
"Night comes, and the lady tucks that boy in while asking his name, which triggers a Vietnam level PTSD from that boy's dreams."
"His skull was broken, people could even see his brain."
"I'll never forget how scared I was that night."
"What I saw occur in the house that night... I will never ever forget the feeling that I had just watched my mom die."
"It was the worst moment of my life. The only words I remember from that night was David saying, 'Please help me.' He was bleeding everywhere. I didn't really know what was happening."
"It is ice-cold blood-curdling absolute sheer terror and I never ever ever want to experience it again."
"That's got to be one of the scariest incidents to have to go through man."
"Jeremiah was the only witness to his mother's brutal murder."
"As painful as it sounds, Glossi didn't notice until he looked down and noticed the missing extremities."
"It was just the most scary experience for at that age especially where just this older person who you respect and admire and popular and powerful. Power dynamics are not good in this situation."
"I think it's the most single terrifying noise that I've ever experienced."
"We witnessed was traumatic for us but it was the trauma response of three girls who realized that the adults around them do not give a about them."
"Somebody broke in when she was there and she got hurt or restrained, and I was sitting out in the car, sitting outside while she's scared."
"Finally, in May 2019, the little boy who witnessed his father kill his mother got justice."
"Imagine being that little girl... to pretend she was dead in order to stay alive."
"Having somebody's freedom being taken away is a very traumatic experience."
"Witnessing your father murdering your entire family will do that."
"It was a pretty freaky experience that shattered my innocent view of the world."
"It was here in marrakech that matthew would be walking home alone one evening when he was jumped by a group of local men and brutally assaulted."
"I never want to see what I saw that night ever again."
"Stripped naked, tied down, and branded with the cult leader's initials."
"What an incredible tale of man, man, yeah, I mean not only your first encounter but your encounter wasn't pleasant."
"I still have panic attacks when I see this kid almost five years later."
"I never thought I would see the next day, but I couldn't sleep for the rest of that night."
"He kept me in down locked in there day and night, he can't hurt you anymore, it's over possum."
"It's one of the most horrifying memories I'll ever have."
"This poor innocent girl saw the murder with her own eyes."
"Witness the brutal murder of his family before his house was burned down."
"This person will live with this incident for the rest of their life. The humiliation and the physical brutality and the inhumanity of it all."
"I just wanted to wake up from this nightmare, but then it hit me: I just witnessed someone taking their own life."
"I fell down the stairs in a New York old house and ended up in the basement cellar when I was like three and I hallucinated that monsters were coming out of the walls."
"That was the scariest moment of my entire life."
"I remember becoming physically ill and having a detective grip my hair as my body uncontrollably expelled everything from my stomach."
"Emma was so terrified she'd later tell her friend she thought she was going to die."
"I almost didn't even recognize him. I knew his eyes though when he ran me over I was clearly able to get a good look at his face."
"We pray to God that none of you ever have to go through the stress and the fear that all of us went through. For the first time in my life, I thought a man was going to lose his arm."
"Everything got so much easier and I did experience traumatic healing in my physical health at that time too."
"To this day, that old lock is still on the door, as if a lock will keep spirits locked in, sure of pretending that experience never happened."
"Emotional trauma is the end result of events or experiences that leave us feeling deeply unsafe and often helpless."
"Have you ever gone through an event that shocked you so profoundly that it has always lingered in the back of your mind?"
"He related his story and then perished, for he would constantly wake up screaming if he tried to sleep and thus he could not rest."
"As a child, I had a terrifying experience going to the dentist... I remember him being tied in the chair, and the noise of the drill and the sound and the smells."
"I had a really traumatic experience at a thrift store when I first moved to Charlotte."
"I hope that my Buddy's traumatic experience will cause you to take a second look at any abusive toxic relationships you may have run into."
"I always think about how they felt, what those two boys must have been feeling in that car, how scared they must have been."
"I do not want to watch my 22 fellow tributes die. I saw enough of them die the first time."
"I just remember this big flash coming straight towards me, I remember lying on the ground, it'll never leave me, never ever ever leave me."
"I've recovered from my traumatic experience."
"That's heartbreaking, no one should ever go through anything like that."