
Birdsong Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"I breathed the clean forest air and listened to the birds singing their merry oblivious song."
"I really love all the birds singing and you know all the nature that's all around me."
"If you do live somewhere where you're able to get into an environment where you can hear birds out in their natural habitat, that would really be the ideal way to kind of absorb that energy."
"Birdsong identification is so much fun."
"Listening to the birds, there's a lovely skylark over there in the distance."
"On a tree by a river, a little tom-tit sang 'Willow, tit-willow, tit-willow'."
"The robins never stop singing, that's all I can hear."
"Just listen to the birds; it is so lovely."
"There's hardly a breath of wind in the air and all you can hear are the birds chirping."
"Birds outside are chirping crazy today, kind of feels like spring."
"You can hear birdies chirping which is just so lovely."
"Can you hear the robin singing? Listen."
"To stand and listen to the birdsong is remarkable."
"It's nice being able to hear the birds again, really feels like spring here."
"You wake up every day to these bird sounds; I mean, this is very peaceful."
"It's beautiful, all you hear is birds."
"Soon the small bird's melodies must hear, first uttered from my orchard trees."
"It's so amazing to be surrounded by all these different sounds; all the birds are so wonderful."
"Listen to the serene sounds of the birds."
"It's so nice... the birds are chirpin'."
"Just as birds did not evolve to please our eyes, the songs of wild birds did not evolve to please our ears."
"Oh man, I love listening to a magpie's morning chorus."
"You can just hear all the birds, it's just really nice, isn't it? A completely different world."
"The birds are sweetly singing and perfume flowers are bringing."
"It's incredibly peaceful; you can hear all the birdsong."
"You could hear the birds singing in the background."
"I can't believe how vocal the birds are now, it's beautiful."
"Never heard so much bird song for a long, long while."
"I was enjoying nature, listening to the birds tweeting."
"There will always be the sun rising and the birds singing."
"I could hear the Cardinals chirping hello to the serene August morning."
"House finches have a beautiful song."
"We can hear the birds chirping outside."
"Something that's special is all the birdsong and looking at the birds. There's so many birds."
"I adore woodland walks. The birds singing, the dappled sunlight."
"The birds are in full voice this morning; it feels like spring."
"Every so often, it's just worthwhile to listen to the birdsong and to take in all that's around you."
"So much time of working in nature you get to know the songs of the birds and what a bird it is!"
"If you're just quiet, you can hear the birds tweeting away, getting ready for night."
"For such a small, plump bird you wouldn't expect their song to travel this loudly through the forest."
"Now they're singing their love song, and they sing it kind of beautiful."
"There's just a different feel in the air, the birds have a different kind of song that they're singing."
"You can hear the birds, the Robin singing. That's good, excellent."
"The sound of summer, especially when you hear the Woodland Kingfisher in the background."
"The more elaborate the bird song is, the more attractive it is to the female."
"Listen to those birds, gosh those birds."
"Chirping is an amazing sound to hear firsthand; it is extremely rare."
"Green meadows, yellow fields, blue sky, and thin trill of birds..."
"What do you get when you cross a song thrush, a wren, robins, a goldcrest, and a magpie? The most beautiful sounds to wake up to in the morning."
"I love the sounds of birds chirping; it's just like so spring."
"The only sound is birdsong; it's so pretty here."
"This morning I was awakened by the singing of the birds, their voices were certainly the most melodious wild music I've ever heard."
"...the birds learnt their song which is amazing..."
"It is a gloomy dreary day, but the birds sound so lovely."
"You can hear all the birds starting to wake up, this is a beautiful time in the morning where you really get the best bird songs."
"The familiar two-note call of the cuckoo is a harbinger of spring."
"The lovely dawn chorus today, we've got some sunbirds calling up in that tree over there."
"It's so lovely to hear the bird song. The birds are obviously happy that spring finally seems to be here."
"Unless you've actually stood there and listened to the full chorus of birds singing their hearts out and greeting the new day, you have missed out on a truly magical experience."
"Beautiful melody of the white-browed scrub robin."
"It's just starting to get a little bit late, which means that the birds are starting to call before they settle for the night."
"They are absolutely beautiful, and they have this beautiful call."
"Some birds have got beautiful voices to attract; others have brightly colored feathers and beautiful patterns on them."
"It plays 250 bird songs; it's incredible."
"The pretty birds don't have beautiful calls, but the brown birds have the most beautiful calls."
"All the birds are chirping now at the same time; it's a beautiful, lovely chorus this evening."
"It's a very good morning indeed, you can hear quite a lot of birds now vocalizing, advertising their presence in this area."
"The song of the dark-eyed junco is a very melodious, bell-like trilling."
"The song of the field sparrow is also very easy, has very rich clear notes."
"The song is also very easy, but one thing to know is that it can actually sound like the most important bird in the study, the golden-winged warbler."
"It's very relaxing to hear all these bird sounds."
"How quiet the forest would be if only the best birds sing."