
Quality Work Quotes

There are 92 quotes

"You put more work in one frame of a ten-slide carousel, one image, than what people would do in the entire ten posts that they make."
"It's like my dad used to say, you know, don't do things half-assed, do it right the first time."
"It's a really, really good piece of work, it's an amazing piece of work actually."
"Anything worth doing is worth doing right and if you want something done right and sometimes you just got to do it yourself."
"If you're not going to do it right, don't do this [ __ ] at all."
"Investing in better art supplies... means the less work that you're gonna have to do to make something look good."
"The Bible informs us about the earth's timeline from how it began to how it will end."
"I'm impressed. Whatever they touch, they make the best of."
"It's just on the bottom, it's a really nice job."
"A solid design process can help designers deliver quality work."
"We have to prove that we could do the nice stuff."
"If you're going to take the time to do something, then take the time to do it right."
"Quality means being satisfied with your work and using everything in your possession for the tools to create the best thing you could possibly do."
"I just think this is all very delicious it is very good work it's it's delicious and and still somehow quite unnerving."
"Quality means doing it right when no one is looking."
"If you do really good work and focus on serving your audience, your audience is going to find you."
"If we promote indies that make stuff of this caliber, they will continue to make amazing games."
"If this job is worth doing, it's worth doing well."
"...people will buy this as long long as you're doing good work and your prices are fair for the work you're doing not cheap just don't undercut yourself on prices."
"I highly recommend them. This is my first wooden pole barn structure that we've put up obviously, but to get this amount of work done in 2 days and high quality work, it's... This is something that's going to be here for a long time."
"I'd rather get one room done well than try and get every room done and do a shoddy job."
"When I get more rest the work that I do is better it's a higher quality work I'm able to focus more so in a way resting is more productive because it makes the work that you do when you do it that much better."
"I think it's a beautiful time in Hollywood right now... I think a lot of quality work is being done so I'm looking forward to it."
"Looks good, Ryan. Pretty stoked. Arcade did a good job with the car, as usual. I mean, for us to, you know, they finished it last night, they went over it. We went over it today and nothing fell off."
"To me, machine tools are a very essential part of being able to do extreme quality work."
"Quality machine tools are essential for doing extreme quality work."
"A lot of people would just bondo this, but that in my opinion is not high quality work at all. We want to make this just as good as the factory, so let's see what we can come up with."
"It looks like somebody who did it actually gave a damn and cared about the work he did."
"If the objective is to get better, there's only so much time in there to have quality work."
"If homework is an issue, you know what we want to focus on is, are you putting in effort and are you doing quality work? Okay, so we're talking about quality over quantity."
"Maybe down the road somebody does open all this up, at least they can tie into a previously done good job."
"Better to be done right than to do it twice."
"A job well done has always been the end result of a craftsman proud of his trade."
"Every brick you put down is really good so that when you put more bricks on top of it they stack up to something that's beautiful."
"They do some great work, like the Spotlight series."
"I literally could not have asked for a better paint job."
"If you can have attention to detail, it's not that hard to do."
"I am giving it my best, and I can do good work."
"Work freely undertaken can be useful, meaningful work done well."
"Once they see your work and how bomb it is, they're gonna be like coming back to you."
"It's just so well done in every aspect of it."
"Bring your best self, bring your best effort, bring your best work."
"There's no rush doing stuff like this; you want to take your time and do it right."
"Jeep themselves couldn't do a better job."
"When you deliver great quality, great quality promotes itself."
"Your number one focus should always be to really just make your photos as awesome and epic and quality and great as they can possibly be."
"They did such a good job with this."
"I don't like to do things kind of half-ass; I like to do things really well."
"Job security is going to be there if you're doing good work in infosec."
"Whatever you do in life, do it well."
"If you're going to do something, do it properly, make it a bit more authentic."
"They are definitely doing a terrific job here with Scorpenok."
"You need to do good work, people love it."
"I'm just more inspired, I'm having more fun, and I think I'm even doing better work."
"As long as you're doing quality work, you often have some freedom to request the types of projects that you work on."
"God made us in His image, and in His image is how to take your time with things to make something of the highest quality."
"That's a really clean job, Frank, like I'm impressed."
"Chase, you did an amazing job on this one."
"At the end of the day, most people don't care about your politics; they care about whether your stuff's good or not."
"It's just such a good dub, they did a great job."
"It's rare when these things all kind of come together in you're working on a great project with good people."
"If you do what you love, you will do it well."
"I'm really happy with this one, it's actually one of the better ones I've done."
"It's better off not doing it if you're not going to really do it right."
"This is going to be great, this is a great file, not a good file, this is a great file."
"We want to take our time and take it step by step because we want to get the most pristine job as possible."
"It's all about doing a really good quality job that's going to have the right result and the right fit."
"I've never seen a bad job, that's amazing."
"I'm willing to pay good amount of money for good work."
"Listen, ladies and gentlemen, no high spots, no like poke marks, no nothing like that."
"We want to make sure that we're understanding our approach and taking the necessary steps to do the very best job that we can."
"Patience is not only a virtue, but it's also recommended for a good quality paper."
"That's a brilliant piece of work."
"You care, you truly do care that you do this right. That's awesome."
"I was very impressed by the work that was happening there... I didn't know that in Hong Kong there was this quality of work that was available."
"If you do it right the first time, then you don't have to worry about it."
"Absolutely phenomenal, great in there, they've done a cracking job."
"The most important part of doing all this is taking your time and doing it right."
"That's why you have to love it, if you really want your stuff to be cool."
"You have done some quality work on something in your life, and you will be standing out because of it."
"This work deserves the highest rating."
"That's a good one, definitely for a portfolio piece."
"Working under the restrictions that you've worked under and still attaining the quality and the level of exploration that you've done is really inspiring."
"I think this is some of your better work, I would say a 9.2 out of 10."
"Relentless teams build good projects."
"I think they did a fantastic freaking job."
"You will have people come to you looking for you if you do a good job."
"I am so obsessed; they really did a good job."