
Achievement Focus Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"Enough about my mistakes and more about your achievements."
"You aren't going to hit something unless you aim at it, that's for sure."
"Life is too short focus on what you can achieve and not on what you haven't."
"I'm addicted to progress, I just want to see the scoreboard increase."
"You can do things to be great, not do things just to do things."
"It's not about the number of times you can cross the finish line, it's about the best finish across the finish line you can get."
"Your record is irrelevant as long as you achieve things."
"The most important thing today was to get the results."
"All I want to do is monumentally Achieve endlessly that's all I'm interested in."
"He's got to step his game up if he's going to come out on top."
"We have to stop measuring struggles and start getting closer to the wins."
"You put your goals absolutely first. What are you trying to accomplish?"
"Achieve, achieve, achieve - we care about progress."
"Avoid the drama at all cost... achieve things and ignore those who talk behind your back."
"It is the work that counts, not the applause that follows."
"If we focus on achievement, there are winners. If we focus on sin, there are no winners."
"Winners don't need motivation, winners need discipline." - "Discipline is about getting it done because it needs to get done, not because I feel like it."
"The only kind of success that matters is the kind that lasts."
"You're being an achiever... actioning your new ideas."
"Slay your way to success, one monster at a time."
"Another three-star, that's an important one, they want to catch as many as possible here."
"Picture that finish line visualize it visualize yourself accomplishing your goal."
"We gotta really find a way to get more achievements and also not waste all the money, because I am ready for another upgrade."
"You have to win trophies. That has to be the demand."
"It's time to start adding some more achievements to my repertoire."
"Just opportunity and just having an opportunity to win, that's the biggest thing."
"I think he is going for the three star, he is a three star machine."
"Pratt's winning at this point that's all I'm saying."
"I believe in that I believe that you know whatever inspires you and how you get it done that's it."
"You will have that extra incentive, energy, and combativity to impose yourself and obtain the best results."
"Finally won, and that is all that matters right now."
"You've got to tap into that inner desire to build, to create, to achieve."
"Time to get serious, time to show everybody what you're made of and get this done."
"Step up, be in charge, be a leader, level up, and you're going to get the results."
"Understand this is a social Grassroots phenomena that's moving."
"The satisfaction is not really in winning, it's just in the excitement for the person to achieve their dream."
"Life is measured in Achievements, not in years alone." - Bruce McLaren
"Choose and conquer. Focusing on that, nothing else. Putting your all into it and not stopping until you finish it."
"New levels I'm achievin When I'm meditatin and focused on my breathin."
"Winning is the goal, winning is what we should be doing."
"Lose yourself in the process of accomplishing your grandest goals and dreams."
"I'm driven, I'm driven, I'm in the driver's seat, so pedal to the metal, man, to get it."
"If we don't take action, then nothing will get accomplished."
"It's not about record, it's about the title."
"Ultimately, it's about United winning titles."
"Now go and Win It. Go and Do what's required."
"Rumble young man, rumble, rumble young lady, rumble, make those moves, get those things done, you know what."
"Whatever you desire, you are going to achieve."
"It gives us that kind of achievement, that target of hitting Elite with this team."
"It's all about records at the end of the day."
"Everything that I do is about trying to figure out how do we get the most, how do we max out every single bit of potential."
"This is about winning through, crossing the finishing line, stepping towards a new phase of your life."
"It's amazing what humans can do if they put their mind to it."
"Visualize what you want your future life to look like and then make it happen."
"You're at your peak right now, this is what you should really be gunning for."
"Winning in a cup, that's the only thing that matters."
"Determination is key, that is how you do it guys, that is how you do it frickin amazeballs!"
"Let the game play out how it should play out, and then if you manage to get the kills that you need, then you can focus on that 20 bomb."
"It's not about where you start; it's about where you finish."
"Let's complete this challenge and end it off on a high."
"Outcome over ego. I don't care who gets the credit. I just want the best outcome."
"Major has no impact, because in some ways it doesn't really matter what you do, it matters that you do it very well."
"Three to thrive: think of three things that you really want to accomplish or achieve."
"Give yourself credit for your successes; if you have five things on your list and you only get two of them done, don't feel bad about the three you didn't get done, feel proud about the two you did get done."
"This is what we're working towards."