
Gun Control Debate Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"The issue is not too many guns. The issue is too many thugs, hoodlums, and savage criminals on the street."
"We don't have a gun problem, we have a white supremacy problem."
"A soulless piece of would politicize the shooting of elementary school children. Perpetrators should burn in hell. Armed security is the answer here."
"Saying the gun is the major factor in violence is sort of like saying that money is the major factor in embezzlement."
"If more guns was the answer, the United States of America would be the safest nation in the world. But it's not."
"Ignorance, evil, or insanity - the anti-gun mentality can be chalked up to one of these, or all three."
"Australia's gun debate informed by history, landscape, and legacy intensified by growing urban-rural divide and the technology's ruthless efficiency was at an impasse."
"This is a very major victory for the Second Amendment. It took all those silly gun control laws that New York passed in a hissy fit and basically dramatically shrunk them already."
"What do I think is gonna happen with all this? Do these gun control measures coming down, another one's coming after it. What do I think is gonna happen? You don't want the answer because I don't want to discourage you."
"Freedom is not licensed and we have to be very deliberate when we are talking about guns and the violence that's perpetrated by those that choose to use guns as a tool of violence."
"How many massacres would get you to alter your position? It's a fair question."
"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun."
"Blaming guns for crime is like blaming spoons for fat people."
"So it's now this universal stillness which is the spiritual land from which the world grows."
"Honestly, people don't realize that they actually have gun control in America. It's weird. The debate's framed as if there is no gun control in the US and that there absolutely is."
"We shouldn't be debating about shapes of plastic regardless as though those are what enable a depraved mind to kill and not the depraved mind itself."
"Reasonable people on both sides of the gun debate agree that background checks, safety training, and mental health screening are all just common sense."
"The brutal act of violence that took place that day was horrible, and the topic of gun restriction has been the subject of heated discussions."
"Banning guns or disarming Americans does nothing but help the criminal."
"Anti-gun rhetoric is based on manufactured problems."
"They want to disarm Americans using mass shootings as a scapegoat."
"Gun-free zones are failures again we see that in England complete failures."
"Common-sense gun control I got common-sense gun control for you right here."
"Why can't I have a chocolate egg with a little toy inside it that might choke people compared to an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle that could slaughter a lot of people in a very short period of time?"
"More guns, less crime." - Economist John Lott
"Maybe the measures we have done they say, 'Look at these live cities and they've got these strict gun laws and there's still shooting there.' Well, how many shootings were not there because of those strict gun laws?"
"The dirty little secret about gun control is the more that they push and the harder that they try, the more things that get ruled unconstitutional."
"It's to prove this political point, that gun control doesn't mean what it meant in 1994."
"Trump visited grieving cities as gun control debate boils."
"It's not about gun control you need to focus on the human aspect first."
"It's not about the gun control, it's about the laws that we have on the books."
"Debates about gun control only work if both sides are genuinely interested in finding a solution to gun violence."
"All guns are bad guns are bad guns are bad instead of the reality that people are bad using guns they're just tools"
"The anti-gun rhetoric that's out there a lot of times when we first hear about it is from one of these organizations."
"If the laws worked, if all the gun control laws they have worked, it wouldn't be a problem."
"We need to have a real serious conversation about gun reform which includes the passage of red flag laws and includes gun safety storage laws."
"You want to reduce mass shootings? Put armed men with guns in all these gun-free zones and then see what happens."
"Despite what republican politicians would have you believe gun control is actually overwhelmingly popular in America."
"A gun never shot anybody, it's the nut behind it that did."
"If Javon Belcher didn't possess a gun, he and Cassandra Perkins would both be alive today."
"There are people that benefit from these hoax theories so they don't mind them because the hoax theories are pushing back against gun control."
"Frankly, the evidence bears out over and over again: fewer guns on the streets makes everyone safer."
"The idea that only police will have guns means criminals will have guns."
"When in doubt, throw out the gun control law."
"This destroys this narrative that a good guy with a gun isn't going to stop a bad guy with a firearm."
"The Virginia Tech shooting triggered widespread criticism of US gun culture, sparking debates on gun violence, gun laws, mental health treatment gaps in the US system."
"Was it worth giving up your fundamental freedoms just to not get shot in a gun Massacre?"
"What's the reason to have an AR-15? It's not for hunting, it's not for sport. What's it for? It's to kill human beings."
"Every mass shooting is an ad for gun sales that cannot be turned off."
"California had more mass shootings with all of the gun laws that we have, all of the infringement, everything and here we've had more of them, yes."
"One of the things that is very often glossed over in the situation is well, there are really important conversations we need to have about guns."
"Conservatives are always fighting on the defensive over gun rights when the real argument should be over mental health policy."
"The problem isn't the guns, it's a people problem."
"Doesn't this law only prevent law-abiding people from caring concealed and being able to protect themselves?"
"This isn't about the guns, it's about the people holding the guns."
"Whenever we have a mass shooting here in the United States the responses thoughts and prayers and we go into this gun debate and nothing ever gets done."
"There's no historical analog to justify preventing people from carrying guns."
"The smarter way to grab guns is the Elizabeth Warren way, which is to put the issue into real context."
"It's so foolish to suggest that the best way to weed out mass shooters is by confiscating guns."
"Red flag laws are both a violation of due process as well as extremely dangerous because you can never be sure if you separated a person from all of their weapons unless you seize the person."
"That is protected in our constitution. Where does it say a handgun is protected? No, gun. We should-- everybody say 'gun.' It says 'arms.'"
"How you control gun control is not by eliminating the guns, it's by raising the prices on bullets."
"If guns don't kill people, people kill people, does that mean toasters don't toast toast, toast toasts toast?"
"Everyone who says 'I enjoy the sport, I want to hold the gun in my hand and have the live ammunition,' what I say is, you have those emotions for enjoying your sport, but feel the emotions of a parent who is never going to see their child again."