
Public Dissatisfaction Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Democrats are losing because they are disconnected from the everyday reality of most Americans."
"The defense budget gets trillions while the American people get screwed once again."
"Are you seeing a trend here? Yeah, uh, people are not happy and people are continuing to not be happy."
"He and Donald Trump were tapping into some of the very same anxieties and frustrations against the elites, the establishment, the belief that the system is rigged, and that the decision-makers don't care about the concerns of ordinary Americans."
"For decades buying property was considered a safe investment in China. Now, instead of building a foundation of wealth for the country's middle class, real estate has become a source of discontent and anger."
"None of what happened in New South Wales regarding these factional games impressed the public one little bit."
"Everybody's really sick of this, everybody is fed up."
"Joe Biden embraced neoliberalism and in so doing reminded the rest of us tens of millions of Americans that it's horrible that neoliberalism serves the interests of virtually no one."
"Lindsey Graham is a disgusting human being who deserves to be retired for any number of reasons pick one and then help make it happen that's what I think thanks."
"Yeah, it's [ __ ] embarrassing, yeah, what the [ __ ] is going on?"
"Americans need to stand up and say no, you know what, I've had enough, I've had it."
"People are tired... the system does not work for them."
"When you have the disparity between the desire of the people and the actions of the government, something's broken."
"This is people getting sick and tired of having their freedom taken away."
"People have a legitimate reason to be upset and the game is being panned."
"Politicians clearly don't care as much anymore. It's up to us."
"Many people got increasingly disgusted with corporate media and just the slavish Devotion to the proxy war narrative."
"She does not represent what makes the people happy and what's good in this world."
"When both the populist left and the right want all of congress gone, we have a problem."
"It's not just about one man, it's about an America that's had enough of being silenced, manipulated, and told what to believe."
"I want to create an active community where I can log on and play every day, recognizing players just like it used to be on old survival servers."
"It's ridiculous that Australians are putting up with this. I've been thrilled to see people pushing back."
"Nobody is happy with the current system right now."
"The idea is the party in power is going to get defeated very seriously because of just how bad things are going."
"People are hungry for something else, and it's the system itself... that is keeping the people from being able to express their will."
"The government does not represent the people."
"This is just a complete crisis of government."
"We saw a government that after Maria were more worried of taking pictures with bags of ice... than with actually those dead eyes and gas and food getting to the people."
"Events suck, nobody wants them... Give them something that surprises them."
"Nearly three-quarters of Americans are dissatisfied with the direction of the country."
"Regular Joes and Janes are rising up, people have had enough of hypocrisy."
"Elections heads who either through neglect or intentional crap pull off elections like this we will the people will not tolerate it and we will get rid of you."
"If these European governments neither acquiesce to the needs of their people nor are replaced, I fear there will be violence."
"Ford called for an investigation into the UFO phenomena frustrated with the explanations provided by U.S Air Force consultant astrophysicist Dr J Allen heineck who dismissed the sightings as swamp gas Ford publicly voiced his dissatisfaction."
"This abdication of the need to represent the people, theoretically legislators are representatives, they are there to represent us, and what corporate Democrats have not done at all is that."
"You can't even make this stuff up. They're just looking for things to be pissed about all the time."
"Canadians are pissed off with our current government."
"When the population keeps on getting treated just like pure utter garbage like this, the Russian government will eventually get overthrown."
"It's breaking out into the mainstream discourse, people that aren't specifically partisans that are none too pleased with what the government has done here."
"When the wicked rule, the people mourn, and unfortunately, it's the people that are ruling."
"We succeeded in part because folks are fed up."
"There is a degree of anger building up in England."
"This is why people are disgusted and rightfully so with the criminal justice system."
"People are not satisfied with the field. Honestly, if Hillary Clinton were to make her grand re-entrance now would be about the time she should do it."
"Nobody wants to live the way the world is going right now and what they're doing is they're creating these divisive issues in every single country."
"For too long a small group in our nation's capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost."
"People are sick and tired, paid for high prescription medication."
"Americans are pissed off you're talking about a government a department of justice that ignores the crimes of the president's son and frankly the president himself."
"The crowd is not wrong, the system is not working, the current corporate structure is completely broken."
"I'm glad that they're trying to do something but they're not doing enough and I don't sense enough outrage for what the Supreme Court did."
"Four years ago I came to Washington as the only true outsider ever to win the presidency."
"Leaders can't provide the basics, leaders get removed quickly."