
Gameplay Enjoyment Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"Overall, great for sniping, and then to coincide with that, I've got the PPSh which was also buffed in the 1.37 update so you got two buffed weapons on this loadout, definitely newer, definitely fresher, and definitely very fun as well."
"Not every campaign will be great, but if it isn't enjoyable, you can always abandon it."
"Managing those resources is a tricky but enjoyable challenge."
"Remained a heavily beloved piece of Kit, not only for sentimental reasons but also for the incredibly satisfying slow-mo gameplay."
"The core experience with the gameplay is so much fun."
"The gameplay of the Arkham series is something that is enjoyable at its core."
"Feats can be really really strong and perhaps even more importantly they can be a hell of a lot of fun."
"Hunting is a very key important thing to do in Red Dead Redemption 2 and it's actually a lot of fun."
"They definitely tried to reduce the friction between you and the fun which I can always appreciate."
"The best spec is one that you actually enjoy, that you're comfortable playing, and that you can stick with in the long run."
"But this game is just fun, it has so many core gameplay concepts that are just oddly satisfying."
"The exploration is very fun and once you figure out the layout of the map it feels pretty good."
"The assault squads with the priests in particular look particularly fun to use."
"KSP2 is really fun, it's a fun toy, and I'm looking forward to playing it more and more."
"It's an all-around great level that's almost as much fun to just get lost in as it is to actually play, it's that good."
"Persona 5 Royal, I consider to be the most fun JRPG I've ever played just in terms of gameplay mechanics." - "Persona 5 Royal, I consider to be the most fun JRPG I've ever played just in terms of gameplay mechanics."
"It's one of the greatest remakes of all time and it's one of the most fun freaking horror games I've ever played in my life."
"The added content weaved throughout is not only fun to play but doesn't feel out of place."
"There's something amazing when you get that flow state or know how to combo."
"Ranger abilities... more interesting to play."
"Paradise Killer somehow manages to make this work incredibly well."
"The combat in Sunset Overdrive is forgiving and fun, encouraging continuous movement."
"Overall, the core gameplay of Warframe is still incredibly fun in 2022."
"SimCity is fun because we can actually play multiplayer."
"Yondu, one of the most satisfying characters to play in the entire game."
"The perfect balance of the Mario formula, the challenge is dialed in at the right level."
"I just want every class doing well so the game is fun."
"Deciding about unique passives and actives is the fun of the system."
"Differences among items should be the fun and interesting parts."
"Trial and error is kind of a fun of space engineers though right."
"Some repetitive bosses and fairly standard story can't drag down how fun it is to play this new kind of Pokemon game." - XGN
"Shinobi - The Silent Fury: Surprisingly great."
"But man I do like this game I love the combos."
"Some really great gameplay, hope you guys enjoyed this battle."
"Destiny 2 is a fun game to play, it is beautiful, the worlds are interesting, your powers are fun, the guns are incredibly satisfying to use."
"The mechanics and the gameplay itself and using those characters is extremely fun."
"This game is addictive, the sense of Discovery, the emergent gameplay like all this stuff going on is so much fun."
"Beetle Kirby is one of the most fun abilities to use."
"Having fun is the best way to play, exactly."
"This build is really fun while also being really good."
"It's very important to focus on the fun aspect of League, not just balance."
"I love the masks, I love the playable characters, I love all the collectibles, I love all the different styles of gameplay here."
"I love this play style, she might be my favorite new hero."
"I had a lot of fun and really I'm happy I played this game this way this time."
"The game was incredibly fun to play, the freaking sound design is some of the best I've ever heard."
"These mechanics are really intriguing and exciting."
"The combat is fun to engage with and is the reason quite frankly that I've put so many hours into the game as I have."
"The best part of this game is the last five minutes."
"Buy the game play it for yourself enjoy a great slice of Metroidvania action."
"The Pit: a surprisingly fun and engaging gameplay loop."
"I love flow-based games, and this has one of the best flows I've ever experienced."
"I really like it. I do. The reason I really like it is for a term that I say over and over and over again. This game is heavy on risk reward. You get a big reward for taking a risk at something that leaves you unsafe."
"Time for transfers. This, for me, is one of the best things on any football game."
"We might as well play another imp on the imp floor, it's good."
"Whether you love or hate the story of Kingdom Hearts, it's hard to say that its gameplay is anything but fun."
"That eventualities in the reasonable worst case scenario is not without its challenges."
"The insane fun power you get for playing high chaos is the temptation to be a savage killing machine and it's fun."
"Dragon Quest is like playing a piece of history, and it's a treat no matter how you slice it."
"Pokemon Legends Arceus isn't the open-world Pokemon game fans have been waiting for, but it's still the most ambitious Pokemon experience yet and a fun collect-a-thon in its own right."
"It's pretty much all of the fun gameplay of the Bat Chat 25T at a more fun tier... a no-brainer."
"Populations can grow or decline over time, assimilate to other cultures, convert to religions or even migrate."
"It's not always about speed in this game, sometimes it's about having fun."
"After playing it, I'm glad I've been proven wrong. It's creative and really ups the fun factor."
"For my grumbling about the storyline and stuff, this game does have a kind of real pleasing rhythm to it."
"I universally like it. I like the patron spells, I like the additional spells known, I like the free casting."
"Remember discussion doing it more getting more practicing these are the best ways to help broach these conversations and hopefully get your play group to a space that maybe is a little more fun than it was yesterday."
"The combat is very satisfying and it gets even better when it starts to click."
"As lame as that sounds it actually ends up being a well-done and extremely fun adventure."
"I find her more fun to play and test the limitations of than any other character in Apex, especially since her recent buff in Season 11."
"Cheers, thanks for watching and have fun playing Viktor!"
"I truly love this game. It's genuinely something special."
"While not absolutely groundbreaking, the game definitely brings a clever formula of its own making that is well curated, clearly made with love, and incredibly enjoyable to play."
"Weapon Mastery actually makes choosing weapons more fun and the Barbarian gets two weapon masteries."
"I actually had a lot of fun with this part of the game once I understood it."
"Dude, this tech's cool, that was a really fun game too, man."
"I'm loving the diversity in this roster so cool and she's fun to play with let me tell you."
"Resident Evil 2, so goddamn fun that playing through both the campaigns, all the different elements you can do with that."
"I love the turtling playstyle followed up by like the religious advance, so cool."
"Enjoy the game, experiment a little, have fun!"
"It feels like you're playing Guilty Gear, which is good because in the end, I was actually having a lot of fun."
"This is the run we're gonna go one and done run for fun today."
"Small stuff like badge loadouts just makes the game more fun to play."
"It gets to this sort of tense gameplay, this is where this game mode actually becomes quite fun."
"Dedicated Explorer characters and Beast Hunters are really fun to play."
"There's a lot of just fun and thematic stuff that all comes together."
"There's lots of different types of enemies and also lots of the same types of enemies but is still fun beating everything up."