
Defense Tactics Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"You're gonna be needing at least around the 240 to 255 range of defense if you want to survive her regular attack with absolute certainty."
"Poison and water: a phenomenal defensive pairing whose only weakness is a lack of offensive coverage."
"Tai with the one star defense and the three star attack beautifully done from him."
"You don't want to give anyone the chance to get on their offense because you might be only a blue belt at defending what their master black belt is attacking."
"When you just look at the way they're just defending their base completely the takes they have at the very beginning getting this llama first is one of the most important things and they do it with style."
"You know what they say, the best defense is a good offense!"
"Why did we keep doing this to the Celtics defense?"
"The thing that I'm most excited about is the fact that he didn't he just has so many universally good stats doesn't matter what the troop type is so for defending your city it just seems completely gangbuster."
"The defense had found its final weapon for casting doubt on the prosecution's case. It played the race card."
"But the most powerful defense method of all." - Building up suspense before revealing a surprising defense tactic.
"Suing victims or even alleged victims is never a good route to go down if you're trying to defend yourself because it does just come off like silencing."
"Everyone just grab a shield spell if you can cast it... extremely potent on the medieval battlefield."
"Get your defense right and you're on to a winner."
"A good criminal defense lawyer always starts with a presumption of guilt, not a presumption of innocence."
"The battle machine held the defenses while using the ability to regenerate that health."
"Concentrated barrier gives you a free damage shield."
"Sometimes a good offense can be a good defense in a sense."
"Russia had given up on offensive operations to take the capital and prepared for a defensive war."
"In one month, 10 Russian soldiers armed with tanks and APCs were unable to capture a Ukrainian bunker because of two FPV drones."
"This deck's overpowered defenses secured us the win."
"I hate to say this but 4-3 defenses just played way better in sim, I want to move back to a 4-3."
"I think it's time to move to a 4-3 honestly. They're just, in my experience, way more effective in the game."
"The defense only has to make it that believable that they didn't do it to where they'll go against it."
"I've got an absolute beaming smile on my face that is absolutely amazing scenes in the McLaren Shadow facility Barry burrowman fair play to you defended like a lion into that final chicane."
"they have the fire power they've got the pace and Pace really um frightens defenses"
"Incoming DR when charging your grenade for either of those abilities, you get a little bit tankier."
"This guy could literally tank half an army's worth of anti-tank shooting for a single turn."
"If you use strategic placement when defending, these can make an offensive push a million times harder."
"If Bannon can't present that defense, he really doesn't seem to have any other defense."
"He is the best defensive character in the game."
"Prime Gustafsson has some of the most insane takedown defense we've ever seen."
"Guys remember, they're not trying to prove themselves innocent. All they're trying to do is manufacture doubt."
"Just don't make it easy, mix up your coverages, mix up your rushes, make pressures harder to read."
"From this cold defense, he was able to retaliate in quick succession."
"It nullifies grab attacks and can block entire attack sequences."
"If anybody shoots on me, they get choked. Come on, Gracie style."
"Blue's not looking to give this up yet, adding more farms, getting fortified wall and scorpions, let's go!"
"It's one of the best weapons to combat the Mark 2 Oppressor griefers."
"We are defending a castle, and they only have a catapult."
"We predicted a mistrial motion early on by the defense and we got one."
"If they breach your wall with any significant force it's probably gg."
"Evasion + good armors is the way that I get the max HP in Domino."
"Playing retake is when the defenders have to take the objective back from the attackers."
"Prioritize outside facing walls, hatches, and objective walls."
"I would say bring a Goyo or some type of shield, I would suggest a Goyo because of the amount of shields that he brings."
"Our offense is going to be so much harder to defend."
"It's what attorneys today call the bangles defense probably after that rocky start."
"I guess if he had made like 20 links and he could just go across the map and do some damage, but I guess that's what the wall is for."
"Defending really starts in the front... that's where it starts from up here."
"Chelsea's defense should be illegal, it's so well-drilled."
"The defense attorney's job is to create doubt."
"Certainly it makes an interesting contrast to the way the Ukrainians defend their positions."
"He nullifies every single attack, which is just so crazy."
"We're gonna go offensive in order to be defensive."
"It's good to force defense, you want to get them to spend more money on defense and less money on farms because farms give money."
"They're attacking us on multiple, multiple fronts in depth and with full spectrum dominance." - Retired Military Intelligence
"Controlled Chaos: You're running around and closing out and continuously finding ways to keep guys off the three but forcing them into tough contested twos."
"I just want to see if we can defend during the later game rounds with just a single Tower... Yes, we can all agree the Super Monkey is goated."
"You are safe behind your shields, and the orcs are going to impale themselves on your pointy sticks."
"Dodge is the strongest thing you can do. It is number one. Dodges."
"This game was just executed flawlessly some good defenses there by Thor's ain't great great use of the Raven and of course the battle cruiser as well but it was the lack of harassment I think that really did him in there."
"Defense is sometimes taking away the ability of your opponent."
"Yes, this is just the way to make an offense do your best defense to sort of attack him and make him appear to be some."
"Let's not call it positivity but let's call it like recognizing that it's better to not fixate on the negative."
"So honestly, I'm an RG at the river because I've got skeletons and Tesla, I feel like I can defend against anything."
"The defense's goal is really to equip that one person or more to say, 'Well there's doubt for me because of this.' That's what it takes for the defense to prove doubt."
"Anybody that can stall long enough with freezes or life gain... is going to have a win condition for sure."
"The vast majority of attacks are just gonna bounce straight off The Shield or not even wound him."
"The secret sauce is really in our guards defending the ark when the ball gets inside the three-point line."
"There's little booby traps you can put in your system... to make things more complicated for an attacker."
"It's like I read their minds, they're attacking twice on the left, I am defending twice on the left."
"What are some defense tactics a company can employ to detract hostile takeovers?"
"I like my man defenses to look like zone, and I like my zone defenses to look like man."