
Responsive Design Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"Building a mobile version of your site... and you do the same thing for your tablet version."
"That's the power of responsive design with media queries."
"I think they actually listened to the feedback."
"Nowadays, 52 percent of web browsing is done on a mobile phone rather than just a desktop, but it's still almost even, so you want to make sure that your website looks great on mobile, tablet, and desktop."
"Responsiveness is another huge advantage instead of using custom media queries and creating a responsive site from scratch you can simply use the grid system."
"This takes your inputs and does exactly what a car should do in response."
"Learn how to build amazing, professional, and responsive websites."
"CSS variables make responsive design easier too."
"It allows you to make sure you can resize things based on the container instead of the full browser width."
"Bootstrap basically just makes it extremely easy to make responsive websites. It just does everything for you for the most part."
"That will only affect the mobile view and not the desktop view."
"Mobile first is definitely the way that I usually start out my projects."
"Power Pages is built on Bootstrap, a front-end framework that supports the development of responsive, mobile-friendly websites."
"When on smaller screens, the menu items should always hide and go behind a hamburger menu icon."
"A media query is a technique we can use to modify how certain elements are rendered based on the device type, for example print or screen, or based on specific characteristics like screen resolution or browser width."
"Trust me, once you get a grasp of it, your designs will be much more responsive and you will be able to design much faster."
"Master the art of responsive design to take your app design to the next level."
"...inside one of these tabs, for example, the 428 pixels media query tab, any settings that we change inside of here will only apply to our elements when the device size is smaller than 428 pixels in width."
"Everything is fully responsive from mobile viewports all the way up to desktop viewports."
"Design from the smallest to the largest. That's what is called mobile-first design and responsive design."
"The caller doesn't know, card doesn't care. However this card is rendered, whether we're on a small screen or a big screen, it doesn't matter. The overall screen size, what matters is how much space the container has. So pretty awesome feature."
"...without any requirements for media queries and just letting the browser figure it out."
"So, with no other configuration, it's always going to load something close to this, but Next.js image is going to look at the size of your viewport and load probably a smaller size than this full size."
"No matter what device you're designing for, the number of columns in your layout grid depends on how you want to organize and split up your content."
"And it's also going to look great on both mobile and desktop as well."
"It feels very natural, it's very responsive."
"This is looking great, it should, if we go into any kind of mobile view, yeah, we get a nice little responsive feature thanks to that CSS grid line that we had there."
"Flexbox has basically taken care of all of this; there's no floats at all, it's responsive and mobile-friendly."
"It completely revolutionized the way you can build responsive applications within Bubble's platform."
"So if you want to learn to design websites, responsive websites that look good on mobile phones, tablets, and desktops, this is for you."
"You have three main goals that you wanna focus on when you're doing responsive design in XD."
"Responsive Design Mode... you're going to be able to emulate the viewport width and height of the actual device."
"And now we come to what for me really is the heart of Bootstrap, Bootstrap's system, it's breakpoints, and it's containers."
"We have successfully created our nav, and using React.js, we have made our nav responsive as well."
"Feel free to use it and play with it and get familiar with these container queries because I think honestly they absolutely are the future of responsive design."
"Making sure your site looks fine on mobiles and tablets is something super important."
"I like starting at small screen sizes first just because it's easy. I don't have to do as much work, and then I'm adding complexity."
"It's customizable and it's responsive."
"How to think about responsive design, which is one of the most important developments in thinking about how to design web pages in the last decade."
"A big challenge is making sure that when a user opens the website, they can easily find the information or take the action they want to, no matter what device they're using."
"The cool thing about container queries is that the component itself owns all of its own responsive information."
"It's basically reading your mind and responding accordingly."
"Understanding CSS Flexbox is important if you want to make responsive websites."
"It looks nice on mobile and desktop, which I appreciate."
"Flex is a display property in CSS that makes it easier to design flexible responsive layout structures."
"Most interestingly, we'll learn how to make any website 100% responsive for mobile and tablet devices."
"Everything is working smoothly, and then finally, we're going to demo it one more time but in responsive view."
"It's going to look good on mobile screens."
"All of the templates in Adobe portfolio are mobile-friendly."
"When you access that page using different devices... the page very nicely loads up in those different form factors."
"This allows you to now build responsive applications, which wasn't possible a few months back."
"Bootstrap layouts... you can change the width of the columns without writing any custom code which is absolutely awesome."
"These functions will be very useful for making our individual widgets responsive."
"Shopify themes are 100% responsive, that means the text, images, all of that's going to form automatically on the page and resize for the device that you're using."
"We're going to be using the useState hook for our mobile responsive navbar."
"You can create the various seamless shopping experience as responsive on desktop and mobile."
"This is responsive in different sizes; we get different number of columns of cards."
"We got a responsive website fully responsive website pretty much from scratch."
"Everything you build is automatically already responsive."
"When you go to the mobile version, the side navigation is hidden, and on click of this hamburger menu, it neatly slides in and then goes back when you want to hide it."
"Responsive design for individual UI components within our app lets us make components that are adaptive and respond to however much space they have within their layout."
"So if you recall in portfolio, where we're iterating through each one, we did one column when it's small, gets a little bit bigger, we go into two columns, and then large, it will be three columns."
"We've taken care of the responsiveness on every single edit, so it looks good not just on desktop, but when someone's on their tablet or on their phone."
"In the About section, we have three different Bootstrap columns which we'll transition into a single column layout."
"My technical documentation page should use at least one media query."
"It's actually responsive, so it's a two-column layout here and a four-column layout there."
"It's also a front-end development framework that enables developers and beginners to design quick and responsive websites."
"You don't need to use breakpoints all the time; learn how to create layouts that react to the size of the content."
"Content-driven breakpoints are better than device size breakpoints."
"AMP is from the ground up designed with responsive design in mind."
"This page is fully responsive, so depending on which screen size your device uses, it will just adjust everything to look perfectly and work perfectly as well."
"It's a way to QuickStart and get a responsive website up and running in a listener couple of hours."
"It has a very pinging kind of responsive, true barefoot feel."