
Passage Of Time Quotes

There are 102 quotes

"Enjoy every moment because it moves by so fast."
"I thought it was like just what the frick the passage of time man, it's crazy times I tell you."
"Passover would eventually slip into winter, then fall, then back to the spring."
"I think 20 years is a lifetime, and it's important to recognize that we have been capable and able of having that lifetime."
"It's bittersweet it is like it's bitter sweet that two years flew by."
"You're every bit as beautiful these years. It's only been 2, but it feels like forever."
"This arbor... it's been growing for almost the whole 11 years we've been here."
"The years went by peacefully as they always had, neighbors came and went, new houses cropped up along the main road over time, but our expansive farmland remained untouched, a refreshing constant in the ever-changing world around us."
"Our time in Michigan has gone by way too fast."
"Predictably, he kills both of them and we suddenly skip two and a half decades later when the baby is full grown and moving back into the very house his parents were killed in."
"It's definitely true that when you're having a good time, time flies, and before we knew it, this entire thing was over and everybody had cleared out."
"...the looming idea of Hope pressing further and further away with each passing day, month, and year..."
"It's been seven fantastic years, it seems a very long time in one way, but then in another way it seems like 2 minutes ago."
"How is the year gone already? It's going to be 2024 in 2 weeks, this is literally insane!"
"Oh, just 23 years later, look at that."
"It did not take much to keep rose and himself it was like grasping water to think how quickly the years had passed here there were nearly gone it was in the nature of things and yet it brought a sense of betrayal and anger of never having understood anything much."
"You know, we got a run. I could've been... It's been so long now, I could've been best friends with a nigga for three years from 1989 to '92. We best friends. I don't even remember that nigga right now."
"We lay there frozen as minutes stretched into what felt like hours."
"I'm so glad it's arrived, I can't believe that was this morning, it's all really weird."
"You miss so much, you know, within just a couple weeks, you know."
"Wow, it's been a year. A year I cannot fathom."
"I'm having a lot of fun with it, even now three years later."
"It feels like yesterday and then here you are like you're doing it."
"You disappeared in 2004. It's 2018 now."
"It's been a while, yeah, hasn't it?"
"Time has gone by so fast, but I had so much fun today too."
"You may not remember it now, you know, it has been a long time."
"AJ is grown up with us. As I said in my closing over the last seven years, we've seen him growing up from a 16 year old to a young man, father, husband. It's devastating."
"I don't think I've talked to you in six months."
"Time is flying by but we are going to soak it up."
"It's been two years in a row to be."
"It's so crazy how quick time goes, man."
"I was slowly losing hope tossing and turning in bed as the hours continued to spin away with agonizing ticks from the clock."
"As for it lasting… There was always a clock running in my head. A clock that counted every day, every hour… sometimes every minute."
"As the years pass, the mystery turns to folklore."
"So now it's three years going now, wow, so this is the fourth year."
"Where has this year gone? It's flying by."
"Remember, everything will pass, everything has a beginning and an end, and it will pass."
"All these moments will be lost in time like tears and rain."
"Years go by and the carefree festive spirit of our protagonists will give way to the hard work and monotony of their life as a couple."
"If you want a part two, oh, the time went by so fast."
"It feels like I just seen you maybe like last year, bro, and it's been over a [ __ ] decade."
"So yeah, like in my mind, I'm like oh we haven't lived here that long but I'm gonna blink and we'll have been here 10 years."
"An age passed before another vampire walked the earth."
"Life went on and Hachi aged and everyone aged and life went on."
"Time really does fly, doesn't it? It's mad."
"Tomorrow it is Christmas the first for you and me. Another year went by but the difference this time is it ever since July..."
"I can't believe it's been a year holy [ __ ]."
"It's been nine years. Nine long, lonely years."
"It's hard to believe that it's been a year."
"It's funny how time flies, isn't it?"
"I can't believe 40 years have gone, I just don't believe it. I mean nobody does anything for 40 years, do they?"
"I mean, it's been 20 years since this thing started. People have lived and died since then."
"By the time her tour is over, we won't even remember that this was a story."
"I just miss her. It's all those years ago but it's like it was yesterday."
"It's amazing to think 1990 is like 25 years old."
"It’s as if yesterday has spilled, like a toppled brush pot, into the next morning."
"I left it alone, another day goes by, now we're at like, week a week and a half."
"Time just kind of snuck up on me."
"It feels like it was just yesterday."
"Time cannot be traced back, but we can taste the time."
"It's always sad to see how fast a season flies by."
"It just kind of goes away a little bit every year."
"It really does feel like yesterday that we were recounting last year."
"It's been like 100 days without having access in the real world."
"The 26 hours it took to get home passed by in an instant because I slept through nearly all of it."
"Life moves on. It's 10 years ago and we are where we are."
"It's crazy this July is two years since we've been doing this."
"Time flies, it goes by so damn quickly."
"Time flies, I saw it now. She was three when she became a big sister, and now she's eight."
"19 years later, Harry's face was a big issue for me."
"Time is like that, isn't it? Just keeps going no matter what happens."
"At Pass Manchak, you can see the passage of time."
"Every time I read... it's been 10 years since I read it the first time."
"You've certainly been that. But we're all passing through Mr. Sugden, and love conquers all in the end."
"So many things have happened in my life over the last ten years."
"Life just keeps going by so fast, it's a mystery to me, a beautiful mystery."
"It's the oldest story in the world. One day you're 17 and planning for someday, and then quietly and without you ever really noticing, someday is today, and then someday is yesterday, and this is your life."
"We spend our years as a tale that is told."
"Now the long summer's coming and gone."
"It's the most sincere way of saying time has passed."
"Time passed, and one by one the stars became visible till by 7:15 PM they shed a sufficiently diffused glow to enable me to see along the whole village street, although somewhat indistinctly."
"Time just flies by as I walk around."
"I've been first and last, look at how the time goes past."
"When I look through that window, I sometimes see folks passing, folks that have been dead and gone for years."
"Time flies, doesn't it? It comes to pass, tick tock, tick tock, round and round."
"Life is what goes by when you're not thinking about it."
"The nice man was content, just him and his dog, watching the years pass by."
"Put on your dresses scarlet and gold, for summer is gone and the days grow old."
"Time flies, years fly, and here we are."
"Time goes by really quick, it really does."
"Gone like a freight train, gone like yesterday."
"Through the passage of time, every inch of our world is, as it has always been, teeming with life."
"The awkward moment will pass, I promise."
"Every single day we passed, I felt so much."
"Down by the stream back of 124 her footprints come and go, come and go."
"Time flies like you wouldn't believe."
"It was just a long drive, but it actually kind of went by pretty quick."
"Life is passing by really fast, and I need to like get used to it."
"Time has totally flown by, and it's been a wild ride."
"The time is going to pass no matter what, so how do you want to spend it?"