
Jurisdiction Quotes

There are 115 quotes

"The proper question is not where the plaintiff experienced a particular injury or effect, but whether the defendant's conduct connects him to the forum in a meaningful way."
"The federal government lacks authority to do this."
"If the speech is not covered by the speech and immunities clause, congress doesn't have jurisdiction to take punitive action related to it or the first amendment."
"Prosecuting someone for forming a conspiracy in Alabama is not an extraterritorial application of Alabama Law."
"All countries and jurisdictions have laws of their lands and rights bestowed upon the people that reside within those lands."
"I have the right to challenge the jurisdiction of this court."
"When relationships like this go wrong, it should be down to law enforcement to make the decision, not social media."
"The mere transaction of business elsewhere cannot form the basis for either general or specific personal jurisdiction."
"For every country, there are different laws and different jurisdictions."
"Judge Baltazar Garzon reasoned that crimes against humanity had universal jurisdiction."
"You got to bring the state claims in state court."
"If there's no border, there's no jurisdiction, and there's no country."
"Operational decisions about law enforcement are taken by the police of jurisdiction."
"Drone hobbyist John Taylor argued that the Federal Aviation Administration doesn't have jurisdiction over what the law classifies as model aircraft."
"A court of equity has not jurisdiction to enjoin acts only because they are attempted or threatened under color of an unconstitutional or void statute or ordinance."
"Supreme Court gives Native Americans jurisdiction over eastern half of Oklahoma."
"Supreme Court just gave away half of Oklahoma."
"In having no official jurisdiction, Batman has jurisdiction everywhere."
"Instead they said hey pursue let's use the u.s foreign law jurisdiction burdens didn't even tell the court that there is a governing decision on this issue that the this and the fourth amendment does not apply in interstate extraditions."
"So, if you plan on committing a major crime sometime soon, you should probably do yourself a favour and keep it federal."
"No contract, no case. The jurisdiction that these people operate in is contractual in nature."
"I owned the land outright, had no Homeowner Association contract, and they had no jurisdiction over what I did or did not do on my property."
"Cities don't investigate stuff that happen outside their city."
"The case would eventually be heard at the High Court in Glasgow."
"Heaven has established its jurisdiction; you're recognized, you have a jurisdiction in heaven that you can function in."
"So if I am a US-based company doing business in the European Union and I have a situation where GDPR and the Cloud Act collide, I need to get my legal council involved."
"We have no right to execute anyone."
"Federal common law necessarily raises a substantial and disputed question of federal law here."
"Energon inherently exposes itself to the tort liability of each state in which it performs in-state conduct."
"Data sovereignty speaks to the reality that digital data is subject to the laws and regulations of the country in which it was created."
"Data is subject to the laws of where it is stored, which can have very significant legal implications."
"The FBI has no formal jurisdiction outside the United States so it maintains legal atese offices called legats in many foreign countries."
"Powerful he's not doing time, he will be in another country before then."
"Like the NYPD detectives working a case, and then the FBI come in and go, 'We'll take it from here.'"
"The house was located in an area with police departments from two jurisdictions overseeing it."
"Rook one being located in Saskatchewan, Canada, a tier one jurisdiction, will provide a reliable source of uranium."
"These jurisdictions were more than just repositories of wealth; they had become intricate cogs in the machinery of global finance, each with its unique blend of services, legal frameworks, and regulatory nuances."
"All commissioned US warships are sovereign US territory."
"Why has BC been more ambitious than other jurisdictions in the US and Canada?"
"The Beverly Hills Police Department is picking that up."
"The FBI does not generally get involved in adult missing persons cases unless it is a matter of national interest."
"One thing that Jim was very clever about very early in his career is he realized that the internet, one of the main ways that you can make money with it, is by taking advantage of different jurisdictions."
"Where are we going, 'cause CIA can't operate within US borders without a domestic agency attached."
"We're just outside the zone at HMP Channings Wood."
"We are legal in 22 States and 15 countries."
"I'm a private investigator, I'm in contact with the police in Cyprus as well."
"The fact that Lisa Renee was a minor and that her abductors had impersonated federal agents gave the FBI jurisdiction over the case."
"I was like, why is Skylar co-hosting? She doesn't have jurisdiction to host the Ramsey Show, that's not her job."
"The investigation into Caleb's death was handled not by local police but by the Peele Regional Homicide Bureau."
"The threat here is to the supremacy of federal law."
"She avoided the process server and filed in California."
"Generally, there's no reason for us to enforce them because the United States is generally concerned with whether or not its laws have been violated here."
"No Kentucky sheriff could go over there and arrest them. It would have been suicide."
"The court has jurisdiction to prosecute the crimes committed in the golden lowlands prior to the Declaration of Independence on 15 January 2021 and OBA was implemented between March 2019 and September 2020."
"So, in this case, the preponderance of Miss Shaw's connection with the respondent jurisdiction is the economic investments that she has made."
"Legitimacy is determinative in recognizing competence to accept the court's jurisdiction."
"While the park is on the other City's land it's actively run and managed by the state."
"It is like anarchy, you know, we are under the jurisdiction of the king's governor."
"The analysis is over; diversity jurisdiction cannot exist between Jones and Acme."
"Cannabis is legal in the state of California amongst many other states and Canada now."
"The US Supreme Court's Slaughterhouse Cases of 1873 ruled that only federal rights can be enforced by the federal government."
"He's not a flight risk from this jurisdiction as he strenuously maintains his innocence and is looking forward to the day that he can go to court and maintain his innocence."
"You cannot be trying your case in Abuja when the actions happened in Kogi State. It follows natural reason and logic that a man should not commit an offense in Lagos and be tried in Abuja."
"the community and the surrounding districts come under the jurisdiction of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police the Scarlet coated mounty who enforces Law and Order"
"The courts will decide where Neely is to play."
"... restoring the law to land in place of the law of the high seas which was the admiralty law."
"The court concluded that this provision exceeded the scope of congress's power under the 14th and 15th amendments."
"States have a general duty to cooperate with the court."
"Each believer must understand their spiritual jurisdiction and exercise authority accordingly."
"Canada has three levels of government: federal, provincial, and municipal."
"So if you work for a small company that is below 15 employees, and you're not in California, you might not be able to pursue your case, at least not under Title VII."
"No state can ever be subject to the jurisdiction of a foreign court. That's a basic principle."
"Their jurisdiction expanded to include the entire universe and any parallel dimension that might seek to intrude on ours."
"...bvi is an outdated jurisdiction. Generally speaking, if somebody's recommending BVI to you, probably not the right fit."
"The Constitution says, 'But no new state shall be formed or erected within the jurisdiction of any other state; nor any state be formed...'"
"Once he leaves the state they can't chase him across state lines."
"So, the Zone of Death is a place where crimes and murder, you could potentially get away with it."
"The state has jurisdiction unless the ACT admitting the state into the Union gave jurisdiction to another party."
"In the digital world, physical jurisdiction doesn't matter."
"People will move to friendlier jurisdictions to participate in the global financial market."
"A jurisdictional defect can be attacked at any stage of the proceeding because such defect cannot be cured by silence."
"This court is vested with the authority and has the jurisdiction to address custody cases such as this and enter orders accordingly."
"Cross jurisdiction requires country cooperation."
"No state shall deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."
"Despite the conflict having been a clear Eritrean military victory, the PCA determined that most of the archipelago rightfully belonged to Yemen."
"The tribunal does have jurisdiction as we have a valid arbitration agreement."
"Turks and Caicos Islands is what they call a tax haven."
"Specific jurisdiction is confined to adjudication of issues deriving from or connected with the very controversy that establishes jurisdiction."
"A company is liable for tax in a jurisdiction where there is source income."
"The competence competence gives the arbitral tribunal the authority to decide jurisdictional issues."
"The significance of the arbitral seat is the exclusive forum for annulment or set aside actions with regard to the arbitral award."
"Zones of maritime jurisdiction are where states have sovereign rights or rights of jurisdiction."
"The contiguous zone is a maritime zone adjacent to the territorial sea and can extend to a maximum limit of 24 nautical miles from baselines."
"The exclusive economic zone can extend up to 200 nautical miles from a coastal state's baselines."
"The International Court of Justice has been particularly active in resolving disputes about maritime zones."
"Walk in who you are, it's your authority, it's your legal jurisdiction."
"Jurisdiction is tied to the children, what happened to them; the court has jurisdiction completely and totally in this case."
"You are absolutely correct, I am a district court judge and I have jurisdiction over this matter."
"You are on the rules of the state you're actually in."
"No state shall deny any individual within its jurisdiction equal protection under law."
"Given New York is under Olympian jurisdiction, the gods from other pantheons have to inform us when they'll be stopping by."
"The complexity of the case has far exceeded the jurisdiction that one alone can handle."
"You always want to check with a competent lawyer in the field of law in your jurisdiction."
"You delivered your Birthright to them, so now they have jurisdiction in matters that are really El loial or that are substantive or unalienable."
"I escaped police custody, sir, and I fled the jurisdiction."
"The administration of justice act basically said royal officials accused of crimes could be tried in Great Britain instead of the colonies."
"The high court has jurisdiction in all matters civil, criminal, and in monetary terms, there is no limit to the value that you can take to the high court."