
Artistic Passion Quotes

There are 135 quotes

"It's really impossible to draw the line for where art stops and life begins for the artist who is possessed by the desire to improve and do well."
"This is a powerful and exciting time of creativity, the creative fires within you have been ignited."
"I really miss making music with them because it's like there's just nothing else like it."
"It is excellently written with passion found in every aspect of its production."
"You should go do art because you really love it." - Stan: "You should go do art because you really love it and you can't do anything else because you just like it so much."
"The fact that it's been making music for so many decades, that's it, it's magical."
"I still had this unbelievable passion of creating a world that seemed to live."
"The movie was about Reuters' passion for the art, on the backdrop of a war."
"Kendrick strikes me as a brother who is super passionate about the people, super passionate about the culture, super passionate about like improving black folks."
"Fall in love with making art, not in the reaction to it."
"This film is your baby, and you have to give it to the place that will give it the most love and joy."
"Passion and art, or AOS Neptune in the way that you are creating this determined revenue."
"The world needs more people like that people who create simply because they love to create because they think it's fun."
"Sleepy kink is one of the best animators on this platform. He has a very good passion for improving his art."
"Don't stop creating for yourself... let's do everything we can to hold onto that passion."
"There's so much passion in it and I really wanted to try and get some of that energy across in this drawing as well."
"Let's have the same passion for the art, I think that's one thing that I take away from him."
"Watching Nicholas Cage act is like watching Jimi Hendrix play guitar. He does it with so much passion, it's like he's inventing his own kind of art form."
"I just don't know how to not record, you know what I'm saying? It's just hard for me to get away from the calmest place I can be is a studio."
"Photographers have a long fascination with the street."
"Oda isn't trying to be what came before him; he is trying to surpass his influences and do what has never been done before."
"You're an artist because what you love, what matters to you, is something that you have a desperate desire to express to your audience."
"I love watching people create things they love."
"It's about the passion and the drive and the love of the music that you're making."
"After 27 years of doing this character, I'm just getting warmed up."
"I realized that what makes me happy and gives my life purpose is art."
"That's one thing I learned: you just have to forget it and be passionate and go deep within your art."
"It made me proud of you and it made me also realize how passionate you are about your art."
"I just want other people to love and be able to draw as much as I love drawing..."
"We're creators first we have to follow our hearts in terms of what we do but that doesn't mean we can't also then monetize it and be a business."
"There's something about its small scale that feels personal, like you can tell it was made by a team of passionate artists."
"Chris Cornell had everything he'd ever dreamed of, a band he loved, the freedom to write music and lyrics he was truly passionate about."
"I believe you're born with a desire to draw... but you're not born with skills."
"I always wanted to be an artist. I started drawing as soon as I could hold a pencil."
"It's really cool. You can definitely tell there's a lot of passion put into these songs."
"We're losing the actual culture and passion and love of the artistic storytelling."
"You don't know too much about him but you get the sense that he's this kind and loving and gentle cinnamon roll who just loves painting so much that he can't help but share it with everyone."
"From the moment his brush hit the canvas and that blank white box exploded with color, Bob Ross was hooked on painting."
"There's a lot of intellect, there's a lot of feeling and heart and passion here and I need you to see that."
"YouTube and art were truly my passion and I felt like I was really giving back to the community."
"Money can never be the problem, I do the music because I love it."
"Most people enjoy the process of photography, not just the next new thing."
"Zeal and Ardor's sound is unique, the subject matter is salient, and the passion invested in the project has produced greatness."
"Rush made the music that they wanted to make, that they were passionate about. It was music with integrity, with depth, with soul."
"Obsessions turned into art: celebrating favorite characters."
"Not even the global pandemic can quash the passion of Canadian artists."
"We draw comics because we love it, we draw comics because we grew up reading comics, we grew up loving to draw."
"If you're going to be drawing a bunch of awesome badass axes for an epic triple-a game, draw a bunch of badass epic axes with some freaking passion, man."
"In every tube of Gamblin paint, there is not just a vibrant color, but the sum of experience, hard work, and passion that permeates the entire company."
"It's not about the money. I do comedy because I truly love it."
"I've poured my heart and soul into this lore."
"The arts are so special and so I'm definitely excited for us to get back to creating and watching each other create."
"Spreading the joy of painting, that's just fantastic."
"I love anime. I really, really love anything to do with like art and like the illustration of it."
"David's passion for the works of this smelly colleague poet caused him to derail his trip to New York to become an actor instead."
"To play a wrong note is insignificant, to play without passion is inexcusable."
"There's nothing more rewarding than painting, whether it's cars or anything else."
"Photography was my passion, the search for truth is my obsession."
"It's been the greatest I've felt as a photographer in the last decade."
"The essence essence of talent the reason why I say Essence the reason they become forers as opposed to accountants or Architects or jet Pilots or truck drivers it's because they have this inherent love to something draws them to the stage."
"The lure of the stage was still strong."
"I do love drawing chibies, I forget how much I just love drawing them."
"It's clear that they're artists and are passionate about filmmaking."
"Fall in love with the whole music and editing and film."
"He was passionate about architecture, but among the other arts, one of his other passions was music."
"The influence kept growing, and I never stopped."
"Creating a project like this would solidify a love of filmmaking and creating art in Makoto Shinkai."
"I've been feeling in love with the sound before I fell in love with the music itself."
"These artists put their heart and soul into their work."
"She's been dancing since she was four and started playing guitar at nine."
"I love what you've done, and I love your passion, and that's artistry."
"How many times I have come away from a gig, head full of stars, throat sore with cinders, body tired but a heart satisfied with song."
"I look forward to really getting back to music as an artist, in a fashion that I deserve and enjoy."
"The money wasn't important, we played for the fun of it."
"I'm just so thrilled that we're doing this."
"I hope you get to study art and remain passionate about it; you have lots of potential."
"I'm doing music this time because I love it."
"Everything inside me wants to perform one last time."
"I wanted every page to be something I was excited to draw."
"I am not the world's greatest artist but I do enjoy drawing and sketching."
"If you love abstract art and the creative process, you're in the right place."
"It's the most exciting thing for an artist."
"Sometimes you just wake up and you're excited to paint, you know?"
"At heart, I'm an artist; I'm a chemist, but at heart, I'm a teacher."
"They will actually put their whole soul on the stage, and I can feel it."
"We're not in this for image, definitely not in it for money, not in it for fame whatsoever. We do this because we love to do it."
"I'm back in my studio, I have my hands in Wool, my heart is in the right place, and I hope very much to have many more opportunities during this winter to sit and talk to you in this way."
"That's what I love most about what I'm doing now as an artist."
"If you remember to make the art for the sake of making the art and the love of the art."
"I think of myself as having a business brain but an artist's heart."
"I still feel like that today, you know, I still want to be a songwriter."
"Driven by a combined passion for art and motorcycles."
"I love films so much, filmmaking and all of that, it's so fascinating to me."
"It's a very heartfelt believed in work of art."
"Trower said he was born with an artistic engine that has never really failed him or diminished over the years."
"All I know is that I want to dedicate my life to being an actor."
"Sticking to your passions and continuing to create art in a climate that doesn't embrace it is the ultimate form of badassery."
"Quick sketches are dear to my heart, I love it, really you know, gotten good at that quick sketch portrait, quick sketch figure."
"It's about music, art, and fashion for me, those are my real passions. Cannabis is my gift of a tool that I've been using to maneuver through life and execute my other passions."
"My passion would be art, drawing things like that."
"I love art and a lot of times I get very involved in my artwork project."
"I love singing, I love acting, I love getting to live my dreams."
"For working as he did rather for the love of his art than for the acquirement of wealth."
"When you're an artist deep in your heart you sort of say look, this is what I've got to do."
"I'm an artist trapped in an executive body because I still get it; I'm passionate, I'm emotional."
"I'm channeling that passion into her artwork."
"I'm still a painter at heart, and that's why watercolor is my main medium."
"I love painting and for some reason I'm really attached to this idea of cows and flower fields."
"I rap cuz I'm made for this, I am only doing this because I love it."
"Drawing with intention... it's always been there for me."
"Many artists love their work and would continue to do it even in the absence of any monetary reward whatsoever."
"I love ballet, I love rhythmic gymnastics, I love the art of flexibility."
"All my family has been immersed in this passion."
"I love the intensity. I've always wanted to shoot something like this before."
"It's the passion, it's the confidence, it's the meaning behind every word."
"The passion of the filmmaker will always find a way of telling the story somehow."
"He lives for this type of moments; he's an artist."
"I love myself, I love my fans, love my dance and my what."
"I'm at a point where it's more about the music for me... making music history."
"I look for artists that love music."