
Mysterious Events Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"Something dark is stirring in the sleepy town of Arkham and most don't even notice."
"Mysterious disappearances and ancient genocides: the untold stories of lost civilizations."
"Someone or something knew that was going to happen, and to this day, whatever that something was, it didn't want me in the middle of it."
"Schaefer explained, 'Dutch's last phone call mentioned some kind of a rescue mission near the Colombian border. Something happened down there. Something that ties into the murders...that THING - all of it.'"
"Pikmin's inspiration was the same entity behind the mysterious stuff happening at the Dunwich company."
"I believe it was something not of this world... there's a little bit of truth, a little bit of lies."
"Curiously, five years later in Basel, Switzerland, another very similar siding took place."
"People have been disappearing from national parks in their thousands over the last few centuries."
"Many reported hearing a long silence followed by muffled voices or heavy breathing."
"Two things within a few days: eerie hotel room incidents and electricity blackout."
"The officer at Silbery Hill experienced an excruciating headache for the whole day after his bizarre encounter."
"The event during the Eclipse seemed to have opened a Pandora's box of UFO sightings."
"But as they entered the field, the lights lifted off the ground and traveled soundlessly across the treetops, out of sight."
"Something nefarious happened. Yes, absolutely."
"How this man mysteriously traveled over 700 miles east and had acquired an entire new wardrobe, sneakers, sunglasses, and new gear and equipment is beyond anyone's guess."
"It was like something was trying really hard to get my attention."
"Whether it was a hoax, hysteria, or something more sinister, the legacy of the black flash is a chilling one."
"Father Lynson Lampert: 'The pupils turn green.'"
"The moment Carnarvon died, all the lights went out in Cairo and simultaneously back in England Carnarvon's pet terrier howled and dropped dead."
"Strange events have occurred more recently to those who visit the Valley of the Kings and the ancient tomb of Tutankhamun."
"The ghost boats of Japan have been washing up on the shores of northeastern Japan."
"There's definitely some incredible stories to cover, deep deep rabbit hole of all the people that have gone missing or weird experiences that have happened in National Parks."
"The lumens whatever is beaming from an object up in the clouds in my opinion I think it's coming from the clouds is quite extraordinary."
"Blue orb started showing up on their property... gave you this extreme sense of anxiety."
"Or is this just going into another story of strange noises, vanished evidence, and weird lights in the sky?"
"In January 1983, a mysterious flying craft of some kind crashed in fields just outside Aberystwyth in mid Wales."
"UFOs aren't just an American phenomenon, you know. Whether it's strange flying discs, inexplicable flashing lights, or clouds that don't look like clouds, these things have helped to build UFO folklore all around the world."
"The objects appeared specifically interested in Dalnegorsk."
"Missing 4-1-1 refers to a series of unexplainable disappearances across North America."
"Something elemental and wild is going on here."
"There's something strange going on here, something inhuman."
"The mysterious disappearance has led to numerous urban legends and rumors."
"Are these events the first signs of a UFO escalation in the heartland?"
"This became one of the biggest mysteries this year."
"When he entered the room, the door slammed shut on its own."
"Tonight is all about mystery School encounters and secret space wars."
"Those are the mysterious disappearances caught on camera."
"If I had a chance to ask God just one question it would be what really happened to my friends that night."
"Even though they were now aware that such unaccountable things were happening, this didn't seem to appease whatever was causing them."
"I shook my head and at that very moment... saw a creature like a big cat."
"At some point, somebody basically whacked the third richest man in the world by throwing him out of an airplane, and we're never gonna know who."
"We're finding a correlation between a high number of UFO sightings and the spot where this airplane disappeared."
"Residents were scared by the sight of a mysterious black ring moving across the sky."
"Her encounter served as a chilling reminder that even in the world's most traversed paths, ancient mysteries can still unfold."
"There’s no official police documentation of the incident, witness statements about the strange object in the sky, or records of an investigation."
"The emergence of unusual Gates and mysterious occurrences caused great controversy."
"Lot of activity last night that occurred between 9:00 and 9:15 Arizona time, very, very mysterious."
"The strangers are said to have returned once again, watching, once again, disappearing into thick woods."
"The true nature of these cross-shaped lights remained a mystery, leaving it up to viewers to decide: were they witnessing a Celestial visitation or was it merely a trick of light and Shadow?"
"Keep your eyes on the skies, things are happening."
"It really looked like the bomb had gone off in his shed. It's a bizarre scene, but even more baffling are three large holes blown into the ground."
"Strange occurrences like extreme temperature shifts, drastic changes in energy, and even the sound of children running through the halls."
"But then one night, whatever these things were, they forced their way back in, and it was also the night that it all ended."
"The final straw occurred one evening in May of 1996 when Sherman was outside with three of his dogs. He found just three piles of ash, not actual dogs."
"It's easy to discount the story because it's being told by a two-year-old, but what's not easy to discount is how Jackie wound up two miles away on this plant."
"The strange happenings brought forth a hidden reality right in my own backyard."