
Financial Terms Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"The risk-reward profile when buying short-term options is incredibly favorable."
"Trader gets thrown around a whole lot."
"I see this as a pump and dump to be honest with you."
"Quantitative easing just means massive creation of money and credit."
"Anyone talking about dilution, we just know that it's not factually true."
"Last week's FUD can quickly become this week's FOMO."
"Warrants don't add shares to the outstanding share count."
"It was golden handcuffs as they call it, they give you this money and then it destroys you."
"Deflation creates a recessionary environment."
"Leasing a car: financing depreciation over time."
"Whenever I hear the words blue chip I think immediately dividends."
"GME just made a new intraday high itself, right above 180. Remember, we have resistance around 185-ish."
"The deal is very close now, the fee will be around 80 million plus add-ons largely related to team success."
"Evergrande's bonds are junk, which surprisingly enough is actually an official term."
"This is more than just a garden variety correction."
"A bear market... During a bear market, stocks drop an average of 33.18%."
"Consolidation doesn't mean prices not going over. It's up, down, up, down, up, down."
"It's hard to say you need a correction when you don't really have markets."
"A covered call strategy is where you own an underlying investment."
"Cash settlement means no risk to underlying assets."
"The revenue share checks that they write are so infinitesimal."
"Prices could go up in nominal terms but down in real terms when you adjust for inflation."
"A vertical is like the most generic term of basically just saying that you're playing to either calls or two puts."
"Calling the loan means we want all of our money now now right now."
"This is the biggest wealth transfer in the history of the world."
"This is not a question of progressives or conservatives."
"Dividends: literally free money, like a cherry on top."
"Anything is possible with zero interest financing and an extremely lax repayment plan."
"Bitcoin is not a security, period. Bar none."
"When the boom is happening, you have malinvestment take place."
"The system increases their bond to 40 percent, giving them the status long and rough riders."
"Short strangles are high-probability neutral trades with options far out of the money."
"Market makers decide to induce they step in okay this is the push all right they know that there are buy stops in this area"
"139 000, one case open, if you look at the."
"What was it on? Oh, it was on 8,000, wasn't it? Was it?"
"The bare Market low is in place and the rally that we expect to come into the third to fourth quarter of the year is very likely to get it up to all-time highs."
"It's a trust set up, cumulative endowment, insurance rider. Big deal over a quarter million bucks, maybe half a million."
"Easy terms, motivated, no banks, low down. Bruised credit? Okay, you can own the home and still reward yourself with all the benefits of homeownership."
"The golden cross typically refers to a moving average crossover of the 50 moving average crossing through the 200 moving average."
"Credit scores above 740 get the best terms."
"We have entered the next wave of inflation; in other words, we've entered a cycle of reflation."
"Starting yield of 4.76 percent is meaningful."
"Adverse selection is the insuring of risks that are more prone to losses than the average risk."
"A PPD transaction is a pre-arranged payment and deposit entry that is usually for direct deposit or direct payment."
"Leasing is for a set monthly cost, whereas in rent, the cost can vary."
"Net Asset Value is simply equal to the total assets for that fund minus any liabilities divided by the number of shares."