
Critical-review Quotes

There are 240 quotes

"In the end, it's a good game that is a little bit buried by the garbage. The core is as good as it has always been, but the surrounding stuff... it's all pretty bad."
"Moral of the story: Evangelion just wasn't that good of a show, guys, come on."
"Don't ever give him an intro [ __ ]! This is Eggman's greatest hits."
"That was honestly the biggest choke job I've ever seen."
"Was this movie disappointing? Absolutely. I think if I had a thesis to say in this video it would be that the people making the Mean Girls musical movie just didn't understand the movie they were making."
"Yeah, Other M really could have been something."
"OverWatch 2 dilutes the spirit of its interlocking hero battles, unlocks its most impressive skins and cosmetics behind playing the way the battle pass suggests for hours a day."
"The show's direction is nothing if not overblown and sloppy."
"This ad was a mess, yes, but also was a HOT mess." - Bussy Queen
"To the judges, I say P off. This ad was HOT." - Bussy Queen
"At no point during this fight did I think, 'This is cool.'"
"Annie 2014 was a [__] show of ever proportions and I'm gonna tell you why in however many minutes this ends up being."
"This is what went wrong with Dreamworld, spoilers: pretty much everything."
"It's trash. It's absolute trash. It is without any doubt one of the most uninspired greedy trashing mobile games I have ever played."
"It injects plenty of sandbox 'only in Battlefield' moments and solid gunplay... it's certainly not the most fun launch experience... but it's still quite a bit of fun."
"It's what I'm calling the best of the worst."
"The production value is so low it actually comes off like an SNL skit."
"I tried to cross check everything against my notion but I'm pretty confident that this was not actually a five star book. So I'm just going to put it into 'I was being nice' because if it was a five-star book, it probably shouldn't be."
"Even with all of this terribleness, it's actually surprisingly good."
"It’s not perfect, but it’s one of the more effective adaptations of the Slender Man concept."
"Even though I'm giving this a B plus, I think you could slide it down to a B minus in that C plus range if you factor in the Hollywood Brown trade."
"I really do think that this line right here is up there as one of the worst lines in Star Wars history: 'Somehow Palpatine returned.'"
"Fifth Sorceress is the worst fantasy book I've read, it's the worst book I've read."
"It's rough around the edges but it's a great first attempt at a new franchise."
"I wish they would go at her and eviscerate her with the same energy they used to get rid of Harriet Myers."
"Stadia has failed at proving it has any real value compared to its console overlords. It feels like it's what you'd use when you literally have no other choice. It's the gas station hot dog of video games."
"Marvel's midnight Sans is a great example of the fact you can still really enjoy a game if large parts of it suck."
"Wonder Woman 1984 is not a good movie. In fact, it's a bad movie like as bad as my childhood home movies bad."
"We are talking about cards we misevaluated to be interesting, fun, put our own credibility on the line just a little bit."
"The action was comprehensible, which is saying a lot."
"I strongly believe this story is messy and conflicted and not even close to being the deep artistic masterpiece so many critics depict it as."
"The appeal of Fantano was that he brought back the art of reviewing music for the modern age."
"It's the emperor's new clothes from 2009, such a marvelous game, but only an idiot would realize that beauty of the gaping holes in it."
"He never really addressed the core claims of the film."
"Both the audience and the critics, and that's kind of that's how that Marvel deal came about."
"This game follows kind of a similar thing where it tries to be a platformer RPG but it does feel more like a platformer where the RPG elements sort of feel like an afterthought."
"Overlong battle scene, thin on plot, character, and style." - The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies
"I don't think it's perfect, but it's definitely the worst of all the S's."
"Let me tell you what else is done, Kirito, what a fracking character!"
"What's keeping you prisoner? Declare forgiveness and free yourself."
"At the end of the day this is a real testament to the quality of that diamond that's within this rough."
"If we don't make an analysis of what went wrong then the only analysis that will be out there is by those who are enemies."
"What even is this game trying to be? This is one of the biggest issues I had with it, being that I actually enjoyed Leon and Jake's for what they were, but absolutely despised Chris and Ada's."
"I'm evaluating what I see between the lines, and that's what you're going to get here today when we break this down."
"It's really looking like Elden Ring's not gonna have any competition for game of the year, which sucks because I had one of the most negative reviews of it."
"The series was a laughingstock thanks to the likes of Sonic '06 or Shadow the Hedgehog. It was just totally acceptable to make trashy rushed reviews of Sonic Unleashed in Black Knight because hey, it's Sonic, who really cares?"
"Sega deserves blame for letting another game that could even be compared to Sonic '06 happen within the same 10-year period as that game. It's frankly embarrassing."
"My final verdict for Devil May Cry 5 is an outstanding 9 out of 10 with a badass seal of approval."
"Fantastic Four, commonly known as 'Fan4stic,' is pretty much the bottom of the barrel for Marvel films."
"He covered the board. We were all very critical about these seven-song projects, but I feel like you did it."
"I narrowed it down to Victory Lap, Redemption, and Daytona."
"It felt unrewarding, it felt tedious, it felt painful, and it was definitely a solid F."
"Ultimately, though, the game's biggest problem is that it fails on every level."
"It's past time we recognize that despite all the good intentions, this strategy has failed and failed miserably."
"There's a lot of good stuff in here and it doesn't necessarily offer a ton of value for me."
"I thought that the critiques were actually valuable."
"Sure, some might see it as mostly bad and I to lean towards that side a bit. But the difference is I can still have fun with the game despite its major flaws."
"The best thing for me is that he should do this more... there were bits in there that were genuinely across both nights fascinating."
"This does everything wrong in adapting both the book and the live-action movie, retaining none of what made either of them good."
"Let's jump into the good, the bad and the ugly about HPV vaccination."
"David de Gea let's just sit those David de Gea knob heads down straight away David Dave for me was an eight and he was man of the match simple."
"Has there been visionary product leadership? I think what instead they've done is they've managed a business well."
"Condemned: Criminal Origins - a masterful premise and execution, but held onto some goofy ideas."
"it's a tightrope walk and i think they did it beautifully"
"The show sucks, and I don't think Amazon can fix this. Short of just pretending it didn't happen, they're screwed."
"I'm actually gonna change my last week's score...and I think I'm gonna give this one a ten."
"Always to be willing to look again in case I'd missed something, always to go back and listen again for the hidden layers of the story."
"But I at least wanted to take this opportunity to throw my shield up in defense of this book because I think there's so much that it did right."
"It's genuinely stunning. This is not that, and it's kind of like, in that sense, it's hard not to feel like, man, what's going on here?"
"These are the primary points of evidence that Rings of Power is going to be a steaming pile of crap."
"We were diabolical today and the only reason Liverpool won that game the way they did is because of how we played."
"It's a series that can't properly articulate or portray its own jumbled themes."
"A bloated overbearing piece of shit that cannot focus."
"I don't think you can say without reservations that it's good."
"It's like overwhelmingly negative... truly like going back and watching Ace Ventura. So bad."
"History will judge this with great hardship."
"Overall reception for Sonic Forces so far has been fairly positive."
"It may not be a perfect game, but I think Outriders at this point is a pretty solid game."
"It's time past time for us as a world community and as a public health community to take a good hard look at what we're doing here."
"This film is a mess, all of the leaks that you've heard are true and then some."
"As much as I can critique the nine hells out of 5e, I also staunchly defend its greatness."
"The huge and just absolute deal breaker game over fucking problem with this mod..."
"A one-shot kill like I don't know who in their right minds actually thought that was a good idea when they released this thing."
"Anthem truly was the worst of the year, maybe even the whole decade."
"Whether you want to give her credit for that or whether it's just because she was wrestling eo shirai and quite frankly i could have an entertaining television match with eoshurai and i'm terrible at wrestling well that's your call."
"This game should be embarrassed of itself right now."
"It is absolutely wrong and incredibly misinforming on a multitude of levels to come up with very reductive statements such as how medieval horses were ponies."
"I feel like it would do its job because it's very stingy."
"It actually looks good, it does, analyzing serious."
"I mean, ever since this was announced, I watched more of the recent movies that he's done and they are [expletive] great."
"It wasn't something that I felt really explored the interesting ideas present in the events of the film."
"IMMEDIATELY, this movie displays some really poorly thought-out ideas."
"Look, let's stop for a second and go back to what happened that night last year..."
"The 11th Circuit's ruling reads like a complete repudiation, both the legal reasoning behind Judge Cannon's order and some of Trump's more specious factual claims."
"How can a studio be so unbearably awful at this?"
"What the hell were people thinking? Today we'll be taking a look at 15 cities built on the edge."
"Frankly speaking, Crystal Chronicles Remastered isn't that great."
"Spyro 3 manages to succeed everywhere the first and especially the second game failed."
"Does it deserve a six? Am I letting my fanboyism cloud my judgment? Who cares, I love this game to pieces."
"Seoul was a better movie in nearly every aspect than Wonder Woman 1984."
"The reason that I can't recommend it is not like we don't recommend things based on the fact that there are successful people who have done it."
"Here lies the remains of Marvel's Avengers, a live service experience that should have never existed."
"Every single thing about this movie was a total misfire."
"It just goes to show that a series that took the easy route at every turn really didn't end up challenging its audience in any way that made them care."
"Welcome to the breakdown where we breakdown all the messed up shit!"
"Honestly, this movie is exactly the kind of pointless, soulless, shameless dog [ __ ] that makes me genuinely despair for the future of humanity."
"The academic community has not performed well during this epidemic." - Dr. Jay Bhattacharya
"I can't recommend this highly enough...it is sort of my definitive Thor." - Robert
"Death Stranding is an irredeemable piece of garbage that should serve as a warning to publishers." - Steven Wright
"Even the greatest films have elements you look back on and go, 'Oh wow, okay.'"
"Honestly, I would give it an eight or a nine. Oh man, I'd give it a five or a six. I'm gonna see with the five, really? Okay, the show is slowly starting to win me back slowly but there's a lot of problems."
"Even though I enjoyed taboo and it seems from a lot of the reviews that I've read right now a lot of other people do as well I've actually had to fish for people who didn't like this record."
"Our policies... have not had the effect that we thought that it would in many of the most important cases."
"Absolutely foolish is is is the ultimate conclusion on this one."
"These are some of the most boring, bland, basic white paste ass dull albums ever pressed."
"This movie is 10 times better than the 2016 one by comparison."
"I would like to revise their score... it's gonna be a five out of ten."
"Channel Awesome are the worst thing to happen to internet."
"And this brings us to the most delicious response to this movie ever and it's from BuzzFeed."
"Seeing a new game in the PlanCo of the original Tycoon series be such an absolute catastrophic f*** up... it's genuinely depressing."
"This is really at the root of why I despise this patch so much."
"A work so completely devoid of wit, style, intelligence or basic entertainment value that it makes that movie based on the Angry Birds app seem like a pure artistic statement by comparison." - Roger Ebert.com
"I think everyone knows where this card's gonna go... absolute joke of a card."
"I thought the performances weren't as impressive as they could have been."
"Chat GPT specifically is a little bit worse than people make it out to be."
"One does character dialogue cinematography color and lighting so much better than the other and the social critiques are tighter on House of the Dragon." - Matthew Medina
"I'm giving this one a 3 out of 10. Wasn't as horrendous as it could have been, but still pretty bad."
"Once again, I'm revisiting another game from the vaults of my old horrible reviews like a cockroach after a nuke."
"Overall, the book feels like a cheap quick cash grab."
"The writing is terrible, but the voice acting itself certainly isn't terrible."
"Frankly, MechWarrior 5 mercenaries is a bit shit in almost every way imaginable except for the one way that really matters when it comes to giant stomping robot games."
"Heat are scary bad tonight. No urgency, no effort, no tenacity, half-hearted defense, just shameful."
"I would honestly recommend you skip out on Zero entirely."
"North Korea South Korea kind of relationship... all that gravy train, all those Platinum Frequent Flyer points... too much good friends and not enough impartial reviewing, right?"
"An embarrassment made worse by the fact that, for all its aesthetic aping of a superior series, it's hard to believe any single person working on Left Alive has actually PLAYED a Metal Gear Solid videogame!"
"My final thoughts on the castle of Grand Sauron... it's quite a mess."
"Rivers was not very good in his playoff debut going just 14 of 32 for 230 yards zero touchdowns and one interception for a putrid 55.5 passer rating."
"Say what you will about this movie, but don't say it takes its time."
"If you're taking this seriously, don't. We could start with the one everyone hates: Hex: No One Escapes Death."
"A film without an ounce of originality, freshness, narrative skill, creative intelligence, or artistic energy."
"The overarching plot points aren't terrible like I think it's just the execution or a lot of them."
"These aren't standards that I'm pulling out of my ass because I wanted to hate the show all along."
"Ho boy does Call of Duty World at War have some interesting mechanics to say the least."
"Okay, right off the bat, obviously, I recommend watching Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, except for the last season which was absolute trash..."
"It feels like these changes are made by people that don't really play the game."
"I wouldn't describe it as a disaster Mike, I'd just say it's inconsistent."
"I put this game up to a lot of scrutiny, especially because it's extremely popular and because a lot of people swear by the experience..."
"The quality here is leagues better than the garbage band provided with the fossil watch I reviewed."
"I just do not think it's a 10 out of 10 by any stretch of the imagination."
"It's so hard to even just look at it and try to critique it because almost everything that it does it does in such an incredible way."
"99.4% loss in player base count, this is why Diablo 4 is the biggest disappointment in recent gaming history."
"But this does bring me to the environments and the gameplay... it does feel outdated."
"There are a lot of great concepts in there that tell me there's a genuinely amazing story just sitting underneath the surface but it's buried under incompetence and filler."
"Infinite needs to absolutely be called out for its glaring shortcomings, but it's also important to recognize that at its heart, there is something undeniably special here."
"I don't regret quoting him. Any extreme claims like that is problematic in my opinion."
"But having new environments to explore and new mechanics, half-baked as I may feel they are, to try."
"It just wasn't enough, Gigantic was probably the biggest, most gigantic failure of this year."
"Garten of Van Ban is one of the most nothing games I have ever played."
"This is the laziest effort I've ever seen at a game. Just a shameless ripoff to put it up on Steam for $30. Complete waste of time."
"All in all, I think this season had way more potential."
"For 20 million, I thought this one was really well made."
"I'm not saying it's a good game. I'm certainly not suggesting you buy it, but I would strongly advise anyone interested in doing more than just shooting their way to their virtual video game worlds to at least try this game when it's fully patched."
"At a certain point, reviewers need to hold these companies accountable that we can't be sure if you buy this card it's going to work if it didn't work when we used it."
"And after reading the books, I really can't imagine a better way to tackle this for an adaptation."
"This is one of their best comeback songs... 10 out of 10 for me."
"A joyously [ __ ] up game that I don't think it would be that much of a stretch to say."
"Thematic relevance: I have to go five out of five."
"This game is insanely impressive and does so many things so well." - Zachary
"I'll give Transformers the last night a 4 out of 10."
"Trinidad, listen, if you [ __ ] this up, Trinidad, listen, if you [ __ ] this up, if you [ __ ] up oxtails, um, um, very flavorful."
"A three-minute span then rings of power did in two hours I [__] you not it's true it's crazy"
"Critique. I remember it so you don't have to!"
"Nintendo Switch Online is a joke... features simply expected from modern videogame systems behind said paywall didn't make the usually pretty squeaky-clean Nintendo looks so good." - Rich, WhatCulture Gaming
"The top spot is going to go to how high we go in the dark even though I think it did suffer a little bit from not every story being kind of consistently at the same level as the previous one."
"Even after calming down, yeah, this isn't a brilliant story but all the same it does have interesting ideas."
"Treat this like an Impressions video; there may be things that I get wrong along the way."
"It cannot be understated how damaging the show is to the entirety of the MCU."
"But if you haven't watched my video 'The Truth About Lancome,' probably one of the hardest videos I've ever gone against a brand."
"the game is just more of a waste of time and potential it's not a fun take on the life is strange universe and just adds more filler than anything."
"At the end of the day it turns out that with all this exploitative systems I'm not the only one thinking that Diablo mortal can go to hell being the worst game of the year in my eyes the sad thing is as a mobile game it's actually pretty fun."
"A brutally honest review of my own sister's clothing brand."
"Here's what I didn't like about this interview..."
"This is actually really, really bad and I think this video really conveys why."
"At the end of the day, Cyberpunk 2077 is a buggy mess that only runs well on the kind of PC that isn't even meant for gaming."
"That's what we say at talarian Community College so presented here are the top 10 reasons why Brothers war will be the second best set of the year and one thing that I already hate about it because there's always one thing."
"Sometimes even on a really good champion here's the thing is like regen gear is like niche to be kind sucky to be unkind."
"I am so happy to see most of these changes there are very few changes here that I don't like."
"Those are my top five soccer cleat trends that I just don't like very much."
"there is fun to be had here and i said that in my review there's fun to be had but it is it is limited which is a shame"
"As a big fan of the games, I find the live-action movie series to be mostly awful."
"We were so bad today that we've actually broken Roy Keane."
"This is a masterful takedown of one of the most notoriously aggressive predators on the planet."
"We talk about the good, we talk about the bad, we talk about the ugly."
"It's the car Motor Trend considers one of the worst ever made."
"People say that Atticus Finch is the greatest father in cinema... I'd have to think about it." - John Campea
"I understand why they did it. That's just a very, very well-told story in my opinion."
"Metacritic has far too much power. It is the cancerous heart of the score culture within games journalism. The score culture must die. It is of no benefit to anyone whatsoever."
"There isn't a bad COD game? Come on dude, modern warfare 3, ghosts, infinite warfare..."
"In the end, a fatal combination of factors had come together to cause the crash of ifo 21."
"It basically fixes capcom's mistakes from the 9s and adds a really cool arranged mode as a consolation prize."