
Supportive Community Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"I love that you go in there and fight with these people man. I look up to it."
"That's a big part of why Danny is with us today especially when we made the introduction with you today Shannon it's because you know he is our success story."
"If someone else is having a hard time, say no shame. There's a lot of us who've been there and there's a way out."
"So the shit's important, man. Anything you do, you need to be able to have that perspective in that outcome, so yeah, obviously we're all ready for you."
"Her win is not your loss, her victory is not your loss."
"Skillshare is committed to ensuring you have membership with meaning. It's open-minded, encouraging, and has genuinely helped me feel more confident in not only my creativity but also myself."
"She felt like she wasn't like the other kids, she was just destined to do more in her life."
"That suit and those costumes were no longer necessarily about making him feel brave but to bring bravery, strength, joy, to other parents, children, doctors, nurses."
"I am positive in my acceptance of good and am surrounded by those who think success."
"As we share with others our testimony, it can help others that might be dealing with the same struggles but feel they are alone."
"The 'Hermitcraft' fandom: just generally the most supportive and uplifting fandom."
"The 'Umbrella Academy' fandom: it is the sweetest fandom I've been in."
"I appreciate that sister, big bomb, big bomb."
"Say what you want out loud. Say it out loud to the right folks."
"Thank you for hanging out with me, listening to my weird stories and my weird scars."
"Thank you so much for the support, from beginning to end."
"I wrote out an entire schedule of videos and now that I'm in a better mental space now that I'm like just feeling great now that I have supportive and loving people around me who are like supporting my content who are encouraging me to post"
"I found ways and methods and people that work for me much better compared to the initial part of my journey with all this."
"When I'm here, everything comes up. When I'm here, everything that's hurt heals."
"Thank you so much for all the help, guys! You Rock so much!"
"I don't care about that. I care about like the people who really give a [ __ ] about me and I'm fine with the numbers being smaller if it means like I matter to those people."
"We really hope this video can help someone or give comfort to someone that maybe is going through a similar thing."
"Lots of love and light. Thanks again for your support."
"If you guys are still here, you're still with us, comment 'sweet!'"
"You just want to be relaxed in the environment that is good for you, where people care about you and treat you like the good person that you are."
"I trust you. Yeah, even to me. You can't ignore any cry for help on the fan site."
"Honestly, honestly would be thrilled for the person that got it."
"This tribe for you is gonna come through and rescue that inner child."
"Charlie is such an amazing and kind person. Charlie, we love you."
"I appreciate the kind words, bro. Let's keep on grinding, bro. Just keep on making better videos, you'll make it, bro."
"If you made it to the end of this one, you a real one."
"It's not about me, it's about guys like you that have made the transition."
"I'm a hard judge of men and you Adam are a good man. Just do what's natural and what makes you happy and we will show up for you."
"It's a reminder that neopronouns are super valid and neopronon users are welcomed and supported on this page."
"We are energy, and it is because of your positive energy and your support."
"If I would have said this six months ago, I would have been welcomed with 'you're a boomer, everything's going to the moon bro.' Thanks everybody for hanging around with me."
"I appreciate you and pray blessings over you in Jesus' name. You're such a blessing to me and I watch you every time you're on. You've taught me so much." - Danielle Fargus
"Shouting out Mary... I think what you're doing is phenomenally good."
"Thank you friends for your patience, kindness, and loving messages during my healing period."
"I'm very happy, I'm so blessed. I have the best friends, the best fans in the whole world and I just couldn't be happier."
"I met amazing people who have been very supportive to me, financially, emotionally. They have always been there for me, for which I'm grateful."
"I have the most selfless, loving, genuine, wholehearted, loyal people around me."
"Just leave when you can and just know that people will listen to you."
"Extraordinary work being done by all the people collaborating on solving the puzzles for her to get her through."
"This is a perfect place to heal, and there's good people here."
"Be around encouraging people that are speaking positivity and encouragement."
"If you enjoy my content, it's probably due to these three ladies. They're incredibly kind and helpful."
"The last hour of our show every year should just be like being nice, encouraging each other."
"I think Stephanie Garber's fandom and Marissa Meyer's fandoms are so sweet."
"The things you do, the choices you make, and the sacrifices you do, make them for the people that like you."