
Project Initiation Quotes

There are 92 quotes

"I'm excited, I hope you're excited, let's start building."
"Are you excited to build this application with me? I hope you are, let's begin!"
"Genuinely and truly is going to become a project car."
"She started her project called 'Crash Override' to help victims of cyberbullying."
"We're just getting started, this ain't even chapter one, it's the introduction."
"Let's go ahead and dive on into project number one."
"Initiate something in your career, in your work, in your employment, some project that you're working behind the scenes."
"Bitters is the idea behind those styles so that once you start a project, you throw bitters in there and it gives you a nice-looking site right from the start."
"The important thing though was just to get this set up as a starting point."
"There's definitely something really important about that, you're about to 'give birth' to a new idea, a new project."
"You've taken a hugely important step and I'm super pumped to dig into this with you."
"When you start something, it's never going to be perfect."
"It's the perfect time to dive in and create some cool projects."
"I'm happy with this, we have gotten a good start."
"Welcome back all you Homo sapiens, let's build the ultimate theme park!"
"Stop questioning yourself and jump into that creative project."
"Now is a good time to get creative and start a new project."
"The birth of new ideas and projects, especially in work and routines."
"I don't think we would have done that Minecraft thing without him pushing for it last year."
"We made the commitment... We started that in February of 2022."
"We've got tons to do, it's gonna be amazing, so let's get started!"
"Improving a skill that you already have, getting more into a hobby, or starting a whole new project like a work project—maybe."
"The first draft of Bendy and the Ink Machine Chapter 1 was made within 5 days before being released for free."
"I love this man I love this let's start putting some work in though start building."
"This home really started about a year ago as far as construction."
"Python installed? Let's dive into this fun project."
"It's just all super adorable and let's start on that next."
"Let's get started, so I'm going to jump into VS Code and I just have a completely empty folder here."
"Girth brooks is art and a great starting point for what we're gonna do here at ideal."
"I'm all done feeling guilty. Let's build this thing."
"There was big plans to be made. Talking about the plans with one another."
"Let's stop talking about it and let's go do it. Ah, I'm so excited!"
"I mean, I was able to make that little catapult, I was like, 'You know what, I could make a cabin.'"
"These are very good cards for you. I think you need to get moving on like something like some sort of project idea or something like that. I feel you just have to take the first step if that's the hardest part and then you'll be successful."
"I'm ready to write now, let's get some projects together."
"You don't need to get everything before you get started."
"To get the ball rolling means to start a project or initiative."
"I mean, first off, in all seriousness, thank you for agreeing to do this."
"I believe that we're now in the summer of projects."
"Starting is the hardest part for any project."
"Let's get started with opening up and creating a new project from scratch with VSDC Free Video Editor."
"We'll start the brim of our hat with the Heartland yarn and a four-millimeter crochet hook."
"This is the first step in what you're building."
"As a project manager, I need to have a proper understanding of why the project is taken up."
"A project initiation document serves as a handbook for the project, defining scope, objectives, roles, and responsibilities."
"Starting a project like this was so daunting, so overwhelming."
"Initiation involves defining the project scope, identifying stakeholders, and determining the project feasibility."
"I do it for myself and to these projects, are they self-initiated or is an invitation?"
"Let's do it! Start fresh, just like we're creating a new project."
"Everything is here, everything's ready to go. It's time to get started on the 8T Utopia."
"That's pretty cool, we have the beginnings of our single-page application."
"Writing it down to start is the way that I love to begin a project."
"I'm going to add the first two projects that I want to work on: 'About Me' and also the 'Job Search Project'."
"It's time to start working on our next project."
"Now let's start with creating a catalog."
"Enthusiastic action, adventurous, venturing forth, beginning a project."
"Getting started is always the hardest part of any new project."
"The starting point of any Oasis artwork project would be Creation Records contacting us at Microdot."
"Let's get started and putting this together."
"Determined to leave a mark, he presents his idea to Lena and immediately starts working on the project."
"Remember, you can't complete project conception and initiation until you've done your research, done your stakeholder mapping, and you've done your project charter."
"I'm really pumped to get started on this project."
"We're going to run npm create at latest, and then the name of the folder which I'm going to call AI keyword extractor."
"The approved charter formally and officially initiates the project."
"We could actually start a new project, which is the best way to learn."
"In a tech company, it is unlikely that you will start a project from an empty file."
"It just felt like summer and that I needed to start it."
"Let's start by creating our project."
"We've got an empty page ready for us to start our project."
"It's much more rudimental than that; it's a series of initial steps when you get into the Revit environment to get your project up and running meaningfully."
"Once the project is identified, you've created a business case, gone through senior management, and they've approved the budget."
"We're finally gonna start creating our dashboard."
"The project charter is the authorization for us to start."
"Get ready, strap in, we're gonna build something awesome today."
"Let's get started and I think you'll see what I mean once we actually start building something."
"The goal here is to get a web page that anybody can go view, and we're going to start from scratch."
"We will start the project by first creating a seven-segment decoder."
"Mobilization advance is the certain amount of money which is paid to the contractor to help him mobilize to buy some initial equipment, to buy some initial materials, and so on, and get the project started."
"It's very useful to start the DMX lighting project."
"As always, the first thing we need to do is create and initialize a new project in React Native."
"Starting a new art project has always been difficult for me because I often don’t know what to draw."
"If you want to create a new project, you go into 'New', and then here you choose the template."
"Now I have a Flutter project created for me."
"This whole project came to a start in 2006 when several of us were wondering about giving us more information and more pizzazz and more exposure to the International Snowmobile Hall of Fame."
"Maybe it's fairground Fridays that would be a real fun area to get started on, I think you'll agree."