
Patent Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"Could you believe that around the same time, a Pineville Louisiana man patented his plan for the first airplane?"
"Dolivo-Dobrovolsky also patented two types of 3-phase transformer called delta and star or wye for the shapes they make."
"He refused to put his name on the patent; he thought it was unethical for a doctor to profit from a discovery that would save lives."
"So Tesla's applied for a new patent this is a power assist steering system that will be more compact and power efficient than existing systems."
"So they filed for this one in February but we're just finding out about it now, it's a more efficient seat patent with temperature control system."
"So Tesla filed for a patent for a liquid-cooled charging connector."
"The twin gear juicers... have patented technology."
"I was like, so impressed. It has a patent, I was like so impressed."
"It appears that by infringing on the Monlicker patent, the German government got into legal trouble."
"The formula for Coca-Cola isn't patented."
"We want to issue you a valid US patent that you can take to the bank and not to the courthouse."
"Step one: making sure you understand what a patentability search really is and what it's not."
"The Chef maker is using their patented technology called Combi cook."
"I can make a device that deters sea kings but can't, that's patent mine I can't give that to anybody else."
"That's [ __ ] great. You should patent that like right [ __ ] now."
"You know you haven't got a patent on this product that you're thinking about that's going to be this new tourniquet but you told me every single detail."
"We actually have a patent on both the machine and the procedure itself."
"What you're about to see is not a one-off. I believe it's happening around twenty to forty percent of the time that startup first-time inventors like you go to patent attorneys, pay a huge amount of money, and this issue starts to come up."
"It is your fault if your patent application is drafted effectively and fails to get you perfect patent protection. It is not the fault of your attorney or of Tom's attorney in this case."
"If Edgar is dead, Mr. Freeborn, do all rights to this patent revert to you?"
"It's actually patented in Australia and New Zealand, patent pending in 52 other countries."
"He obtained a patent for his invention on November 11th, 1969. The invention is known as the image converter for detecting electromagnetic radiation, especially in short wavelengths."
"So yeah, we came up with that, and, you know, nobody else in the market had done it. So we did it and, uh, we patented it."
"Giant tech companies get granted patent after patent after patent, but women and entrepreneurs of color always have to climb steep hurdles."
"Red's patent is prohibitive and while them filing lawsuits left right and center is legally right it doesn't mean that their behavior leads to positive outcomes quite in the contrary."
"I have a patent for a shower that turns off when you step out of the water to save water."
"...forcing Croc to turn to Charles Taylor's 1925 patent."
"Why patent, when you can innovate."
"This patent made Alan Davison MIT and MIT chemistry department an enormous amount of money."
"This is the original tool, now since the patent expired, you can buy these for cheap."
"The Crocs material is much better. They actually have a patent on the specific type of plastic they use."
"An inventor should be allowed to exploit innovation himself or grant an exclusive license if the innovation is major."
"The Statue of Liberty had a design patent on it."
"If you think it's going to change the world, you take out a patent."
"I'll give you $25,000 for 40% of your business, subject to one thing: the defensibility of the U.S. patent."
"After his first suit proved to be pretty much a success, Tony decided to patent his new technology and sell it off to the world."
"It's really cool; I think that they've patented this whole system."
"The patent essentially describes an anti-gravity aircraft."
"We've just been awarded a utility patent on our transfer case adapter."
"This patent describes the change of colour and also the introduction of asterism into corundum by diffusing other external elements inside the stone during a very high heat treatment."
"They had the patents on this type of ammunition and they had the opportunity to probably make a lot of money selling it in a variety of other calibers, but they didn't."
"In 1977, Jerome Nutsen officially patented his Hillside tractor."
"That's genius, and guess what, it's patented so nobody else has it."
"This bed system is actually patented."
"He's such a smart dude, he patented a wrench."
"It is the only United States patent ever registered to a president of the United States."
"Your patented technology with regards to the additional innovations that you've made on that very basic technology makes it smaller in size, lighter, and helps it to be used in irrigation and agriculture."
"American engineer Douglas Engelbart received a patent for the first computer mouse."
"The pants turned out to be a huge hit, which is why they wanted to patent them."
"Daniel was an absolute genius and it's unfortunate that he didn't patent this stuff."
"It's a patent in a technology that's actually helped by the Corning Museum of Glass."
"Indosoft holds even a patent for this solution, for the technology we created to access databases remotely, even when providers are not supported in the operating system where the main product runs."
"I actually came up with an invention, been testing it out, been talking about getting a patent."
"Getting the patent for spread spectrum technology leads to the development of the cell phone."