
Disregard Quotes

There are 424 quotes

"The people just want to get to the top, they don't give a damn for anybody else who may be in distress." - Sir Edmund Hillary
"It's just a complete and total disregard for human life."
"Their arrogant disregard for the lives of others is infuriating but not surprising."
"The guy's an [ __ ] and he's a scumbag criminal and he did it and he doesn't care about you. He doesn't. So, and he doesn't. He's not losing any sleep over it."
"I don't give a [__] about what you hope; we're talking about what people believe."
"They have no regard for the lives of others and definitely act selfishly and in their own interest."
"We come up here on some positive [], we don't give a [] about none of that."
"You're not even listening, go ahead and occupy all of my time with pointlessness."
"She has a unique capacity to simply ignore whatever constitutional provision is in front of her in order to achieve the desired result."
"They don't care about you, they don't care about your feelings."
"Who cares what some numpty has to say about you, really who cares?"
"Nobody gives a [__] about your philosophy of what you think the game should be like."
"Depiction is not endorsement, except when simulations make arguments they hold a lot more gravitas."
"The elites have no regard for what their audience or their fans or supporters feel and believe."
"Pay them no mind. They ain't living your life."
"I don't pay attention to that kind of stuff."
"People expected to care about due process and rule of law were just throwing it out the window."
"I like that they don't give a [ __ ] about any of the legends."
"He doesn't give a fuck. He just doesn't think he has any kind of goddamn responsibility."
"That was the biggest slap in the face that tells you right now he doesn't care about us."
"Don't worry about it. You know what? I'm not sorry, actually."
"No, it doesn't bother me because I know they're just hating to hate."
"Just do what you want, other people really, they can't control you so they're irrelevant."
"Thank you, um, anyway, it doesn't matter because Dylan wasn't 21."
"This shows such insane levels of disregard for your average human being."
"People been knew that about me. I don't give a [__]."
"I've never thought about, oh you Genie and all them."
"Shut the [__] up! Is Pluton here? I don't want to hear about your depression, your imprisonment, the loss of your son, I don't want to hear about your suicidal thoughts. None of that matters to me at all."
"I don't give a [__] if nobody was going to respect that championship."
"I don't care what they all say honestly, I just don't."
"I'm just incapable of giving a fuck about your opinion because you don't know me."
"No one wants to hear the excuses no one no one cares."
"Trust your vibes cause you sure don't need them."
"You are just a tool being used to create whatever they're trying to create within themselves. How this manipulatively horrible abuse affects you is not considered or even acknowledged. It just doesn't matter."
"And the other person, they would be thrown in the trash just like the bunny."
"There is absolutely love love love love, but I feel here whoever here listens to other people or whoever gossip you hear, don't even look or it's kind of close your ears basically."
"I just don't give a [ __ ] what anyone really thinks about me."
"You gotta stop nobody cares nobody cares so stop caring care about what you need to care about and that's it."
"That's the part that sucks about being a kid - nobody cares about what you want literally nobody gives a [ __ ]."
"Forget the haters, whoever the [__] this is."
"Love the people that support you, ignore the people that don't."
"Let them gossip. They don't really know you anyway so it really don't matter."
"How quickly they discard people that don't benefit them."
"I'm not going to waste my time even naming the idiot because that's exactly what he is."
"He laughed in our face, laughed in the employees' face, and basically had no regard."
"He's ordering Molly's, man. Ignore him."
"Mermaids don't lose sleep over the opinions of shrimp."
"You are getting celestially aligned and if that looks crazy to them, you don't care."
"If you're watching this and you're offended, then I will tell you to frankly... off."
"The flagrant disregard in the courtroom of Elementary standards of proper conduct should not and cannot be tolerated."
"I really wouldn't spend too much time thinking about my stupid opinion."
"It just signals so much of like, everything you're saying is irrelevant and I don't care."
"It's crazy that it was like and I done told Sierra I done told Erica thing they didn't give a [__] about my pain."
"I could not care less about s's esophagus."
"I'm about to be free even though it's a crudy day I'm I don't care I'm so happy you don't even understand."
"Nobody really talks about what's going on with her anymore and that's a shame."
"I'm not dealing with this [ __ ] seriously."
"I don't care about your opinion, I don't care at all."
"Most experts disregard these accounts."
"This whole movie was 'we don't give a.' They just went balls to the wall like crazy."
"Who gives a [ __ ] what people think?"
"Sucks to be them. Let them keep searching."
"I don't care. I don't care about you. I don't like you. You don't matter to me in any way whatsoever. You don't matter to me. I don't care."
"Forget about the government who cares about the government."
"I'm just like I don't care what you guys say or think anymore."
"I'm going to say whatever I want because if it hurts your feelings I don't give a [ __ ] because this is a [ __ ] real world."
"Come on, babe, no one cares anymore."
"...that's their problem it's not taking the P."
"I completely saw that and ignored it."
"Y'all really gave a [ __ ] about this."
"I ignored everything, yeah. I wasn't above it."
"I don't give a [ __ ] what do you have, does it matter what they think? No, I don't give a [ __ ]."
"I don't know who you are, and honestly, I don't even care at this point."
"I've never seen somebody just disregard me as a human being and just throw my [ __ ] away."
"Yeah, I don't give a [ __ ] what kind of car they drive."
"No one will remember this pathetic planet."
"This person acts as if they don't have a care in the world about this connection. They treat it too nonchalantly. This person disregards your feelings, wants, and needs regarding this connection and does not take things seriously."
"He completely ignored what I had said and instead said, 'That's a cool hat you got on.'"
"It's the principle. I don't give a damn about the livelihood."
"I don't give a [ __ ] about any of that."
"That's when I just... I couldn't give a [__] what they say about me."
"I give a [ __ ] about another [ __ ] name you claimed."
"But what I won't do is I won't feed into foolishness and I won't worry about what anyone thinks about me."
"Your relevancy is irrelevant and we don't give a [ __ ] about your feelings."
"I don't care if you're gray. Like, what are you, like, come on."
"If you don't read it and act like it, then who gives a f**k?"
"We don't give a [ __ ]! We're happy to be there!"
"He sees no point. Your dismay, your hurt means nothing to him."
"These are the two inconvenient truths we've thrown in the garbage can."
"I don't care. Don't waste my time and endanger your health spewing bull crap."
"Narcissists are very smart, but it's more about disregard than knowing."
"Do not even acknowledge these people."
"Yeah, we never have to think about this guy again."
"Oh my god do you care? Don't care. Tara brain, don't care."
"You really think I give a [ __ ]?"
Stop listening to the "just you wait" advice.
"Make what you like, wear what you like, don't care what other people say."
"It's like how he asked Natalie Portman to be in the next Star Wars movie that he's gonna make not even knowing that she was in the prequels it's like the guy just doesn't give a [ __ ]."
"I'm just going to flick this soft plastic out into the gutter there; it looks like a good spot for it."
"There's no call for them at all today."
"He is literally passed out, he does not care."
"...if it makes you happy then just do it and forget about the other people."
"I truly do not care anymore. I don't give a [__]."
"It's just rehearsal, I don't give a crap."
"And how little do we care what anybody else thinks."
"I know it's bad for you, but I don't care."
"For you to insult me, I must value your opinion, and I don't."
"I don't give a [ __ ] how much money that man has."
"Are you so big and rich and right at the top? I don't give two hoops in Hades if you're as big as General Motors and General Electric and the general staff of the U.S army all combined."
"I don't care about getting a tour of facilities and you know very well that I don't need a job screening."
"Not that she paid any attention, she was right out that door."
"I don't give a [ __ ] about your pronouns."
"Remember, I have to get on to people when it's that. If I don't, I have to. And I'm saying, might spot something, he might not. Obviously, he don't give a [ __ ], but remember, my don't give a [ __ ]."
"Antisocial personality disorder is a complex mental health condition characterized by a persistent disregard of the rights and well-being of others."
"I really don't care what the internet has to say to be honest because I love Jason so [__] much."
"I'd love to see her beautiful round face every day for the rest of my life. I don't give a f**k!"
"I'll give a [ __ ] about your contract!"
"Who gives a [ __ ] about a goddamn grammy? Bang, that's how we do it."
"Oh, you shouldn't be doing that because like, oh, it's embarrassing or it's like, oh, you're sacrificing your dignity for money, it's like, bro, [__] you."
"When you get marked you get really wild. When you get marked you stop caring about what anyone thinks."
"They have no regard whatever for law and order."
"They don't give two shits about people like me and the competition."
"You'll be very passionate about life in general. You won't even care about other people's opinions. You'll just love life, love yourself."
"Nobody pays any attention to him anyway. Not even his wife."
"Damn, y'all want to keep it down, see they don't give a damn that they're signing the house."
"I love how old comics just did not give a crap."
"Stop being insecure within yourselves. Who cares?"
"You know what? I don't care who's saying what, who likes this, who likes that because I don't care."
"I don't give a [__] about him. Yeah, he can definitely eat a dick."
"I literally forgot that you existed."
"Nobody gives a [ __ ] where he is. Put him on TV."
"I ain't give a damn about them for real."
"I don't give a [__] about all these [__] questions. I said Christmas coming up so when I came to the stage I knew that I should buy us for the presents."
"I'm a 44 year old tired dad. I don't give a [__] if people are going to clown me for having all my girl's stuff in the background. I don't give a [__]."
"Never give a crap what other people think."
"All of those previous stats, just throw them out the window."
"Who gives a [__] what they want, right? That's what it's telling me."
"Just do whatever makes you happy. Don't give a [ __ ] about others."
"Usain Bolt doesn't run with technique. He doesn't care about technique."
"They don't give a single [__] about their show."
"I kind of enjoyed it I love videos throwing like shopping carts I don't give a [__] you're filming me."
"She does not give two [ __ ] about anything that Obi-Wan needs to do."
"So I've had some owners that didn't give a [__] about that"
"It kind of shows you like the internet commenters, like it's not worth listening to them in any scenario."
"They behave as though the rules don't apply to them."
"He didn't care where we were or what we were doing... he only cared about the money."
"I park in a f***ing red zone, like, I don't give a f***."
"I don't give a [ __ ] what you think."
"Just be the best you you can be and don't worry about the other [ __ ]."
"Don’t worry about how it looks, do it for yourself."
"We'll carry on as if she wasn't there," said William to the others. "She's just not worth taking any notice of."
"...it's like saying completely ignore the guy over there."
"But I did not care what the world thought. I was happy."
"Have a healthy disregard for anyone that tells you something's impossible."
"I don't give a flip about no leaf tickets."
"Their body count is high, their dignity is low, and they don't give a [ __ ]."
"That was some nonsense, that was some nonsense."
"They don't give a [ __ ], they don't care."
"Dodson, Dodson, we've got Dodson here. See? Nobody cares."
"Op clashes with a rival ad over a list serve, ignoring warnings."
"Oh my gosh oh my gosh get in get the heck out of here I don't even care."
"I just put the thumb on my [__]. I don't listen to nobody else."
"Every calorie matters, [expletive] those hand pumps."
"She's not on her best behavior, she doesn't give a [ __ ] about when you or her over."
"Who cares if anybody thinks you're crazy if you're safe at the end of the day."
"...I seen him at a game when L was at Lakers and he was going commentate or whatever he tried to come at me and shake my hand I looked through him like glass."
"I don't give a fuck what you say."
"Trying to disregard anyone with that much blessing in a place that serious, it didn't pan out for him."
"A [__] ain't gonna never like respect that because it's like none of that [__] is gonna matter."
"There is utter and complete disregard for Sue, for me, for any of the participants on the show."
"90% of the time we're just gonna ignore you."
"A pirate is a pirate. I don't care what title they have."
"'Jerry Jarrett, describe the hog pin match.' Huh, [__] him."
"He literally asked why would he lie about something so easily checkable. It's like you don't get his whole thing yet, do you? Because he doesn't [ __ ] give a [ __ ]."
"Nobody said us, nobody even looked at us."
"I don't listen to anybody that says anything about shortcrust pastry."
"Don't worry about the guys over here, they fight like girls."
"I did not give a [ __ ] what you guys did in Manchester."
"...when people go on down, it's a Ponzi scheme. Of course I know. I don't care. I just want to play."
"He's just a pothead again I guess he smokes a ton of cookies... we don't care we're just firing back at this point."
"I don't give a damn. I don't have to please no one."
"I'm never going to be paying attention to that."
"The lives of other people meant nothing to him."
"You were the most important to her and that didn't mean anything to you."
"You know it's kind of like neglect right off the bat."
"Don't waste your breath on people who don't care if you live."
"Forget about your opening two weeks, forget about your tiny little pocket planner experiment, those do not exist anymore."
"Seriously, everything you say, I don't really listen and it doesn't really matter to me."
"Rumors of an expected break were prevalent in Johnstown. It was that classic tale of a boy who cried wolf. But the dam always held, and over time, people began to disregard those tales."
"Feelings don't care about facts either."
"I want to be that voice for you because I'm not scared and I don't care what people think about me."
"All this he's showing is adding to, like, in a way, their own story that he's building around the Gite or the S dragons of how and even further on what we see later on in the chapter, just how they don't really don't care about anyone else."
"Just do it for yourself anyways. Who cares? That's the biggest piece of advice."
"And not to mention, he definitely didn't care about this girl's life, just send her on the freeway with her. Oh yeah, yeah."
"You can just sit and forget this."
"Theo's been able to largely turn a blind lie to most people."
"And that, my friends, is neglect."
"Do not listen to Bob, Bob is the corkiest person in this room."
"Her pleas for them to cease their battle are ignored."
"Pearl was cast off like an old shoe."