
Informative Content Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"Daily Peanut may not tell the future but it will divulge the unknown and keep you informed of world events in a balanced and bite-sized way."
"The contemporary media puts too much emphasis on making its reporting exciting, entertaining or otherwise emotive in ways which actually leave us less informed about the world around us than we would be without it."
"This isn't just a lineup list, this is going to equip you to make a purchasing decision for yourself."
"It's not the most flattering, but it's the most informative."
"Regardless if you'd like to read more about this decreasing eligibility as well as the text of this lawsuit from the six different states well I'll throw both of that into the description box below this video."
"One of the best aspects again, those who have not watched the video in the beginning, go there, look at that."
"Information that is very valid, very important, and at the same time super interesting."
"I hope this was informative and somewhat helpful."
"If you stick around till the end of this video, you will learn something new and useful that you can begin applying to your own investment research process today."
"This could be one of the most profitable videos you watch on YouTube."
"Hope you found this informative and interesting."
"I've become an instant fan of The Young Turks, great conversation, great takes, very informative."
"What I want to do in this video is explain what a mortgage is."
"My goal and my purpose on this channel is not to scare, not to push fear but to alert you of what's coming."
"Grab a coffee or a drink or a glass of wine because... I really want to give you all of the information!"
"In today’s article, we will give you 10 examples of just that… 10."
"I hope you found the above interesting and informative."
"What you're doing with your platform here it's very informative you're talking about some things that are really important and so I commend you for that."
"I wanted to give you some good information and make this video informative and helpful in some way."
"It's a great way to make pizza at home, there's a lot of articles about it that are far more informative than I'm being right now."
"I'm always binge-watching your YouTube, and they're so informative and make me feel a little less guilty about spending so much time on YouTube."
"I think this video is important to watch whether you are a shareholder of Tesla or you're interested in potentially becoming a Tesla owner."
"If you want to be in the know 10 out of 10 would recommend his channel."
"I really hope this was helpful... stay tuned for a ton of new Subaru content."
"Here's a nice feature right at the beginning, it tells you what's inside the kit and it also tells you what you need."
"People want to read something that brings value."
"Each and every video adds something to the table... incorporating new information... covering particular cases."
"Is there 101 facts about them? Well, yes, yes there are..."
"We try to bring in the news in a way that is informative and funny."
"I always think that the best videos are the videos that solve a problem."
"I try to be informative, to be provocative, and to uplift."
"Read the actual articles, not just the headlines."
"Lots of good information, lots of good opinions, lots of good points in this video."
"We will show you all the secrets, don't worry."
"I feel like the way that she describes things and the way that she explains things in the way that she talks about products are so informational thorough and I I don't know I really like listening to her talk about products."
"Now if you'll recall from my videos, tea extracts, black tea, green tea, they contain polyphenols."
"Thank you all so so much for tuning in for this video, I hope it was helpful if you're well coming in hot what's your exciting news for the day."
"I decided to make this video for you guys. Whether or not you own a dog, I think this is useful information."
"If you're interested in learning more details about each specific ride across all four Parks, I highly recommend checking out our 'Ranking Every Ride' series on our YouTube channel."
"Join fpc donate uh subscribe to fudbusters uh he'll give you great information trust me i watch it um and he'll make you laugh every now and then too which is also welcome"
"And for the most part should be you should see definite increase in your win right a few I said in this video this is don't get full this is actually plot anymore I think."
"It's honestly an awesome video, it talks about a lot of the design process behind the Yeezy brand, it's a really good watch and I definitely recommend it."
"Knowledge is power. If this is your first time to the channel, we give you more than just car reviews and first looks. We give you great information because knowledge is power."
"I want to thank you so much for watching and I hope it was helpful."
"By the time you've watched all three in this series you can buy a vehicle be fairly confident you've done everything you can to get a good one."
"I know job contracts sound boring, but before you click away, stick around so you could learn a thing or two about what your future company might try and do to you."
"I hope this video is helpful and giving you guys an insight on the many benefits of botox."
"In this video I am spilling the beans, giving you all the secrets and breaking down the top 15 hidden features that you need to know about."
"I hope this video helped you get a better idea of how much it costs to live in New York."
"This actually seems like it comes from people that know what they're talking about."
"That was amazing! Thank you so much for inviting us into your balcony cabin for this insightful interview."
"Independent filmmakers... producing wonderful documentaries loaded with helpful information."
"In this video I'll run down all your options and all the pros and cons."
"I just want this to be super informative, I personally watch so many of these videos before going off myself."
"...based on the knowledge that, as always, my intention for making these videos is to give you guys more information so that you are better able to make decisions for your pets."
"Now, I'm going to give you a quick background on the actual land."
"But you now know the truth because we showed it to you."
"I do deep dives and well-researched videos into books, news, and opinion."
"Thanks a bunch for taking the time to watch my RV videos, I hope this was very informative for you."
"I actually take responsibility because I should have filmed this video a long time ago to get people in the know and keep them abreast of some of these scams and some of these scammers and their shenanigans."
"Thank you guys so much for watching, if you found this video informative please consider leaving a like and a comment."
"Create content that answers those questions."
"Hope you found it informative, hope you enjoy it, but most of all, hope you guys do good, be good, drink your water."
"Stick around and watch all the way to the end because there's some really interesting information you may have never known before."
"Everything that I'll be sharing on this video are logical things that would take time to start seeing changes with."
"Answer questions. Yes, exactly, your clients are constantly asking you, 'Oh my gosh, what is my car accident claim worth?' Like, 'What is it going to cost to, you know, repair my roof?' Post about that."
"She's extremely creative, her videos are wonderfully entertaining, informative."
"Hey guys, love your channel, you're always so informative."
"I guarantee this will be much more entertaining and informative."
"Hopefully, you found this video useful, educational, helpful, or otherwise informative."
"Okay guys, well I hope this video was informative and useful, and please don't forget to like and subscribe if this helps you at all in any way."
"I hope y'all found this video informative and helpful, and inspirational to go ahead and get your horde under control."
"Thank you all very much for watching, hopefully you found this informative and delightful."
"All of this is very good information for you to know."
"I think this is going to be an eye-opening video for many of you."
"These switches are complicated, and I've tried to do my best to talk about enough to make the video interesting."
"If you've got a coffee in hand like I have, then sit back, watch the video, and hopefully it will become quite useful."
"There is lots of great, important, and really helpful information in tonight's show."
"If you found this video informative, please do leave it a thumbs up."
"I feel like those videos are probably the most informative as they give you the viewer and potential buyer a lot more context on how things relate to each other."
"There are tons of really great articles and content out there that do explain these differences."
"I hope that you found it informative and fun... but above all, I hope that you found it relaxing."
"We're building information that is useful for the end consumer of the documentation."
"I have yet in my personal researching to see a video on YouTube that is strictly informative about the dangers of opening a dybbuk box and the true story behind them."
"I really think the combination of the overhead, the outside, and the kitchen really can hopefully give you the most information possible."
"I hope this video was informative, give you some ideas on what to look for if you're looking to be a hammock camper."
"It is my intention for this video to give you the information that I believe that you need to make this the best month possible."
"This video is designed to give you the right information so you can make the right choice."
"Informative speeches would usually utilize facts and statistics in order to catch the interest of their audience."
"If you missed my first Nordstrom sale video, I covered all the key dates as well as must-know shopping tips for the sale."