
Faith Impact Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"God can make things happen suddenly, a culmination of all that time you believed."
"If the bones of Jesus of Nazareth were suddenly unearthed, the faith of professing Christians around the world would be shaken to its very foundation."
"All it takes is one dogma. If the dogma is claimed to be infallible, that's why it's so important not to yoke the consciences of Christians to believe things that are beyond what the gospel would require of us."
"The lifestyle of a believer should stagger the imagination of the world."
"Many viewers report testimonies of miracles, signs, and wonders."
"Could it be that you're praying for people like me who never heard the name of Jesus, were in an anti-God family household, but because of your prayers, because of your belief, your faith, it led to them being saved?"
"God is releasing a nation-shifting anointing into the hearts of faithful believers."
"There's always a way to win a game; you just gotta figure it out."
"I want people to leave church and believe that they can fly, Sadie, that they can fly."
"Faith has a way of causing Jesus to respond to your critics when you don't have to."
"A good-hearted Christian would not suddenly become vile and mean-spirited if they stopped believing in God."
"If Jesus is who He says He is, the very Son of God, God in human flesh dwelling among human beings, this has huge implications on almost everything else a person believes."
"Devotion to God can replace whatever you're doing, even a worldly weakness."
"It's not the 10% that impacts the blessing. It's the faith that impacts the blessing."
"I do not take it lightly what God is doing here."
"Faith brings powerful results. Withstand the onslaught of the enemy with faith."
"Big prayers... moved by audacious prayers... faith moves God."
"I asked Apostle Tim and Carol, could I come in a day early and just get here last night and just rest and pray and thank God for what he's doing in this region."
"Thank you pastor steven for letting us ride your spiritual coattails your faith has allowed us to see what god can do through us."
"My facts don't change the truth but my faith in the truth changes the facts."
"God people can see it and rejoice and the devils can see it and get mad. That's right."
"True faith will no more fail to produce good works than the sun can cease to give light."
"Real faith can grab God's attention in heaven and move him into action on your situation."
"The skeptics have to be right every time, the believers only need to be right once."
"Eucharistic miracles focus on the supernatural breaking into the natural order."
"Faith, the mover of mountains, the worker of miracles, is the conscious mind acting on the subconscious mind."
"Faith has to have material realities for my life."
"Faith even as small as a mustard seed can move mountains regardless of the magnitude of your challenges."
"That little bit of faith that I had to keep her ended up being the catalyst for countless lives being saved through the Holy Spirit, through the messages, helping people to wake up to the deception. That's pretty amazing."
"Faith is not struggling with issues, it creates solutions."
"God is unravelling the works of the enemy through our prayers and understanding."
"The triumph of the Immaculate Heart will leave the world unrecognizable."
"Jericho is real, if you don't see it in your life, a priesthood already brought it down for you."
"The movement that Jesus Christ unleashed in this world when he died and rose again does not depend on qualified human government for its existence."
"Your past victories will be waiting for you in a place of your future assignment if you'll finish the job."
"Sometimes faith changes the situation; sometimes faith changes the way you see the situation."
"Unwavering faith has a lot to do with your career."
"Expect converts to your faith. There will be division, some will laugh, but the gospel has power to change lives."
"Faith stands in the gap between you understanding and you experiencing."
"Sowing good seed in the good ground and watching a good God do what your eyes haven't seen or your ears haven't heard."
"Faith is supposed to produce an experience."
"Your faith is powerful and God is going to use you in big ways."