
Uncertain Future Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"There is a bizarre silver lining perhaps still out there."
"It’s unclear what the future of Chernobyl will look like once the war is over."
"We are in the end game. How long the end game is nobody knows but we've never been this significant."
"Anything can happen, we're getting into that territory."
"There has never really been such a pressing need to prepare for an uncertain future."
"Millions of Afghan women and girls received an education, now the future they promised is dangerously close to slipping away."
"The whole thing is going to disappear with a roar."
"I think it's safe to say he has now lost some credibility and he might not be here for a long long time."
"There are some indications that it's the end of everything as we know it."
"It would be seismic. If that happens, it's... oh, I don't even know what the outcome is going to be. I can't imagine happening, since the U.S. and Mexico are such vital trade partners, big time."
"With COVID virus, there is a perception... we are in for some very interesting times."
"At this point, it really is difficult to see much of a future ahead for Anthem."
"It's not over by any stretch of the imagination."
"It's really scary, the entire world is changing."
"None of us has a crystal ball, but we don't want to downplay the voice of the Holy Spirit."
"We're not quite there yet, and perhaps there's still a chance."
"Thanos is situated okay, here's the problem with that: the extinction level event that he's talking about hasn't happened yet, so why is he doing it now?"
"I'm gonna stay positive... let's see what happens."
"The whole year will be sideways, some fireworks here and there."
"As long as even the slightest sparking ember of hope remained to those who persisted, the future would remain far from set."
"The world has drastically changed. It is clear, you graduate into an increasingly unsettled world where long-standing principles are at risk."
"The fact of the matter is, Days Gone 2 is currently dead in the water, it's been cancelled and its future is in limbo."
"I fear right now, right now I'm not the only one, there are a lot of folks who have very serious concerns about, you know, these coming times."
"Once they're wiped out who knows who's next."
"We don't know what's coming but let me say this certainly much will depend on on how we respond."
"Everybody seems to be an expert on Afghanistan at the moment but I just... I don't think we know how it's going to play out."
"But our success will have to be judged, I'm afraid, in the days and weeks ahead as we look at the numbers that come in."
"Even if Russia were to take a more democratic path, it's not clear who would regain power."
"Even if the future is not guaranteed to be positive, even if you are just imagining the future with the potential of it being positive and you know the steps of how to get to that positive future, you're in a pretty empowering place to be."
"It's important to understand this is only one part of a larger operation and that the future of this counter-offensive might still be up in the air."
"If you're a parent, half of your job is to lie and tell kids that it's gonna be okay when you don't know if it is."
"There is this very calm before a massive storm that's kind of how you feel you're like you can feel it but you're just not really sure what exactly is out there."
"This man is a part of it. Will this man be a part of it? Maybe. I absolutely hope so."
"The road ahead is uncertain, but the end is clear."
"We all just decided we wanted to just make as much fun as we could with the rest of what we're going to be doing because we don't know how long we're going to be doing this."
"Come mid-February... probably won't have a day job."
"Will he that remains a question only time will answer whether he will be yet again the victorious notorious you will have to wait and see."
"Warner, nobody knows what the hell is going on."
"I think absolutely yes to that we just don't know it yet."
"Nothing is certain with Togashi but the implication here is that next chapter she gets kidnapped and that is what rocks the spiders."
"I don't know where all this goes, but the truth is there are people who have a plan."
"The devil's in the details and the details aren't all that clear. What's next isn't all that clear, how it's going to go about isn't all that clear."
"It is very dark times potentially that are coming here."
"I think um regarding the safety situation I think ban or no ban I don't think he's done there."
"I think we're in for what our Chinese friends call an interesting time."
"The present time is short, the future is doubtful, the past is certain."
"These cute and fluffy chicks have an uncertain future, but there is hope for them."
"The series ends positively on the whole but it doesn't shy away from the fact that Kimball's life has been irrevocably altered and you don't really know where he's going to go from here."
"It's too soon to guess what the future has in store for her and her tattered relationship."
"Just because the success of the video industry has been like a fairy tale, that doesn't mean it will necessarily live happily ever after."
"All you want to do is live life to the fullest because tomorrow might not come."
"All I know for sure is we are all in for one heck of a ride."
"Mother, what are we going to do?" Robb asked, his eyes shining.