
Constants Quotes

There are 161 quotes

"There's always a lighthouse, there's always a man."
"War never changes... but sometimes the sides do."
"What if constants like the speed of light and the gravitational constant are not as constant as we think they are?"
"War, war never changes except it totally does."
"No matter whether you create one circle or thousand circles, pi value is always going to be constant."
"One could say there are three constants in life: death, taxes, and The Simpsons"
"This was a complicated way of saying that we take the smallest term and we just write it as a constant."
"Exponents inside the logs turn into constant factors, bases turn into constant factors."
"The horizon is always at eye level, no matter how high you go."
"The story has one constant: it always changes."
"The only thing that is constant in life is change."
"There's always a man, there's always a city, there's always a scientist, there's always a girl."
"The one thing that is constant in the world is change."
"Time travel all the time happens constantly."
"The autoionization constant of water, Kw, is 1 times 10 to the negative 14 at 25 degrees Celsius."
"There are fundamental constants in the world of physics. With their help, only you can derive all physical laws."
"Because there are certain scenarios that if the constants were very much different from what they are we wouldn't be around to observe it." - Prof. Eaves
"My favorite symbol? I don't know if we've done the favorite one yet. But my favorite symbol at the moment is probably lambda, the cosmological constant." - Prof. Copeland
"The biggest constant in life is how unpredictable it is."
"All the constants considered universal in contemporary physics can be derived from a single fundamental Universal constant."
"One of the tricky things about thinking about things that will never change is that we are constantly force-fed things that either are changing."
"If you can show that the constants of nature happen to be so that they maximize the number of black holes in the universe, that's predictive."
"Also, k will not change if you change the reactants or the concentration of the products. It will not change if you were to change the pressure or the volume of the reaction."
"changing just a tiny number inside these constants would actually shut down everything"
"The fine structure constant is dimensionless so it's a number which means that it doesn't depend on what units you use to measure it."
"There are several constants in life: death, taxes, and Star Trek."
"This cosmological constant, this density, this number that indicates the degree of density of dark energy in the universe has an astonishingly small value."
"Change and death are the only two constants in life."
"I'm not sure that's true that our best theory would have no constants. I think you should just be open-minded when you're moving from our current theories to better theories."
"What doesn't change are its principles."
"Pure functional programming, everything's immutable, everything's a constant."
"Here you have a really interesting circumstance where this constant, which could have had almost any value you could imagine, happens to have exactly the precise value."
"Constants have to be assigned a value at the time of declaration only and we cannot change the value of the variable throughout the program."
"If a franchise can last for over 50 years and become one of the top grossing film franchises of all time while switching actors and directors, it seems like it's constants that make the film stick: the martinis, the action, the beautiful locations, the ladies..."
"constants are alternatives to variables everything we said before also applies to constants except you can't change its value once it's created."
"We’ve also probably heard about the number e."
"Enums are a powerful tool in programming that allow you to define a set of named constants."
"The fact that it doesn't matter sort of morally corresponds to the fact that some number is constant. It would not change if you did shift in that particular direction. This is just the formalization of that."
"So why are the physical constants showing this beautiful property that allows the universe to be right for life?"
"But tau the time constant itself is helping linearly."
"But maybe they have different physical constants maybe the con of the speed of light is different or the charge in electron is different."
"It's always money, power, greed. It's one of those things that are there all the time."
"Acceleration of 9.8 meters per second squared. Yeah, 9.8 meters per second, that's a constant. That's a constant of nature."
"We have not lost the ancient constants of energy, impetus, or momentum angular momentum that come from the homogeneity of space and time."
"Atoms are ideal for when you have a small set of words that are going to be used throughout the application that indicates some meaning."
"Khinchin's constant is a remarkable number, actually."
"The derivative of any constant is zero."
"If these fundamental constants were to differ only slightly, those complex structures wouldn't exist. We wouldn't exist."
"There's probably been more rubbish written about this number than any other constant except possibly for pi."
"Avogadro's number... it's a really, really big number. It's 6.02 times 10 to the 23rd."
"Any exponential graph that's given to us in this way, something to the power of x, is always going to cross through the point one on the y-axis."
"We don't actually know what the constant is, so we always have to put plus C at the end."
"We've got our plus C at the end, and really, really important, we don't forget that plus C."
"The limit of a constant is always itself."
"Any number to the power zero is one."
"Any log, regardless of any base as long as it's log one, regardless of any base is zero."
"Pi is the most famous irrational number."
"If y is equal to kx, where k is a constant, y is 24 when x is 6."
"The fundamental things apply, as time goes by."
"A constant is a fixed value that cannot be altered by the program during its execution."
"In a world full of variables, we need a few constants."
"The Compton wavelength of the electron is a universal constant."
"The speed of light is the sort of fundamental constant of nature."
"The negative one-half is always part of the formula and it's related to gravity."
"It's one of the great mysteries of physics, a magic number that comes to us with no understanding by man."
"The only way that two expressions, completely dependent on different variables, can be equal is if both are equal to a constant."
"The conditions of our Universe were likely very dependent on the tiniest variations in certain physical constants."
"If you take the circumference of any circle and divide it by the diameter, you get Pi."
"Given that A is constant, show that R equals plus or minus 1 over the square root of K."
"Angles in a circle will always add up to 360 degrees."
"Your birthday is a good example of a const; your birthday is never going to change."
"Anything to the power of zero is always one."
"The equilibrium constant Kc is calculated from the product of the concentration of the products divided through by the reactants."
"Zero one because if you plug in 0, a constant raised to 0 always gives you 1."
"It combines five of the most important constants in mathematics."
"It's astronomically more probable than the massive universe we actually see with its fine-tuning constants."
"There are these physical constants that if they were slightly different, the universe wouldn't exist or it wouldn't exist in a form of life as we know it."
"Stress times the square root of crack length is a constant."
"If we look at the bigger picture, maybe these constants will not remain constant."
"Its speed in a vacuum, approximately 300,000 meters per second, is one of the fundamental constants of nature."
"If something you know isn't going to change, you can assign it to a constant."
"The sum of all the exterior angles will always add up to 360 degrees."
"Remember Avogadro's number is 6.022 times 10 to the 23rd per every one mole."
"Melting and boiling always require heat; that will always be true, there are no exceptions."
"A complete theory of reality must do without any so-called constants of nature."
"Euler's identity, it's one of the most famous identities because it has e, i, pi, and negative one."
"A constant is a name or a label which is used to identify a memory location used to store a value that cannot change while the program is running."
"A constant holds a value but cannot be changed after it's set."
"The derivative of a constant is 0."
"For mechanical systems, you will never find that the potential energy is a function of time or velocity."
"Any number to the zero power is equal to one."
"No matter what happens in any relationship, those are the staples for sure."
"Create some game constants... this is where I'll put colors because a lot of the colors in Pygame are RGB fashion."
"Pi is one of the most important numbers in all of mathematics."
"The derivative of a function that's always equal to a constant is always zero."
"The constants of physics... are beginning to suspect are not constant at all."
"Why do people think this identity is so nice? Well, it involves a bunch of fundamental constants \( e, \pi, i, 1, 0 \) and nothing else, and it relates them all in one unified equation. Ah, beautiful."
"Nim also supports constant data and the neat thing about this is that Nim can actually compute this data at compile time for you."
"For a solid, it does not matter whether it is CP or CV, because for solids, CP and CV are the same."
"When we talk about the Planck's constant, gravitational constants, we're not talking about biology; we're talking about physics."
"The hypotenuse... will always be the variable C in the Pythagorean theorem."
"Gibbs will notice that the ripple height... approaches a famous number."
"There's always an auntie and an uncle."
"The speed of light in a vacuum is 3 times 10 to the 8th meters per second."
"The fine-structure constant... governs the interaction between light and matter."
"That's kind of a fun result because 2 pi I over e contains four of the most important mathematical constants."
"The limit as X approaches infinity would just be 2."
"We can indeed take solace in the few constants that we have in our world."
"Gravity is generally used as being 9.8 meters per second squared in M1."
"Upon eliminating the arbitrary constants, we will be able to determine the differential equation of that certain equation."
"The number of constants defines how many times we are going to derive the function."
"It's just like your regular old number e or pi, you might know them better, but they are still just numbers."
"This is a fabulous result as the outcome of the equation includes some of the most important mathematical constants."
"This is e to the first power, which is e."
"Matlab knows that pi is the number Pi."
"Anything to the zero power, other than zero, is one."
"Elimination of arbitrary constants is the essence of understanding the family of curves."
"Whenever we integrate, arbitrary constants would be present in the solution."
"If the condition is changed, the value of the arbitrary constant will also change."
"There are three constants in life: change, principles, and the power to choose your response to the other two."
"Y is proportional to X if there's a nonzero constant K such that Y equals KX."
"The lower bound is always here, and the upper band is always here."
"Public classes should have no public fields, with the exception of constants."
"The Redberg constant explains to a part in 10 to the 10th all of the energy levels of one-electron systems."
"It's important, these constants are comforting."
"Consider seven; when we add one to seven, we get eight, but the thing is, seven is still seven."
"The current output is equal to some constant times my previous output plus the input multiplied by a constant."
"By eliminating the arbitrary constant, we will be left with the desired differential equation."
"If your data is going to change, make it a variable; if your data will never change, make it a constant."
"The exact ratio is a fundamental constant of nature denoted by the Greek letter pi."
"To make that an equals, all we need to do is introduce a k constant to the right-hand side."
"...if any one of those six numbers was just a bit different then we wouldn't be here; the universe would hardly be here..."
"...one could imagine a theist thinking of God with six knobs that he can twiddle setting up the constants of the universe..."
"This ratio of square root mu zero by epsilon zero is indicated by a special symbol called eta zero, that zero stands for free space."
"There's three things that always come to light: the sun, the moon, and the truth."
"We should always try to think about invariants."
"We have our X and we have our Y, and the last stage of this problem is to write our X and Y together but using only the constants from X."
"Euler's number e has had an established place in mathematics alongside the Archimedean number pi."
"The value of k1, k2, k3 is defined in table 12 depending upon the end condition."
"The gravitational constant is related to the speed of light, the mass, and the distances in the universe."
"I look at this universe; I see the harmony of the universal constants."
"The beauty of complex numbers is that i^2 is -1, always."
"The Faraday's constant is 96,500 coulombs."
"It is much better to declare that a constant and declare that at the top."
"Throughout all the worlds and all the universes, there's always been a few universal truths."
"I squared is negative 1. Always, always, always."
"If you have an ideal gas, Z is 1. So I think that's important."
"The value of the proportionality constant is 60."