
Egolessness Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"We're working together with many different countries, and we have no ego."
"Hockey guys are... it could be the same guy giving every interview. They have no ego whatsoever."
"A dead man does not respond, a dead man has no ego to protect."
"Love is the only answer, no ego, no hatred, no wars."
"The best moments in life are when your ego is meaningless."
"How to recognize both of you are meant for each other finding the one there is no ego let me repeat that there is no ego."
"Surrender your ego, cultivate gratitude, be service to others."
"The sixth verse translation is realizing the self in all and all in the self, free from egoism and free from the sense of mind, be happy."
"Be very compassionate, this is about not having ego or you know not having too much pride in the negative sense."
"Zero ego, kindness, joy, that's how this works."
"I can't speak for the other artists that he works with but my experience with Jack is that he's just so egoless."
"So when praying, when sitting, when meditating, don't say 'I am meditating,' 'I am praying.'"
"That beautiful awareness is that egolessness that is emptiness but it is alive."
"The gift of letting go and letting be is an awakening beyond ego, a homecoming to the truth, to the love, to the spirit that expresses who we really are."
"When there is no more anyone, there's no longer anybody who is experiencing life all the time as a me."
"Fred had this grace about him, he was so egoless, he had no ego."
"When we are in a more egoless state we are just immersed in that web of life."
"To feel that I'm ordinary is egolessness, to think I'm extraordinary is ego."
"Your part is only to say thank you, burn my house down, rid me of ego, merge me with you."
"Seva with love is important, Seva with egolessness is very important... then it is really equal to meditations."
"When intention is not overshadowed by the ego, then it organizes its own fulfillment."
"It will only be creative when we are no longer ruled by the ego, or no longer ruled by personal gain."
"Live life purely from the knowing, from that knowing your needs will be answered like this because they won't be interfered with by the ego, by the thought process."
"Duality ceases to exist; there is no ego, no 'I'."
"My purpose in a relationship is not to gratify my ego or have you gratify my ego; my spiritual purpose is to dispossess myself of ego to gratify our relationship."
"Nihung means being free [ni-] from ego [-hung]."
"Whether or not the ad-libs end up on the screen, the creative energy that is created in the recording studio as a result of this whole experience being utterly egoless."
"Humility is to be without ego, to actually see that there's a higher power than ourselves at work, and to be an instrument of that power without selfishness, without ego."
"It's not about the self anymore, if the ego mind has dissolved, it's much more about the community, the people, the others, helping others achieve."
"It is your responsibility to teach and to teach without ego, to teach with compassion."
"Harmony means there's no ego involved."
"We can love, without attachment. And that's the perfect love because it keeps our ego out of it."
"Actions performed with no thought of the ego purify the mind and help to fix it in meditation."
"We can experience ourselves as God, the infinite and absolute reality, only in our natural state of complete egolessness."
"We've got no bad habits, we've got no egos."
"There was never any ego involved because there couldn't be."
"You have to take the ego out of it and know that it's a lot of different people with a lot of different perspectives that have to be heard."
"The self of the egoless state is often called the Great self."
"What is loosely called knowing the self is really being egoless and the self."
"Impersonality, egolessness, is Plus; personality is minus."
"The state of Deliverance is described as the egoless state."
"Deliverance is here and now, if only we lose the ego."
"No ego at all means that there are no self images left, there are no thoughts about oneself that one believes in, tries to justify, tries to defend; there's just being."
"If we get rid of the ego then the love can come forth."
"Nature doesn't have any ego, every time we've been close to nature, we've been happy and happier."
"He is down to earth; I've never seen the guy have an ego trip."
"When there's no ego, you ask not what God can do for you; you ask what you can do for God."
"The sage tells us that there is only one kind of deliverance, namely egolessness."
"Take your egos and leave them in the grass; we're not going to need them today."
"True devotion when you feel that you and my Lord are not different, that is where you don't have any ego."
"It felt bigger than us all and there was no ego."
"A relationship that is free of the tyranny of the ego is a tender, loving, warm-hearted, humorous, friendly relationship, fearless."
"Unbroken peace is synonymous with the pure Jeevan Mukta, free of ego and delusion."
"Being a saint means to love God, means to completely give up the ego, and to merge in that one."
"The absence of ego itself is liberation and pure joy."
"Our consciousness has no shape, name, or form; it is free of ego."
"Ego cannot exist, there's just ego cannot be there."
"You appear before God short of any element of your ego."
"To prove yourself to Krishna means to show that I have no more ego, I have no more pride."
"When we're with someone who is not in their ego and they're comfortable in their own skin, we relax."
"If that happiness in which there is no room for ego were truly ours, there would be no insecurity left in us, no fear, no anxiety."
"When we talk about enlightenment, we are talking about that mind which is perceiving in every moment without the obstruction of an egoistic filter."
"Once we realize this state, once we recognize this, we say, 'Ah, this is that mind that is without all of those things,' and then to live every moment without that egoistic filter on that inner eye, that is what has to be done, that is the real goal."
"When you get rid of that ego, that's all you see is one unified whole, that connection of everything in one's being is what is apparent when that ego has gone away."
"Those moments are so beautiful, everyone's at their purest, everyone is like no ego."
"Seva is the very act of serving as an act to drop your ego."
"Compassion, humility, and the almost or total absence of ego."
"For a song to be conscious, it really can't have a lot of ego in it; it has to be more about the people and what we're going through."
"From humility comes compassion, and from humility comes egolessness."
"With the ego, you think about yourself, not others. So if you have a lot of love and compassion, you don't have ego because you think about other people."
"Let go of any resentment or grudges. Get ego out of the way."
"Generosity is often about letting go of the ego and giving with your whole heart to show that you truly care."