
Thematic Focus Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"The main purpose behind the show, it's all about the global financial collapse."
"Doom's violence is the end, the destination, and the thing the road is paved with."
"This operation is an extremely exciting one for me personally because this one is all zombies."
"This whole movie is now just Candyman. He's everywhere."
"By building games around a particular theme or idea rather than a mechanic, we allow gamers of all skill levels to engage with the same experience."
"The focus on the town makes Season 3 stand out."
"history past present future book one basis itself off of what decade was going to be about."
"Shall we just get into it? You reckon? Gonna speak some Dragon show words to one another. That's what we're doing here, we're just gonna talk dragon show."
"Violence works and using your hands to express emotions was a big theme of the night."
"According to Brad Bird, the interesting thing to him was never the superhero part of it, it was more the family dynamic and how superhero things play into that."
"It perfectly encapsulates the mind of Louis Wayne, a man that absolutely adored cats."
"Harry never shows any interest in Ginny until the sixth book, the Half-Blood Prince, which is a book that heavily focuses on potions—like, heavily."
"In Psycho, the MacGuffin is the money, but the story isn't about money at all."
"Despite the end of the year being a bit lackluster... overall this truly has been the year of the monster."
"The big conceit of this mod pack is alchemistry, right? It's in the name: antimatter chemistry."
"It's not a revolutionary game; it's an evolutionary game about revolution."
"I think it's wonderful to have entertainment for small children, but I think that's more of a land rather than an entire park."
"Evolution is the central theme of the franchise."
"Season 9 focused on issues 127 to about issue 147."
"I feel like this is the game that you know, people who love the dwarves in Tolkien's world, like this is a game you've been waiting for all your life."
"The general balance of this season focuses on a single concept... Healing."
"The Germany Pavilion... one of the signature attractions of the World Showcase."
"This isn't an amusement park, it's a theme park and it's a full complete experience."
"The Bible doesn't focus on individuals, it focuses on systems and kingdoms."
"One Piece has always been about willpower overcoming obstacles."
"Growing up isn't the focus of the show; the focus is to celebrate being a kid."
"It is Johto heavy, makes sense for the Pokemon movie."
"The whole theme of these talks is optimizing health and happiness."
"It's about family, it's always about family."
"Cyberpunk is about saving yourself, so it's more about you v saving you."
"It's women's month, I believe. This is kind of a women empowerment movie."
"Themes focus your world building and provide impactful storytelling."
"If you love atmosphere, if you love stories that center stories, this is a fantastic read to check out."
"It wasn't about the love story, it was about their constitution."
"Wakanda Forever prioritizes sentiment over spectacle."
"The word that I'm thinking about is Blood Axe, how can I make this more Blood Axe?"
"Social justice stories aren't about character growth or heroism. They're about power and validation."
"Chaos seems likely to be the next focus for Warhammer 40K."
"There's nothing wrong with a story focusing on love and romance."
"It should have been focused on the nature of the world, not revenge."
"This book is less about vegetarianism and more about the suppression of women's freedom."
"Halloween three, more so than the first two, is about Halloween."
"We're not the Kondra Cranium crew, we're the Skeleton Crew, and we can talk about animals with bones."
"It's really fun to read a book where that's just the main focus."
"Evolution is the main overarching theme that we're going to talk about throughout all of biology."
"Focus on one theme or one subtheme at a time."