
Life Consequences Quotes

There are 93 quotes

"It's not a game... It's not a game. And there will be a time to pay for your choices."
"I'd rather be the idiot who spoke up and said something to you in life than the cool guy who said nothing and then mourned you in prison or the grave."
"We're going to reap what we sow, we are the sowers and we are the reapers, we're not helpless victims here."
"You don't get away with things in this life. You get your comeuppance one way or the other."
"It's going to ruin your life to get in trouble for something these days. It can ruin your life to find out, you know, you tweeted when you were 14, something like homophobic or racist, or even a joke."
"The fate of someone else's life is hanging in the balance, and you're the one who is about to tip the scales."
"Everything rebounds on us. Whatever we are sending automatically it will come back to us."
"It's all fun and games until somebody you know is no longer breathing."
"This life follows you. It clings to you, infecting everyone who comes close to you."
"You can't do things in life, you know what I'm saying? You can do things in life and at some point in time it catches up with you."
"There are things that are life and death decisions... It will be the death of your happiness, it will be the death of your soul, it will be the death of your confidence, and then what is life?"
"Live by the sword, die by it. He needs to get his coat, he needs to leave."
"Your mouth will either make you great or get you killed."
"All of a sudden, when the veil of pomp and circumstance is lifted and you just see this is a kid who had to make some tough decisions, who ultimately is gonna have to live with this for the rest of his life."
"If you're trying to prevent them from killing themselves... you're still going to end up dying if they're using drugs."
"Being paralyzed and not making a choice is the real way that you lose all of the real possibilities in your life."
"The worst decision of her life would prove to end this 20-plus year saga."
"Just because someone makes a mistake doesn't mean they should pay for it for the rest of their lives."
"Your words have such a big impact in your life that due to the consequence of what you say you could live or die."
"It's telling you the backstory of the drug dealer, how he got to this point, and also the sort of glory behind it, the glory of the 88 Doughboy clean in a beamer, but also the pitfalls of the game."
"He destroyed his life, he destroyed the life of another, he destroyed his family, his sons, and everybody in their wake all for what? Because of jealousy."
"When they make up their bed the way they make their bed every time and they now have to lie on that bed they blame other people for it."
"People are going to die if we make abortion illegal."
"The drama is the hatred is the jealousy and those things then lead to actions that will challenge duality to the max and that is when lives are taken over."
"The only thing you need to fear is the consequences from living an inauthentic life."
"Render times are important because if you spend too long rendering, you'll end up like me living in a box on the side of the highway."
"Having kids by multiple women can destroy your life."
"They're steadily coming to terms with the fact that they cannot outrun the bad decisions from their own past."
"You sleep in the [] bed you make and you have to take full accountability for the [] that you do."
"There are real consequences to this sort of insanity, consequences on a life basis."
"I'm sorry to that lady but oh well your daughter calls this for you and that's just life I don't feel bad about none of that."
"Sorrys don't really do a lot when it comes to life and death situations."
"Do not be in the category of people who perish because of a lack of knowledge."
"You always take L's standing on principles, being loyal."
"You've lost your life if you continue in sin."
"Rather than build something out of her life, she was going to destroy someone else's."
"He deserves all the negative karma in his life; he's going down!"
"Beyond romance, your decisions have significant consequences."
"Whatever you do in this moment, it will ricochet throughout the rest of your future."
"I didn't feel like there was any thinking of what it would do if you couldn't make it."
"Men who live by violence often die by violence."
"You get to make decisions and then whatever the consequences of your decisions, you then have to live with them."
"Your job is to actually see what effects you've produced in your life as a result of it. I mean why else would we do this?"
"All it takes is one little overconfident stupid decision to ruin your life." - "Sweet Karma sandwich."
"You're just an absolute clown for life and you can end up throwing your life away," - Commentator
"That's how Victor Jonai won the lottery over and over while simultaneously ruining his life."
"Accusing someone of being a predator isn't humbling them, it's ruining their life."
"You live by the gun, you're gonna die by the gun."
"I shouted out into an empty room, into a blank canvas, that I would defeat the forces of evil, and for the next 10 years of my life, I suffered the consequences."
"This will not end anytime soon for him. The accountability will be for the rest of his life."
"People tried to poison my dogs because of that relationship." - "Life has a way of whatever you deserve you'll ultimately get."
"I kind of like the idea that Boba Fett is having to live out the rest of his life knowing the things that he's done and he... it kind of haunts him."
"There is a final reckoning where I receive the due rewards of my deeds, whether good or bad."
"Horror is about how we confront death and deal with the sins of our life that have never been paid for."
"Don't blame us when you're dead pop busted and disgusted [] popped up like a stolen [] Honda minivan."
"It's a hell of a thing killing a man; they take away all he's got and always every gun on."
"For every action, there will be a consequence."
"Unseen thoughts produce visible consequences in our life." - Dr. Charles Stanley
"The only reason you're in the emotional space that you're in now is because you made that decision."
"Lying to yourself can work in this life; it won't work in the next life."
"When you manage situations by accident, you exist as an accident."
"A low-level Talent was tantamount to a life that would be chaotic."
"Keep the heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life."
"Our actions, our karma, our merit, this is going to be a key factor in essentially how we end up."
"What a man sows, that shall he reap."
"Bringing up themes of fate, choice, and the consequences of tampering with life and death."
"Karma doesn't exist? Then explain why you are homeless, definitely starving, and none of your family members are willing to let you in."
"I think you did something terribly wrong, and you're going to spend the rest of your life regretting it."
"So also goes the game of life: an accident, a judge hands down a light sentence, a son turns against the rule of law."
"A man who lives by the sword dies by the sword."
"Accidents in the back seat cause children, and children in the backseat cause accidents."
"Facing all of our Karma, facing our habits, facing karma is nothing but the consequences of past actions."
"I hope people stop running behind popularity, as too much of anything can destroy your life forever, or even kill you."
"Gifts of Fortune and of nature be cause of death to many a creature."
"Like everything in life, you reap the consequences of your actions."
"Anything you do in life has consequences, good or bad."
"The condition of wakefulness is to have been gathered into the myriad sequence of consequence that is generated as a consequence of how you have proceeded in your life."
"I am the consequence, unintended or otherwise, of the way life has been lived until now."
"Our actions have consequences. There are no cheat codes or do-overs in life, even if you do got a time machine."
"Whatever Karma I shall do, for good or for ill, of that I will be the heir."
"The promise and warning of Scripture is that we reap what we sow."
"Everyone wants to live a long life, but one of the consequences of living a long life is you outlive everyone that you know and love."
"He had everything that a lot of people would kill for, and he killed to have something different."
"It's been said that karma is a boomerang; good or bad, whatever you put out into the universe will eventually come back to you."
"Everything in this life comes with a price; your friend paid the price this time. All you wanted was free pizza."
"Whatever good arises in your life is the fruit of your past virtue. Whatever bad arises in your life is a fruit of your past non-virtue."
"Happiness and misery are not rewards and punishment from a supernatural being; they are the inevitable effects of the causes that you have performed yourself."